Who says he was my friend?
Who says he was my friend?
Word on the streets is you're friends with everybody? :lol:
Probably better not to ASS-ume there Chief.
Not sure if this is the right place, but it is propaganda and all I suppose on the top 20.
If I am wrong I apologize for the rumor mill taking me for a turn around the block. But rumor around the campfire was there was a slight disagreement about someone passing away?
Unfortunately, not a rumor even tho I really wish it was. <-- if you're as innocent as you proclaim to be, you could have stopped right here. But you didnt.
This is you bringing the subject into a spotlight. Putting it in public forums is not called "speaking to a few friends"
The person that said this (you know who you are), one day you'll get everything that's coming to you. Maybe here, maybe in real life. The sick thing is I'm not the only person in this game this guy made some disturbing comments about regarding the same thing. Of course he'll never own up to it, but when you have QUOTES to prove it...Not skype conversations, those can be manipulated, QUOTES to prove it, it shows how sick it really is.
Like I said before, people argue all the time. I didn't have my W36 crystall ball to find out that you guys made up (you and Avalanche) Really! I thought you spoke with everyone on W36! Imagine how this could have escaped you. Just to clarify, Ava and I havent "made up". We just spoke briefly. Dont put words in my mouth.
The issue with myself and Conspik has never been brought up externally. Refer to post section about page 11.
Someone asked what happened (some one asked it the rumor were true. they didnt necessarily ask for an explanation, a simple yes or no would have sufficed)
and I responded (by airing out dirty laundry. oh wait you dont do that!)
but I didn't give up any names because I didn't want it being an issue. (if this were true [by the way im laughing my head off at the contradictions] you would have stopped at a simple yes or no response instead of writing it all out. wait do i see another comment here "It wasnt me" )
Conspik responded by saying he was involved in the argument and it went from there. So ONCE AGAIN, I did let it go, didn't raise a fuss publicly (contradiction again??) just spoke to some people I'm friends with. (yes W36 pnp lol)
Just as a note, the whole issue was not paid any attention to for another page or so till old guy brought it up again.. i wonder why. maybe you should yell at him for making a public fuss?
You're the one that said I need to let it go perhaps you should listen to your own advice. (dont you know the fun part about advice is in giving it?)
Power - we understand you dont like Conspik. We understand you dont even want to try to get along. There's no need to get dirty. You are simply distancing yourself from those who still like you. The only victim of your anger is you. Let it not eat you from the inside out and turn you into someone you are not.
Something we can agree on.
Again, I didn't bring this topic up.
Really don't care.
You've never gotten mad? I remember when you rage quit council because of disagreements so please. (Did I say I never got mad? again youre deviating from the subject, airing laundry you shouldnt be, and making little sense.
Again, i did get angry and I did make up.. so your point is I should take my own advice. Didnt I do that already??)
Dvader - an alliance? a NAP? ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL we have a score to settle and it won't be through nice diplomacy.
[V] - we might have had our differences, but we still love ya. It will be a cold day in hell before you see us attacking. There is certainly no way we are setting an alliance/NAP with another tribe on any condition that affects [V] negatively (hug) (hug) (hug).
(*waves enthusiastically at baggi, linin, noreth and anyone else reading, regards to oldman, belated happy birthday Ava*)
Conspik - (yes you deserve a second post) We love you at Wuke. We stand by you. Dont care what the world thinks of you especially if its through tainted glasses! We have the utmost respect for you as our Duke, as a strategist and as our confidante.
ONCE AGAIN, I didn't bring any of this up OTHER PEOPLE DID (only one person did). I responded after names were dropped and my name specifically was called out (refer to page 11. your name was not called out, but you replied anyway) . Other people decide to bring up this issue, you guys decided to drop your own names and then call out mine (no I believe yours was called out first). I was content with letting it go but you've decided to argue this publicly. (blah blah blah.. we know it wasnt you)
Not sure if this is the right place, but it is propaganda and all I suppose on the top 20.
If I am wrong I apologize for the rumor mill taking me for a turn around the block. But rumor around the campfire was there was a slight disagreement about someone passing away?
Unfortunately, not a rumor even tho I really wish it was. The person that said this (you know who you are), one day you'll get everything that's coming to you. Maybe here, maybe in real life. The sick thing is I'm not the only person in this game this guy made some disturbing comments about regarding the same thing. Of course he'll never own up to it, but when you have QUOTES to prove it...Not skype conversations, those can be manipulated, QUOTES to prove it, it shows how sick it really is.
