Top 20 tribes

  • Thread starter DeletedUser56732
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Just to throw this out there, and I may not be in the know....

But didn't A-21 get formed, when the world was dead and dying, as one last ditch effort to put down TDE, who was dominating the world?
How can one claim they had the best leadership, if they didn't even show up until the 11th hour of the party?


Fact is, on the 12th hour of this partey, we crashed TDE.

A-21 was formed out of RaiD and NOB!!, and to be honest, the stats didn´t look great for both back then. Without this "merge", we could not have won this world.

But heres the thing. We were still the same players, just under one roof instead of 2. Logic dictates, we would have still lost. But we didn´t. So there must be some reason, why we got so strong, that we could win. For me, quite simply, that reason is our leadership. I had the honour to be allowed to be part of it for a short while. And thats why i know, we could not have done it without such a good leadership.

I recon, you can be a great player, but you cannot win, if your on your own, like you are under a bad leadership. We won, and not just by a little bit.

Kind regards.


Edit: Its not like we haven´t seen this leadership before. Foc, HS, both were in Rx4U, both led that tribe to what i think the worlds best tribe. And now, together with James, well, the led A-21 to the win.
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Just to make rohan feel all warm and fuzzy, i think SIO had the best leadership :p

One Last Shot...

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Just to throw this out there, and I may not be in the know....

But didn't A-21 get formed, when the world was dead and dying, as one last ditch effort to put down TDE, who was dominating the world?
How can one claim they had the best leadership, if they didn't even show up until the 11th hour of the party?

That is a valid point.

I would go by what Camel has said on his post personally. My own viewpoint on this is as follows:

I have played in most key tribes in this world at various points, between quitting and returning to the game at a later date, which could have been considered as the best led tribe by the community, minus Rx4U and ~RAID~. Tribes such as:

-V- before the leadership changed to sir8myshorts (the death sentence of this tribe)
LosT - briefly well led

So, when I say that based on experience I can only look at the Rx4U and A-21 leaderships as being the strongest ones, there is an element of experienced viewpoint in that judgement. And that includes stating that my own leadership of -V- from the early days through until I stepped out of the leadership was nothing in comparison to these. T.D.E was at one point well led. I liked them - however, they never stopped being more interested in recruitment than war. And, as soon as T.D.E was clearly going to be beaten by the war machine that is A-21, their leaders quit. The replacement leaders also quit. The replacement replacement leaders also quit. Can a quitting leadership be considered as good as a leadership that returned when there was next to no hope left of winning, and turned 2 destructions in to 1 solid victory? I think not.

Now, Rx4U I would say hands down had the best leadership this world had seen before A-21 had formed. This is proven fact based on how successful they were, and how long they lasted before the tribe mainly decided to quit, with some joining ~RAID~. NOB!! also had done a good job up until the T.D.E war began.

There is simply no way to consider any tribe to have existed in W39, as being as strong leadership wise as A-21 though. Simply because, no other tribe in this world has taken a situation with nearly no hope, and turned it in to what is about to be a a world victory for the team. It is an honour to play and serve under these leaders - no other leadership has ever managed to keep me interested in to end game before, and this leadership has managed to keep it going. It is a credit to the team and the leadership that such activity still exists at this stage of the game.
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Simply because, no other tribe in this world has taken a situation with nearly no hope, and turned it in to what is about to be a a world victory for the team. It is an honour to play and serve under these leaders.

+1, I fully agree.

Now, I may not be known to many people outside of A-21. So who am I: well, i was on the "thecamel" acc, then on "giants07" and until a few days ago on "CRAZY14U". I have been on this world for a long time, but was never in one of the "big" tribes. Simple reason for that: I was stuck in IRON for a long time, until i got taken into RaiD.

So my impressions of the leaderships I have seen may be a little different. But non the less, I recon, I have seen enough.

Iron leadership: wow, i can´t even remember who the leaders were. Just shows, that they weren´t good and therefore not worth remembering. Pretty much the reason, why I left IRON twice.

RaiD leadership: well, I witnessed 2 leaderships in my time there. I think, it was Max on the Joker acc for the first one. He did a really good job, he even took me in although my acc was in a location, where it could not have been saved, with the mighty woof right im back yard. Sadly, he had to step down due to serious health issues. I have not heard anything from him since then. With Max gone, RaiD got a little disorganised, until Foc and HS joined the scene. They made sure, RaiD didn´t just get eaten, although it was still looking bad. But then came the merge.

A-21 leadership: only 2 words: Pure elegance. Enough said.

Fact is, a leadership will not work without good and active members and the other way round. We in A-21 have both. I am glad, that I was allowed to be part of it. I have now retired. For now. But I will be back and I hope, I will once again be under the best leadership team there is. The A-21 leadership.



