In light of the disappearance of our newspaper editor I, 2004 Artemis, have taken it upon myself to deliver the weekly news. Unfortunately, with such a paper on short notice, the interviews may be a bit different than you expect.
War Stats:
With everything going on this week, this pair of stats seemed to be the most worth using.
Side 1:
Tribes: Mods
Side 2:
Players: GooglyEyes123
Timeframe: Forever
Total bans against opposite side:
Side 1: 4
Side 2: 0
Difference: 4
The Interviews:
Today we have three guest interviewees, some of whom may be very familiar to you.
The first interview of the week goes to the Barbarian family. Join me as I go to interview one of their average sized members, 1.5k points who's under heavy fire. He is known only by a number, 84358, and his location, 551|216. Surrounded by TDE as he is, his very life is threatened.
2004 Artemis: So tell me, 84358, what is your life like?
84358: I began life on this world several months ago, in a small village. Over time, I was able to build my village up, but after a point, it wouldn't get any bigger, no matter what. Since then, I've noticed my tribe mates that were once dotted around the world slowly disappearing.
2004 Artemis: Disappearing? What do you mean?
84358: Well, I think under your terminology, the word would be nobled.
2004 Artemis: Nobled? Who would do such a thing as to noble your tribemates?!? That's terrible. Don't they know that in this game of Tribal Hugs you should never attack people?
84358: It was a tribe called TDE, TDE2, and TDE3. I think there might have been more at one point in tribe.
2004 Artemis: So your very life is in danger?
84358: Unfortunately, yes.
2004 Artemis: How awful! Is there anything we, the world 39 forum, can do?
84358: I'm afraid not. Only think of the atrocity committed here and revenge me upon my removal. That is all.
The second interview goes to the well known Ser-berus.
[6:26:38 PM] 2004 Artemis says: To start, tell me a bit about yourself. How old are you, what are your hobbies (outside of nobling), etc.
[6:27:33 PM] Ser-berus says: Well since I have 23 co-players its hard to say - but I think the average age is around 25 or 27
[6:27:52 PM] 2004 Artemis says: Wow! 23 co-players! That's quite a few.
[6:28:45 PM] Ser-berus says: Yeah it is art - but when you have 2,305 villages to look after you kind of need it - My other hobbies include ballet when Im not at home reparing thrown away teddy bears
[6:29:00 PM] 2004 Artemis says: How sweet...
[6:29:32 PM] Ser-berus says: Well - I think all of us at one point are like that broken down torn teddy bear.... Someone has lost their use for us in the past. Im a soul mender of sorts
[6:29:46 PM] Ser-berussays: At least when Im not at my job
[6:30:35 PM] 2004 Artemis says: You've gone through a chaotic time on w39 recently. Any reflections on that?
[6:32:33 PM] Ser-berus says: If i want to see bad plotlines and horrible acting I'll watch a soap opera - So W39 has become my soap opera. It is very interesting to see all the people so caught up in this, hangin on ever word and new development from the merge and recruit crew...
[6:32:58 PM] 2004 Artemis says: Of which you consider yourself the lead actor?
[6:33:20 PM] Ser-berus says: Not at all - Just the big fat guy sitting in the back of the room
[6:34:05 PM] 2004 Artemis says: So you're more like the man behind the curtain, pulling the strings of the world to make it do your bidding?
[6:34:37 PM] Ser-berus says: No pulling strings is googleh's M.O. Im Just the fat guy in the corner watching the world crumble around me
[6:35:12 PM] Ser-berus says: innocent of any wrong doing
[6:35:23 PM] 2004 Artemis says: You're claim to fame on the world is having been twice the size of the next biggest player for several months. Any secret to teach our readers how?
[6:36:57 PM] Ser-berus says: Yes - It starts with 23 co-plalyers on your account - if you remember a while back i posted a thread to help smaller players. Once you find 23 people you trust not to screw with your account then farm constantly - Cows, pigs, chickens, wheat - (no wait, thats farmville) ummm - Internal and Barb nobling is key
[6:37:47 PM] 2004 Artemis says: So the secret then is having an inactive tribe that you can farm and noble?