I have refrained from commenting here because it seriously irritates me.
Power and I got into it one night. I called his friends guidos and I dissed on his igloo. I said some mean things and I have apologized for them. He also said some very mean things as well, but in good taste I didnt go telling the world what he said.
He really didnt have to edit it. He could have made me look bad with what I "REALLY" said. Editing was his mistake. Cuz in turn he discredited himself.
I did not, however, say anything about his mother. I dont need to prove it to anybody, I have directly compared the real skyp conversation and the edited one. Anybody who knows me knows I can be harsh sometimes but would never go that far.
In fact after his mother passed we talked via voice chat and Literally shed tears together trying to help him through his mourning process for I, myself, lost a parent recently. It Honestly makes me very sad that he would edit that convo as propaganda. But theres nothing I can do. He probably woke up hungover and honestly believes his own edit.
We, (avalanche and myself), decided it was best to let the controversy rest in order to not let one heated conversation ruin the relationship between our tribes, now it is here for the public to see. Such a shame.
As far as the other conversation with Bobo ,minifridge and I , completly false. Not even a good lie but Im happy it happened because now its just not my word against his. Its a pefect example of how easy it is to manipulate skype convos.
As far as plans to hit (V) we have none and never have. They are a great group of people and wouldnt want the people who remain good friends to have to fight eachother, but frankly thats nobodys business but us and (V).
Dont beleive the Hype people. Things are not always as they appear.
I have refrained from commenting here because it seriously irritates me.
Power and I got into it one night. I called his friends guidos and I dissed on his igloo. I said some mean things and I have apologized for them. He also said some very mean things as well, but in good taste I didnt go telling the world what he said.
He really didnt have to edit it. He could have made me look bad with what I "REALLY" said. Editing was his mistake. Cuz in turn he discredited himself.
I did not, however, say anything about his mother. I dont need to prove it to anybody, I have directly compared the real skyp conversation and the edited one. Anybody who knows me knows I can be harsh sometimes but would never go that far.
In fact after his mother passed we talked via voice chat and Literally shed tears together trying to help him through his mourning process for I, myself, lost a parent recently. It Honestly makes me very sad that he would edit that convo as propaganda. But theres nothing I can do. He probably woke up hungover and honestly believes his own edit.
We, (avalanche and myself), decided it was best to let the controversy rest in order to not let one heated conversation ruin the relationship between our tribes, now it is here for the public to see. Such a shame.
As far as the other conversation with Bobo ,minifridge and I , completly false. Not even a good lie but Im happy it happened because now its just not my word against his. Its a pefect example of how easy it is to manipulate skype convos.
As far as plans to hit (V) we have none and never have. They are a great group of people and wouldnt want the people who remain good friends to have to fight eachother, but frankly thats nobodys business but us and (V).
Dont beleive the Hype people. Things are not always as they appear.
1. DVADER: No comment neccessary.
2. XVI: Not at their peak, still a very solid tribe.
3. (V): Always respected this tribe when they were (V) good to see them back.
4. Active: Got another old score to settle still.
5. PnP: Can thank their division with (V) to their leaders lack of compassion and arrogance.
9. ~*S*~: 139 tribe changes in around 70 days, vast majority to hide stats. Congratulations.
raakakanwo akooanahcacworc.. rohusc ah anoohowo aoacraao.. aoacraaoc aoacwo cohwowoaowocao aoacahwhrr rawhrooowhwoc wohoworc craahwa aooo scwo!
(achurr) (achurr) (achurr)
Hey guys, chill a bit. Seriously geeze
Power - You are a great friend, and you have friends in other tribes, you talk to what. Doesnt really bother me. Do what you do best, send those nukes at EG
Con - Drop it, told you that a week and a half ago
Silent - glad your speaking to me Love you too
Wuke/Pnp - Glad you guys are doing well!!!
To w36 - This is a pointless conversation and really just drama.....Con and Power are both at fault and NO that is not what made us leave PnP
This is actually what brought me into the conversation. I honestly dont care what other people think but this one just rubbed me the wrong way.
I've heard whispers of this but, I haven't seen all the evidence.
Conspik - as harsh (read as harsh not extremely and downright heartless) as he may be at times, would never hit below the belt
and NO that is not what made us leave PnP