Just to throw this out there, and I may not be in the know....

But didn't A-21 get formed, when the world was dead and dying, as one last ditch effort to put down TDE, who was dominating the world?
How can one claim they had the best leadership, if they didn't even show up until the 11th hour of the party?

Ok Ill just address these posts one at a time.

I do agree the world was at a stand still where even Devils had their activity issues. The concept EndGame was a very long process that started before RX mass deleted.

GE if you remember your wish early on was to unite the map an have an all out east vs west battle to end it all. This was some 2 or more years ago after the fall of Shorts.

Joker and I took this concept to the next step and were about to dissolve Raid into RX because we didn't like Our only allies in this world. (thank my buddy Are for that) Or mass nuke and then delete.

The operation endgame which gave birth to A-21 came out of frustration after RX left us. We (RAID) took over a multitude of dead accounts and inactive members still loyal to RX, bitter that HS left them. There was the mega barb hunt where we spent all our nobles on securing our interior while holding TDE at bay.

KD came to us with the offer of a NAP temporary alliance which I gladly took In order to finish sorting our accounts. Several players switched accounts (legally) including myself. KD and QD themselves (knowing we were weak and out of nobles kept breaking their own agreement) We had no choice but to launch. If you check the stats that first day we took 24 TDE villages (correct me if im wrong going off memory TWIGS was a monster) The said we are sorry and I went back to fixing our broken and divide home.

I had no choice but to leave all out D in the south because of tensions with several members of NOB. At this time communications with us had just begun and although a line of communication was open there was no trust. Too much pride while KD was playing both sides and setting their front on us both.

I make no excuse that DEVILS wiped the floor with us. We had only 10 active members with one of our dukes terminally ill and the other one tied up in military bs me. I did my best....
I will say though that if Devils had a better leader they would have won this world easily. Arron their Defensive coordinator made me break out the military strategies and made coordinating fun. NOB had plenty of success of these same strategies.

One thing no member of Devils can state is that they didn't loose big taking any Raid village. Even dead accounts sniped their sorry trains. Unfortunately due to the sitting rules and players not being able to attack the same accounts etc we really couldn't attack

Max contacted UBM who contacted HS and crew.
The point of Endgame was to take all the active members of both Raid and NOB to form one active tribe and give this world the war it deserved to end it all.

All it did was expose the devils for being as weak as we all knew all along. (quality players here and there and they know who they are) The rest just rode coat tails.....Nillia etc.

Now my reason for saying A-21 has the best leadership cast in W 39 history is simple.

Because of its internal makeup.

All members of the council were appointed based of share ability and hard work. The trust, respect and the level of professionalism is unlike any organization I've ever been apart. It houses members of the most successful tribes on this world....RAID NOB RX4U OMEN. Now just how do you argue against that?
RaiD leadership: well, I witnessed 2 leaderships in my time there. I think, it was Max on the Joker acc for the first one. He did a really good job, he even took me in although my acc was in a location, where it could not have been saved, with the mighty woof right im back yard. Sadly, he had to step down due to serious health issues. I have not heard anything from him since then. With Max gone, RaiD got a little disorganised, until Foc and HS joined the scene. They made sure, RaiD didn´t just get eaten, although it was still looking bad. But then came the merge.

A-21 leadership: only 2 words: Pure elegance. Enough said.

No mate Max was terribly ill and I was the one that did the leading even the disorganized part. That happened when his memory went. I didn't know who was on what account. I let him handle the talks the internal restructure and he left without pulling me in the loop.

My sincerest apologies.
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Just to make rohan feel all warm and fuzzy, i think SIO had the best leadership :p

It wasn't the leadership but the supporting cast of players. It was fun watching these little big mouth tribes get wiped off the face of W39.

We took K72 in 3 days......

It felt great getting messages saying "I didnt thing you guys were that good, well done" lol

Then there were the bigger tribes that ate some long range coordinated nukes that exposed them.

I learned alot from you guys so thanks.....:icon_redface:


No mate Max was terribly ill and I was the one that did the leading even the disorganized part. That happened when his memory went. I didn't know who was on what account. I let him handle the talks the internal restructure and he left without pulling me in the loop.

My sincerest apologies.

My apologies, but I have to say, being stuck there in k44 knowing it could end at any point, I never gave too much attention to who did the leading. I had other problems, for example finding a reason to stay on this world. Im glad I found a reason, or i wouldn´t be here anymore.

However, in A-21, im glad i know, who the leaders are. Wouldn´t be good not knowing them, considering what great work they are doing.



Big posts can suck it. The world was won when Hybrid and me stopped spooning and he decided to go back to playing TW :)

One Last Shot...

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GE if you remember your wish early on was to unite the map an have an all out east vs west battle to end it all. This was some 2 or more years ago after the fall of Shorts.

