I have to stop I lost the spade
Zsoltye on 02.11. at 11:21
Hey, if you dare to attack my village to the then Hungarian star fol necsodálkozál to see and learn this phrase "save me from the arrows of the Hungarians, sir" and messages klátgoknaki
and weirdest stack for a 300 pointer guy
:lol: I present the newest invention of TW, the 7-noble 2-minute long NOBLE TRAIN :icon_idea:
Ram (203|635) Sir Mee F167.97 69:10:52
Ram (203|635) Sir Mee F167.97 69:10:54
Ram (203|635) Sir Mee F167.97 69:10:57
Ram (203|635) Sir Mee F167.97 69:10:59
Ram (203|635) Sir Mee F167.97 69:12:36
Ram (203|635) Sir Mee F167.97 69:12:38
Ram (203|635) Sir Mee F167.97 69:12:41
Disclaimer: This idea is not mine, i'm merely presenting it. Full credit goes to Sir Mee! :lol:
Yeah as Benolds said! They ain't nobles nublett they are Rams!