You guys betrayed your allies and are butthurt you got "gangbanged". Honor your diplo and that wont happen. I play this game to win, to have not turned on nuts (who i had a temp nap with, with no defined terms) would have been stupid and a waste of time. I had just over 30 members when i took in mm, mm had half that who were active. You guys didnt finish your war with se7en, you recruited them. You then opened yourself up for fighting on another front with nothing but a nap and an ally you betrayed on your backline. Was poor planning, poor leading, and poor playing that got you where you are today.
Perhaps you should take another look at hasoors stats? he can't help he is surrounded by shitty players but i dont see any recent internals, and those barbs he was taking are ex mercs, a tribe that warred us because of nuts and a player we made quit. Why wouldnt he eat them? I also am curious how you know what hasoor contributes? Im pretty sure he sends def and nobles red dots. And as i said thats what matters.
As for the recruiting argument, its getting old. yeah i recruited MM, and TPL, took one account from se7en and a few from trtl and 6 or 7 from tpb, whats your point? thats since september. If i went through all the tribe changes on nuts, saga, atomic, away and whatever else your affiliated with It would be huge, but you're awfully ignorant if you don't see the value in recruiting new players over the span of the world.
The only reason Aways 17 members works now is because you have a massive backline that always had noobs on it and you all had all the internals you could eat for months so those noobs didnt stand a chance (except that one who made the climb look awesome, Landonshea), and don't forget low member count is what killed MM and made TPL's life hell.