I vaguely remember this now :icon_razz:

This would have been before Shorts took over though I think - I joined hommy on his account for a while in SIKE after that, and then only ever stuck on an account for a couple of weeks before vanishing again, for the most part. Wouldn't have had time for making plans of grandeur after I left Omen :icon_redface:


ok over though I think - I joined hommy on his account for a while in SIKE after that, and then only ever stuck on an account for a couple of weeks before vanishing again, for the most part. Wouldn't have had time for making plans of grandeur after I left Omen :icon_redface:

The only thing I remember about the hommy account was one of you nubs sending me a 10 sec train and then betting me I couldnt snipe it :-|


*bats eyelashes*

I had full faith in the success of Endgame so I gave orders not to attack you. We opp planned around you and allowed you to eat inactive accounts. I knew the villages would be under the same roof so I let it happen.

Better you than any other member of devils.

My apologies, but I have to say, being stuck there in k44 knowing it could end at any point, I never gave too much attention to who did the leading. I had other problems, for example finding a reason to stay on this world. Im glad I found a reason, or i wouldn´t be here anymore.

However, in A-21, im glad i know, who the leaders are. Wouldn´t be good not knowing them, considering what great work they are doing.


The plan was to get you into a different account from the start. Cerb didn't leave us with much of a choice....(i was overerly impressed really) The share volume of nukes, cats and close range nobles was enough to put even me in tears.

I failed RAID as a leader but the best decision I've ever made was to step down and turn things over to HS and FOC. Isn't that what a good leader does though? Recognizes the talents of his/her members and puts them into a position to maximize their abilities.

Lol yea right the Bastard HS didn't leave me with much of a choice lol....
Packed the tribe of his minions spanked me publicly, told me to sit in the corner next to nuff after kicking Riz in the nutz, grabbed GE off the top shelf, dusted him off, told him to cause as much problems as he'd like then tossed him into the game. (we all know GE doesn't do anything he's told or is expected. It took HS to figure that one out for us to realize it)

The entire time foc was over my shoulder with the crowbar and a shotgun saying in a soft sexy voice.... Oh please Oh please Oh please (or was that Jermey I kept hearing?) I was too scared to look ( FOC scares me)

Ah well first round on me for old time sakes....
Hyper no spooning! someone needs to rub his nose in it soon maybe then he'll stop.

Yes im bored and this is what I do at night......
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One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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grabbed GE off the top shelf, dusted him off, told him to cause as much problems as he'd like then tossed him into the game. (we all know GE doesn't do anything he's told or is expected. It took HS to figure that one out for us to realize it)

And there was me thinking that I was rather well behaved on W39 :icon_redface:


Congrats guys. You have successfully blasted a TA noob(much worse than a normal one) on the forums. How does this make you feel? :icon_wink:


Just to throw this out there, and I may not be in the know....

But didn't A-21 get formed, when the world was dead and dying, as one last ditch effort to put down TDE, who was dominating the world?
How can one claim they had the best leadership, if they didn't even show up until the 11th hour of the party?

As part of A-21 leadership i'd like to remind that TDE was active and winning when we started A-21.

The point of creating this tribe was to get ride of inactives acounts, fills the ones we could with new players and turn a war that we were loosing.

In addition 5-6 Nob players betrayed us at this point joining TDE, making us loose several K and making some isolated players delete.

So when we formed A-21, TDE was more powerfull than ever.

We manage to retake the K lost by destroying most of the turncoats.
To regain some ground in north we had lost when Raid was 75% sit accounts.
Only Cerb was still gaining ground on us.

The rest of story you must know. We breach TDE frontline making them panic, not supporting each other, leaving the tribe and deleting.

So i don't understand how can anyone said the world was dying when A-21 was created.


Not to diminish what A-21 has done because they really have done an amazing job considering the circumstances but the world was very much dead before Hybrid and co came back again. RAID and NOB!! were pretty much rolling over due to extreme inactivity in both tribes and TDE was casually snacking on both. Nothing significant happened during that period of time and so the world could be qualified as dead or dying.

The outcome was clear until Hybrid and Foc came in and saved the day. lol


Darth go back to your corner and take your pet fish.

He's been ignoring me.

I'd never ignore you Ro. I'm hurt you say such things.

Just to throw this out there, and I may not be in the know....

But didn't A-21 get formed, when the world was dead and dying, as one last ditch effort to put down TDE, who was dominating the world?
How can one claim they had the best leadership, if they didn't even show up until the 11th hour of the party?

Many long replies are long and many. A-21 leadership stayed. TDE leadership left. Imo that counts as better :p

Congrats guys. You have successfully blasted a TA noob(much worse than a normal one) on the forums. How does this make you feel? :icon_wink:
