News Of The Week - Interviews with Hybrid Soul, CaveyWavey and Colpo
I think we can all agree, this has been perhaps the most entertaining week we have had in a while (even without Pkiwarrior declaring a "state of emergency" and locking all of our beautifully spammed-up threads :icon_redface
. There are two major events that will be covered today, one being a war, another being a new formation in the making :icon_cool:
RX4U Declaration
The stats show a lead of nearly 200 villages in the first 3 and a half days of RX4U's first wave, which doesn't appear to have finished yet. Obviously, a lot of carefully thought through plans were made to make this such a success for RX4U. But, with the message from sir 8myshorts on the forum earlier today, it seems that the -V- family is preparing to take back some territory.
A representative, Hybrid Soul of RX4U, kindly agreed to do an interview with me on the subject.
[02:14:18] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: Hybrid Soul, this week your tribe declared on -V-. At the present time, you have over a 170 lead on the war caps and have knocked -V- down to third place in the rankings. Would you like to say anything now, either to -V- or to your tribemates at Rx4u?
[02:22:41] Hybrid Soul says: To my tribe mates in Rx4U, all I can say is well done and thank them for their valiant efforts. They are great members, players and people. I know they won't rest until we are victorious.
To -V- on the war, 170 enoblements is a nice lead. People are building these opening stats as more than perhaps they should.... and our opening strike hasn't even ended. But we attacked with an element of suprise on our side. However, the war was on the cards a long time and as they had taken the steps to end relations, I did expect the -V- leadership would have ensured their members were safe after making such rash calls. Another factor is the -V-, ~RAID~ war. Long standing, which helped us. Im not defending -V-, I'm confident they can do that themselves - just stating facts. But they orchastrated the cause of this war - we're just following through.
[02:24:49] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: You have been averaging over 50 war caps a day since delcaration thus far. Do you think, realistically, you can keep up such a huge number of caps on -V- as the war goes on? And do you think, now that -V- has fronts on almost every continent they control, that ~RAID~ is likely to step up to this distraction an begin to expand their frontlines?
[02:30:35] Hybrid Soul says: It would be foolish for me to say we will replicate the opening few days stats throughout the life of the war. We have respect for -V- as a tribe, we know they are capable of fighting a great war, thats why moved to rid ourselves of this threat now, if I said we'll continue with such speed would be nothing more than an idle jab at -V-. Rx4U are simply looking forward to a good battle, no matter how long or short.
I will not claim to know the inner workings of ~RAID~ and I do not speak for them. I do know that our strike has caused -V- to rethink their stacking around ~RAID~, this may give ~RAID~ ample opportunity to capitalize. Beyound that, is not my concern.
[02:32:36] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: As stated in your recent declaration PnP, this declaration is only part of the change Rx4u is making in W39. Is it merely coincidence that it is at the same time that Sike begins to show signs of strain and a duke there begins to be taken out?
[02:35:05] Hybrid Soul says: In the declaration we hinted we had suprises in store. Cards we'll play when the time is right. I would say more that the plans made are more war with -V- concerned than any large scale plans for w39.
The happenings in SIKE, which I know little about, is just as you stated - merely coincidence.
[02:37:03] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: My final question before I let you go back to the fun and games the new war is no doubt providing you: what is your opinion on Sike and the newly formed tribe MASK? As the world knew, Sike and RX4U had diplomatic relations up to this point. Is this being looked at again now that Sike's leadership has all but vanished (Jagerblue being the sole remaining duke)? Or are you hoping they will battle through the internal war that is eating up Xander0607 as we speak?
[02:48:58] Hybrid Soul says: You ask such probing questions GE..... Its common knowledge that Rx4U like to "have a finger in every pot", I'm lucky to be part of a tribe with such great tacticians but to maintain such a ....stance, for lack of a better word, we can't disclose all our opinions and knowledge into the public domain. Rx4U and SIKE have relations a long time, all good. We never had any issues and maintained a working partnership where needed.
Jagerblue and I get along quite well and I trust he can handle his own business. If this is a testing time for SIKE, it may be a good thing, those members old and new will need to prove they can work together. But for all I know the random leakings of information I have heard may very well have been fabricated and all is well in the core of SIKE. I'll wait for SIKE to comment before taking a stance.
As for MASK - to me an unknown entity really. I'm sure the forums pressance of jeremyleite would be better suited for questions regarding them. The remanents of LosT.
But I will go on record as saying any battle SIKE are in, I think they can handle themselves and I wish them all the best. No disrespect to MASK, Rx4U have simply never had any dealing with their members elsewhere in the past.
[02:50:55] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: Thanks for your time
[02:51:41] Hybrid Soul says: A pleasure.[/SPOIL]
SIKE F - What Will Happen Next?
Having taken in over 10 more LosT members in the past week, it seems the tribe has a habit for recruitment over warring. Or at least, the tribe's leadership does. The same, however, cannot be said about the members themselves.
I will contain the next part in a spoiler, as there is a fair amount to it.[SPOIL]
The first member to leave Sike this week was sukabumi. This player decided to make a move on none other than leader of Sike and public spokesman Xander0607. The bar graph below will explain how that is going currently:
After that, a further 7-8 members of Sike broke off and joined with some remaining LosT members, to form a new tribe, MASK. The tribe has split the Sike dominance on the map, and no doubt the forums on Sike are already implementing plans to take out the players who left the tribe after the mass LosT recruitment during the LosT vs Sike F war.[/SPOIL]
Unforunately, for reasons probably quite within my control, the majority of spokespersons in Sike leadership is either refusing to talk to me or has blocked me in virtually every form of contact. So earlier in the week (before the MASK formation began) , I decided to take CaveyWavey up on his offer:
GooglyEyes123: Caveywavey, do you think as a tribe there is a limit to how many people SIKE can hold?
Caveywavey: No limit , we'll just internoble or shuffle other players on to a family tribe like SIKE! who are not connected to SIKE in anyway .Its not a Problem for SIKE to recruit half the world, once in our tribe ppl go inactive very quickly as they feel safe , so we inter noble them, there's room for all.
GooglyEyes123: What do you think about the SIKE leadership methods?
Caveywavey: Cant comment on SIKE leadership methods as i have not seen anything apart from a few attacks from a select few and the rest of SIKE's war effort seems to be recruitment
GooglyEyes123: Who do you reckon SIKE will decide to declare against next?
Caveywavey: I don't think SIKE will declare on anyone, i think others will declare on them, they may have recruited half of lost and other tribes. Internally they must be falling apart, you simply cannot recruit that many players and keep things together, many have tried and some players are just trouble from the onset, Medusa's i call them, and SIKE now have a few in their tribe, they will implode. Just a matter of time.
GooglyEyes123: Thank you Caveywavey. Anything else you wish to add?
Caveywavey: My only question to SIKE is "why would such an allegedly Talented Tribe have to recruit so much?"
Word on the street is the answer is 3/4 of SIKE are inactive and a lot of accounts are being sat, i truly feel sorry for the sitters , thats not what the game is about , if you gotta sit half the accounts in your tribe to keep things going then the tribe isn't worth continuing unless ofcourse you have a complex about your tribe name and some sort of misguided loyalty to ppl who can't even be bothered to log in.
GooglyEyes123: Thank you for your time.
Following on from this, I decided another opinion would be useful to have, to see what the general opinion of Sike was. And who better to get a viewpoint from than our good friend Colpo? Here's what happened :icon_wink:
[16/02/2010 22:49:04] -|- GooglyEyes iCommander -|- says: So Colpo, what would you say is the likely outcome of the current wars thus far (LosT vs NOB!!, SIKE vs T.D.E, SIKE vs LosT, -V- vs ~RAID~)? Any personal opinions on these wars?
[16/02/2010 22:51:54] colpotastic says: Well, firstly. NOB v. LOST isn't a war, so we can't win what's not happening.

Just us getting our villages back that LOST stole from our CIALIS/T-T war. As for the rest, I think it's a common result. In the case of SIKE v. TDE, you're going to see a stalemate for a long LONG time, much like V v. RAID.
LOST v. SIKE is different, because of SIKE's insistence on using the invite button so readily (As a friend in SIKE asked me earlier, "the member cap is 75, why not fill it?"). I think because of that, and only because of that, we'll see LOST's eventual disbanding when they simply lose all their members to SIKE's invitations.
[16/02/2010 22:53:48] -|- GooglyEyes iCommander -|- says: Interesting views. That seems to be the theme of most of W39 at the moment, recruitment. Obviously in NOB!! that is not the case, with you guys still having under 25 members. Do you see any other tribe fighting a war without recruiting the targets in the near future?
[16/02/2010 22:57:13] colpotastic says: I don't see TDE doing any recruitment against SIKE. Now, I'm sure part of that is the fact that both TDE and TDE2 are very close to the membercaps, but I get a vibe of a lot of animosity between the two tribes, which I don't blame from what I've learned of the goings-on of that part of the world.
Now, if Rx4U eventually declares war, I could see them potentially leaving their invitations to a minimum, although if I do remember correctly they did a lot of recruitment during the JOKEZ war.
In complete honesty, the only war that I could say without a single doubt in my mind over recruitment would be whoever we decide to fight next; we're extremely proud of the group we've gotten together.
