Shinko to Kuma

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Shinko to Kuma
Quickbar Entry
javascript: $.getScript("");
Approved ticket nr. #T13701675 at 2020-02-21 19:56:29

Hey everyone

This is the one a lot of you have been waiting for, a new and efficient warehouse balancer script ^^

What it does:
1) will attempt to balance your res across your current group of villages. Just make dynamic or manual groups if you deal with large gaps in between clusters to make the script even more efficient. Prioritises the smallest villages in points first. Really helps to build out those newly capped villages fast!
2) Adjustable priorities: Set which villages (till a certain point range) should receive extra resources, and from which point a village is considered 'finished', and should keep less resources in reserve. Completely adjustable how much % should be left behind, or should be stocked extra.
3) Accounts for already incoming resources to each village. This way you have an actual idea how much total res is going around between all villages, so the averages are way more accurate, the balancing will be more accurate, and it will also prevent overflowing warehouses. Even if there are more resources incoming to a village than its warehouse can handle, the script will attempt to offload as much res as necessary to keep you from overflowing.
4) IT ISNT IRRITATING TO USE, NO LONGER NEED A MILLION TABS! Just click the individual launches, or hold down ENTER!
5) Works on mobile





(Instructions: The settings can be adjusted before or during it is inside your quickbar.

highFarm = from which village population usage a village is considered 'finished', and will try to offload resources to villages that need it more.
lowPoints = anything below this point value is considered a small village, and the script will prioritize filling these up.
builtOutPercentage = percentage of WH capacity (in the example 25%) should be only kept in fully built villages.
needsMorePercentage = percentage of WH capacity (in the example 85%) should be stored in villages that need help growing still. This same percentage will be used if the average of all your resources is higher than your current WH capacity in that village to prevent an overflow. Don't put this percentage too high, you got to account for runtime of the merchants and the natural resource gain for pits as well. 85% is a pretty good spot.



feedback always welcome in the comments :) or on my skype/discord, in my signature

- Sophie

- Problems with university villages, since they don't have merchants and the warehouse capacity is insane. If you have a university village, you can fix this by making a group excluding it for now.
16/4/2021 - Changed host
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Upvote 24


Well-Known Member
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This is great! One extra feature I would like to have is showing the resources of each village so you can determine if you actually want to send to/from the village. My suggestion would be to show it if you hover over the village :)

Shinko to Kuma

Still Going Strong
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This is great! One extra feature I would like to have is showing the resources of each village so you can determine if you actually want to send to/from the village. My suggestion would be to show it if you hover over the village :)

For now it is visible in the console. (F12, CTRL SHIFT I on windows, CTRL option J on mac) There you can follow all the calculations. but sure I might add that eventually

Shinko to Kuma

Still Going Strong
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1) Rewrote some calculations to make the script work slightly faster. Note, since some people have asked, if you have a LOT of merchants already running, it will take some time to get all that data. But overall, this should only be a few seconds max.

2) Added captcha detection. If you run into a captcha, it will now alert you you triggered bot protection, then refresh the page. You'll have to run the script again after that. Since the script accounts for incoming transports, you should be able to continue balancing straight away!

It's hard to test the captcha detection on purpose so I'd appreciate if anyone runs into it, they could let me know it behaves as intended :)


Hey Sophie, seems like the dropbox link for the script isnt working, so the script isnt. Any idea whats going on? Thank you!


This script is freaking amazing i mean i would have so many hours of my life back if this would have came out sooner thank you so so much for this please dont take it down again was very sad when you did. also thank you for everything you do for this game i dont thing you get the credit you deserve making such amazing tools. So thank you again

Deleted User - 11134637

Is it just me or is not that good balancing? For ex it will send res to villages that already have quite enough and get over the average while letting others with less than 1k res without anything


In this case for example it decided it would rather send wood from 01 to 04 and nothing to 03


Non-stop Poster
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I noticed those villages only have 1 difference in number as in location
582 488
582 477
Did you enter the details manually or copy and paste? I’m not sure exactly how it works I don’t use it. Was thinking possible input error? Or could be totally wrong. Just noticed how close the villages were and thought it’s possibly an input error something simple. Could be way wrong through lol :) forgive me if I am and it does it automatically or whatever. :)

Shinko to Kuma

Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Is it just me or is not that good balancing? For ex it will send res to villages that already have quite enough and get over the average while letting others with less than 1k res without anything

View attachment 3702

In this case for example it decided it would rather send wood from 01 to 04 and nothing to 03

It will only ever send over the average if you send to villages that have less points then the setting you set up in your quickbar called lowPoints.

As for not balancing properly, are you sure you didnt just build something using a lot of wood like a resource pit? cause in that screenshot all of your villages except one are still building up.
You have to be realistic that you might have to send multiple times to get optimal balancing. It’s like a regular market IRL, demand and supply. In that setup on your screenshot, there is a lot of demand but only one supply

Shinko to Kuma

Still Going Strong
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Update: Massive reduction in runtimes, better village prioritisation. People should notice from 30% to 65%~ less total merchant distance traveled. Especially clustered accounts should notice their rim villages getting way better prioritisation