Top 5 tribes


This thread has kinda run its course... time for an update imho

My top 5 tribes
5. TNO-KE. A few players there from our time in Who? are there. I havent seen them do 'anything' thats made me go hammer time yet. Time will tell what they can do I guess

4. DANES. Things started to look really bad for them when -RIM- -JOB- and ODIN declared war on them and rimmed quite a few players. They seem sorted and have retaliated with decent success so far.

3. RETRO. Even though they have the lame Robert in there seem a sorted group of players. Only 13 villages lost to opponent players in their entire time as a tribe is also an example that they have got their shit together ... that, or they know how to handle diplomacies - which isnt bad either :D

2. ADHD. Might be my bias that they aren't number one. Heard a lot of things from their side. Rumours swirl around fast when you are rank 1, so obviously cant trust 100% of the stories. They have been waring with Est. (now dead lol) for more than a week. Have been pretty much careless that everyone declared war on them from the beginning as they just ate everyone any way :D

1. OG2. I like it in here. Not much bull crap to deal with and a more caring and active leadership to go to when there finally are issues.

b-b-b-bonus round-ound-ound-nd
Worst tribe
1. ODIN.


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You place DANES above RIMJOB?

Please explain further why a mess tribe is better then RIMJOB.
They already lost all their villas in K65 and will soon lose all their 'noncore' villas aswell.
Yes they're not noobs, I don't believe anyone is at this stage of the game (looking at the big tribes) but I do believe RIMJOB has a slight advantage.

I might be a bit biased but shhh
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Because -ODINSRIMJOB- decided to cancel the NAP and just launch immediately after ...To be frank it's weird how they didnt eat more while everyone was confused as to wth was going on :D
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Everyone knew that NAP was going to die. It was created in order to allow growth from startup, and removed to allow growth in the midgame.
I'm not in RIMJOB but this was fairly obvious if you looked at the spreads of those tribes.
I personally think RIMJOB will be able to remove all noncore DANES in the near future and then have a real war when it comes to the core. What I'm actually curious about is the relationship between RIMJOB and OG... looking forward to see how that works itself out, whether it's diplomacy or war.

Anyway, I think claiming people were "confused" is just playing it as if this was a completely unexpected backstab, when in truth it was a war that people could have seen from miles away.


Any tribe with toymaster and chenks is bound to get and stay in the top 3, if not top 1. If they can keep up the determination and play their cards right, the world might just get a bit more interesting methinks.


Any tribe with toymaster and chenks is bound to get and stay in the top 3, if not top 1. If they can keep up the determination and play their cards right, the world might just get a bit more interesting methinks.
That I will agree with. Havin played with HTM in 78 and seeing the guy in action Ill second that statement.

Watch put for those guys in Yes also tho, could play a big role in the local core game.



The fact that they haven't yet is just a sign that either RIMJOB and ODIN are terrible, or DANES are really good.
I would say something in-between.

What... tribes don't get taken out in one week during a war. Using that logic ADHD and OG must be bad because ODIN are still kicking.


Because -ODINSRIMJOB- decided to cancel the NAP and just launch immediately after ...To be frank it's weird how they didnt eat more while everyone was confused as to wth was going on :D
Just to clarify that, the Nap was a time limited one in order to war Gold alliance. Despite Danes having RimJob marked as enemy on their map for some time during the Nap the only attacks were on a single player who broke the terms whilst it was in effect. War was declared after the Nap expired.


To be more specific, yes, Odin declared prior to Rim's nap ending, however, Rim only joined after the nap was over (I don't think ODIN had any diplo with Danes at the time) when nap was created there was no discussed cool down either. We could have ended nap early due to continuous Danes taking farms and barbs in our area, even after we had asked many times for them to stop.


I'm looking forward to how things go down here. Not much room for tribes like TKO-NE without them declaring on someone.


The fact that they haven't yet is just a sign that either RIMJOB and ODIN are terrible, or DANES are really good.
I would say something in-between.
In between would be about about right, many of Danes are extremely competent defenders, it's become a bit of a war of attrition as they lose outlying clusters...soon enough their core will be focused on tho' and then things get fun ;)


TNO-KE predictions? Their immediate neighbors to fight are ADHD, OG2, and Odin.


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They might join the war against OG2-OG3 by joining ODIN - RIMJOB, although then they'd probably be marked by ADHD.
If they war ADHD then OG2-OG3 could jump in.
If they war ODIN then they'd have to jump.

Tricky situation indeed.

But hell what do I know?

Barry B Benson

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What... tribes don't get taken out in one week during a war. Using that logic ADHD and OG must be bad because ODIN are still kicking.

Yup. Sure looks like DANES are dying, just like ODIN...
