hey who is your co-player? Any experiance in previous worlds?
he is big noob, like me, don't worry.
hey who is your co-player? Any experiance in previous worlds?
he is big noob, like me, don't worry.
I didn't say your a noob..why the hostilities? Is sparta collapsing?:icon_biggrin:
Thanks for the nukes chad ( and the odd).. lol
Don't worry about my attacks on you .. they're all fakes , honestly .. :icon_biggrin:
i hope you make it mate but my odd just keeps going up lol
chad just start winding individual players up then they all send lots lol:}
chad you get used to them all you got to do is not be bothered when you loose villages once you have excepted that its easy you can take more barbs than they can take your villages lol
I left FEAR?! bcuz of how embarrassing the whole tribe was, I couldn't deal with being in such a pathetic tribe.