[6:38:30 PM] Ser-berus says: Well let's be honest Art - do you really think I'm twice as good as everyone else because of my hard work and dedication?
[6:39:03 PM] Ser-berus says: Your looking kind of cute in that little jacket and tie you got on - how old are you sugar?
[6:40:31 PM] 2004 Artemis says: [6:38:30 PM] Ser-berus says: Well let's be honest Art - do you really think I'm twice as good as everyone else because of my hard work and dedication?
I'm afraid that that was exactly what I thought. So this is your declaration to world 39 that you are no better than the rest of us?
[6:41:04 PM] Ser-berus says: Come a little closer and i'll show you I'm better then anyone you've been with honey
[6:41:29 PM] 2004 Artemis says: Any last thoughts?
[6:42:28 PM] Ser-berus says: No last thoughts - but some dirty ones about those knickers your wearing
[6:42:37 PM] 2004 Artemis says: Okay, that ends this interview.
The third interview is none other than one of the Admins, interviewed on his alias.
[6:29:48 PM] 2004 Artemis says: To start this interview off right, why don't you introduce yourself.
[6:30:08 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: Hi. I am googleyes123 to the public. However, my friends like to call me Morthy
[6:30:23 PM] 2004 Artemis says: Morthy? :O Like the admin?
[6:30:36 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: Morthy like the admin 
[6:30:40 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: You see
[6:30:46 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: my aliased account googlyeyes
[6:30:49 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: is used as a ban tester
[6:30:56 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: for our more junior staff
[6:30:58 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: to try to catch out.
[6:31:43 PM] 2004 Artemis says: So you're really the guy in charge of the International Server? Amazing! I don't think anyone would have ever guessed that.
[6:32:04 PM] 2004 Artemis says: Of recent, there have been quite a few high profile bannings. Can you tell me a bit more about that?
[6:34:05 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: Well Artemis, I am glad you asked me that. Unfortunately, to make way for all the new players, we are having to cut back on our main "high profile" aliases. We have had to ensure that bans be set up to land on innocent posters such as Pervis, Colpo, XxLivenLetDiexX, modbasher, Legitimacy and of course my own alias GooglyEyes123. Unfortunately it removes a lot of the more interesting posts, but, as we cannot keep them banned for ever, we are slowly lifting these for temporary days before banning them again - to allow the public to remain calm.
[6:36:37 PM] 2004 Artemis says: How sad. It truly is a sad day when the best have to be phased out. So why these players?
[6:38:09 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: Well, we have been browsing the forums a lot lately. Colpo, who under alias until recently was an elder mod named "Ender", has become a bit out-spoken against the Modding community. Naturally, such threats have to be, shall we say, exterminated. And, well, the others are all just windup merchants at heart - we have to be careful how much fun they provide as it would make the game more addictive.
[6:39:27 PM] 2004 Artemis says: How true. Everyone knows how unaddictive TribalWars has always been and will always stay. Your own account has caused quite a bit of controversy over the past several months on w39. You've gone through, by my count, five tribes, possibly more. Any thoughts?
[6:40:13 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: Not really. I like nice cosy accounts. If that is put at risk, I have to go to another one. Unfortunately, being a full time control freak keeps me very busy
[6:42:28 PM] 2004 Artemis says: So the failure is that fault of the tribe for not giving you a nice, safe environment to grow in?
[6:44:49 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: It is. Omen for example, was insecure on its borders. I was fighting ~RAID~ on my own it seemed whilst they nobled internally. Had I been duke, they would have just nobled every barbarian village in their K. Sike likewise - why attack LosT when they could have nobled safer barbs? T.D.E is the smart tribe - they are the only one not to fall apart when I show the members that playing it safe is so much more sensible than fighting. After all, they call it Trib...well, you get the point.
[6:47:06 PM] 2004 Artemis says: I certainly do. Thank you for the interview tonight
[6:47:21 PM] 2004 Artemis says: Any last thoughts you have?
[6:47:31 PM] -|- GooglyEyes ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ -|- says: Any time. Send me your username and I will see if I can send a few warnings your way for abusing my time as such 
This brings the temporary Newspaper to an end. Good night and good news.