[16/02/2010 22:58:26] -|- GooglyEyes iCommander -|- says: Interesting. I guess you wont be informing me of the next move NOB!! has planned as of yet, and so I will ask a related question instead. As this interview is 22 hours before the clock stops ticking on the latest declaration, do you have any hunch as to who may be behind it?
[16/02/2010 23:01:56] colpotastic says: No idea. There are so many possibilities, especially in the south and east of the world. I'd like to think I have it narrowed down to two possibilites though. The first is Rx4U. Particularly in the recent increase of pnp activity we've seen from their members (Notably their council members and officials), in which case I can see them going for -V-. The second possibility is ???, which is what I'm hoping for, because there's only two options for them to fight. The first is RAID, which we know has a lot of issues with ??? dating back to the opening days of the RAID/OMEN(-V-) war. The second is NOB!!, possibly hoping our western flank is low on defense from our scuffles with CIALIS and T-T refugees to the east.
As I said before, I hope it's ??? coming after NOB!!, my horseys are getting tired from the long trek to the LOST borders.
[16/02/2010 23:03:34] -|- GooglyEyes iCommander -|- says: Interesting...Now, we all know family tribes are unpopular generically by the majority of the public forum's members. Would you say T.D.E has failed to achieve more than other tribes, or would you say that they have actually done more decent ingame play than other major tribes in W39?
[16/02/2010 23:11:18] colpotastic says: You know, I like the TDE Family. While I do have issues over their being a family tribe, I respect the vast majority of their other decisions. In particular, I am absolutely in love with King Dragon's decision to fight SIKE, rather than continue with LOST. In light of that, I would definitely say that TDE has managed to achieve what a lot of other family tribes have been unable to do, and that is generate respect.
[16/02/2010 23:12:00] -|- GooglyEyes iCommander -|- says: Thanks for your time Colpo
Is there anything you would like to add before the interview is finished?
[16/02/2010 23:12:35] colpotastic says: You smell. <3
[16/02/2010 23:13:25] -|- GooglyEyes iCommander -|- says: Thanks for the interview 
I will let you make up your own minds as to what you are expecting - partly because I don't want to give away anything else linked to this publicly until after the situation has begun to fully unwrap.
We shall soon see if Sike can defeat MASK before the core of the world becomes again unstable, or if there is a change in the winds to liven this world up :lol:
Map Of The Week
Cheers for the better map Colpo 
War Statistics Of The Week
RX4U vs -V- F
==> 208 war caps vs 11 war caps
==> 18.91 : 1 war cap ratio
Side 1:
Tribes: Rx4U
Side 2:
Tribes: -V- ~FURY~ ISA
Players: aussiemisfit lobbob subzy Gunterhaben
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 208
Side 2: 11
Difference: 197
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1,625,382
Side 2: 91,496
Difference: 1,533,886[/SPOIL]
NOB!! vs LosT
==> 56 war caps vs 3 war caps
==> 18.67 : 1 war cap ratio
Side 1:
Tribes: NOB!!
Side 2:
Tribes: LosT
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 56
Side 2: 3
Difference: 53
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 537,230
Side 2: 28,614
Difference: 508,616[/SPOIL]
T.D.E F vs Sike F
==> 88 war caps vs 19 war caps
==> 4.63 : 1 war caps ratio
Side 1:
Tribes: T.D.E T.D.E2 T.D.E3
Side 2:
Tribes: Sike Sike!
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 88
Side 2: 19
Difference: 69
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 820,697
Side 2: 181,978
Difference: 638,719[/SPOIL]
LosT vs Sike F
==> 9 war caps vs 56 war caps
==> 1 : 6.22 war caps ratio
==> 0 enemy recruitments : 11 enemy recruitments
Side 1:
Tribes: LosT
Side 2:
Tribes: Sike Sike!
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 9
Side 2: 56
Difference: 47
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 76,530
Side 2: 516,241
Difference: 439,711[/SPOIL]
~RAID~ vs -V-
==> 20 war caps vs 10 war caps
==> 2: 1 war cap ratio
Side 1:
Tribes: ~RAID~
Side 2:
Tribes: -V- ~FURY~
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 20
Side 2: 10
Difference: 6
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 159,683
Side 2: 56,510
Difference: 103,173[/SPOIL]
Owing to the large amount of writing done for this thread and my incredible ability of being an incredible lazy little..., I won't do an analysis of the tribes or wars this week. I am looking forwards to next week's newspaper, where I am hoping to add a new part to the newspaper (to be revealed in next week's paper). I hope you enjoyed this one!
Over and out!
:icon_twisted: Googly :icon_twisted: