Yeah, that's right. DK is making a thread now!
But what on earth could little ol' me have to talk about? Oh nothing to big like a global war or anything. Just my little run in with one of CHAOS's self proclaimed l33t player. That's right, the one and only crez1991. If you remember, I had a conversation with him in French. Posted it in the "Funny/Interesting Mails" thread. Well, here's another conversation. (don't worry, it's in English. :icon_wink: )
Quick summary for those of you that don't wanna read. Basically, he messaged me saying he was going to clear me. Well...have yet to see this amazing clearing force. The rest is banter. :3 Honestly, I think it was scare tactic in response to me clearing his basher. Speaking of clearing his basher...
Curious as to where this magical clearing force is, I decided to scout his main village (the one I know is his offensive one and used to noble to the other two) to see if I could find it.
From the time he first messaged me to the time I scouted him, he had nearly 48 hours to build his nuke up. He expects me to get stacked? Pfft! I can EASILY hold that off with my troops alone. :3
So here we are, seeing the best and brightest of CHAOS's line up. Err...excuse me. SECOND best. He's only rank 2 in their tribe.
Wait...CHAOS...crez1991...I do believe he was the one that...
Would you look at that. He tried to ban together some people to take out CHAOS. Even bad mouthed them. Where is he now? In CHAOS. Which leads me to wonder about something. If this is one of their best and brightest...what's the rest of them look like?
[/spoil]crez1991 Jul 09, 13:18
You're next little boy, don't think i've forgotten about you.Loved your posts about me on the externals seemed to make a few people laugh solely at your inadequacies.I'll launch in 2 days from now, so get your support ready.
Dwarven King Jul 09, 16:25
*munches on popcorn*
crez1991 Jul 09, 16:28
i saw your post of our conversation in the external amused me greatly, especially a lot of people seeing the funny side to my 'plea for forgiveness'
Your so called leader has flopped over and he had a lot of troops but not enough, you are next for chopping.
Dwarven King Jul 09, 16:32
*sips Dr. Pepper*
crez1991 Jul 10, 06:07
christ you are a comedian aren't you a haha
Dwarven King Jul 10, 06:09
I just wanna see what your village is like so I can compare built styles.
*takes a bite of pizza*
crez1991 Jul 10, 06:12
go for it, maybe i will show you how a real villa is built.Better still, pass on this info to someone who you think can 'do damage' would entertain me greatly, either way the rule of thumb is now i have received a poxy attack i will arrange support to come into my main villa for the next week or so as a temporary precaution, so thanks for that.
I will arrange an attack on you for today and it won't be scouts.
*Crez schools noobs again*
Dwarven King Jul 10, 06:14
Who said I was going to be mean and have people attack you? I'm having to much fun clearing your basher. :3
*takes another bite of pizza*
crez1991 Jul 10, 06:19
Mate lets face it, you couldn't be mean if you tried, your tribe is about as much use as a chocolate teapot, you alone have joined the collective group of jokers.
You scout yet you will never risk your troops namely because of the distance away from me and the fact as soon as you were stupid enough to do it, i would simply send the reports to your nearby neighbours.That being said i am surrounded by [ally]chaos[/ally] villas so any enemy attack means i can be stacked with defence before you've managed to pick your nose.AHAHAHHA too much fun clearing my basher why is that? wouldn't be because you can't take me out, watch your little duke become my new villa little over 2 hours.
I will get the report from my basher see what you have then rebuild the nuke and have you cleared, unlike your duke who could actually build a good army im guessing you have about 1200 axe 400 cav which if you do would be embarrassing for the both of us.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 06:22
Thsnddrgn4 is not my duke silly.
And I sent 800 Axes and 20 Rams.
*sips Dr. Pepper*
crez1991 Jul 10, 06:24
He was your duke and forever will be.
Please please please, tell me you didn't.I know full well you wouldn't send a blind attack without a scout, so lets face it, its scouts.If not then dear god that is possibly the worst nuke i have ever seen.You realised i plowed down your dukes villa with 2400 axe 1150 cav 115 ram 110 cats now that is an army, what yours is, is laughable.
I have very minor support in my villa which will most certainly clear that without me need any temporary troops, hell i may keep some offence in the villa, water guns could fend off your attack.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 06:28
Do not underestimate my axes! Dwarfs wield these blades, and one Dwarf warrior equal the might of a hundred men!
And Thsnddrgn4 is tribeless and I was just as much of a duke as he was. I don't take orders from others. That's why I'm a king. ;P
*sips Dr. Pepper*
crez1991 Jul 10, 06:30
as mighty as that was you and him were friends and you 'defended' him all be it simply just scouted whoever attacked him most of the time, not to mention sending threatening emails to stop the attack and warning them that they will be soon leaving the game.Your email did scare me, i will think about how much you frightened me into leaving when i become the 2nd biggest player on this k in a couple of hours.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 06:32
But...crez1991 is the one who pleaded for a cease attack. And you are crez1991. So why lie and say Dwarven King said that.
Nobody likes a liar.
crez1991 Jul 10, 06:38
ahaha you are aware that i was joking.I think that is what the people in the external forum where trying to tell you when they said i had a sense of humour.I even called you high and mighty.Mate i was never pleading with you, you silly sausage.
Why, in the world would i plead for a cease attack from a person with about as many men as a feminist meeting and a player who stacks defence into a villa, you both posed massive threats to me obviously.
Stop scaring me again Sir dwarven, you know what happens when you scare me, just like last time, i progress and dominate the K whilst you move up a 100 points every week.
crez1991 Jul 10, 06:39
surprise surprise, you ever gunna play this game or just scout and waste others time.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 06:40
I don't like points. They scare me. That's why I just sit here and watch the little people work in my resource buildings as I eat my pizza.
crez1991 Jul 10, 06:40
i would suggest you stick to doing that, me and my players have people to noble.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 06:50
A 3,000 point village and you don't have one complete nuke.
I don't know how my little wall will hold up against such a force.
crez1991 Jul 10, 06:54
do you not check your reports i shall send it you again, it was yesterday i had the complete nuke the 2400 axe 1200 cav 115 rams 110 cats.. you fool hence the sudden and massive rise in my ODA, which i can see your ODA suggest you wield your massive army at people daily.
Well it takes me roughly 3 days to build my army back up to speed and get any army close to that size then yes get the wall ready as its coming back down.Although fighting you is a waste of time and resources as you don't have any men for starters and your villa is a awful, i will do it, simply to school amateurs and educate you for future worlds on how not to play the game.You realise you've grown like 400 points in the last month.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 06:56
...that's your idea of a full nuke? Buddy, I hot people with nukes filled with 8-10K axes, 3K LC, and 250-300 rams. THAT'S a nuke.
And I've only played for little over a month. Explain to me how I'm at 1,300 if I've only grown 400 points? xD
crez1991 Jul 10, 07:00
yes that is nuke you are correct well done, in fact a full nuke would split the rams and cats 150 down the middle, but very few have a nuke that size this early in the game only our leader [player]garagna[/player] can post them figures, so as far as early game nukes go, mine was one of the strongest and will be when back up to speed hence why no one bothers hitting me as i just ruin their christmas as i will yours.
yes after checking tw stats your growth progress in the last month has being nothing short of pathetic.If you learned to read you will see i stated you had grown 400 points in the last month, you have played longer than a month that is fact.But what impressed me most, you talk a lot of smack threatening players yet, have no OD and no points and no progress.All be it troops come first, but its what you do with your troops.Least when i talk and threaten players i follow through on my claims and clear and noble the players who are stupid enough and the evidence on my end is clear for all to see.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 07:02
*checks ownership of village*
Nope. Still my village. Meaning you have yet to fulfill your threat. :3
crez1991 Jul 10, 07:03
you are always going to own your villa, i wouldn't waste a noble and all them resources on such a poor villa.I will however ram the walls down and cat your farm down making it nigh on impossible for you to continue playing..nice farm.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 07:05
You can't handle my girth.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 21:34
No fancy reply?
crez1991 Jul 10, 21:55
mate i got sent your attack from my basher who dodged it and kept in her spare defence she was looking to lose and fell over laughing, you really did send 800 axe, after seeing that i felt it didn't honour any further response.Talking to noobs is hilarious but you're a whole different species, literally beyond useless, you're not even worthy of a farm villa.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 22:02
Tell me, why the hell would I send more than 800 Axes? I scouted her first, so I knew her complete troop count. Trust me, she didn't dodge a single one.
Now come on with your bad self. You make all these claims about how you're going to clear me. Yet, here I am. Still not cleared.
What's the matter. The bride getting cold feet?
crez1991 Jul 10, 22:12
yes she did, you fool had you not seen what was outside her villa, she is an offensive player i sit her account i know what she has you clown.
Mate, as you can see i'm the 3rd biggest player on this k i'm looking at taking out the big targets, i humiliated your duke and friend who thought he was unbeatable behind his big wall and his defence, give me time to take out bigger targets, i'll take you out with scraps.
Hell i'll even scout to check you have not got some defence sent from your friends.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 22:31
Bud, I scouted her and saw her troops inside and outside.
And come on with your bad self. Let me see what you got!
crez1991 Jul 10, 22:33
your friend saw what i got, i sent you the report you know what i have, give it a few days i have to take a target first as i', looking at my 4th villa, i'll come for you after
Dwarven King Jul 10, 22:37
Yeah, I saw what you have. Unimpressed really.
crez1991 Jul 10, 22:39
unimpressed with 2900 axe 1211 cav 115 ram 110 cat for a 3k villa? aha tough to please its 1.5:1 ratio i will be pushing 2:1 which is the ideal ratio, it would have cleared your villa about 10 times over, and cleaned your farm and wall but i felt like sending it at a player who knew how to stack.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 22:42
I told you what my nukes are. And that's with villages under 3K points.
Quit making excuses and just say you're to scared to attack me.
crez1991 Jul 10, 22:46
mate stop being daft, i have an ODA of 30k why would i be scared of attacking you, you're trying to provoke an attack which you have probably stacked your villa.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 22:48
Sir, you are the one who contacted me threatening to attack me. I'm simply calling you out on it.
crez1991 Jul 10, 22:49
I said wait your turn its coming, then you can post a rant on externals about how i nobled you, but i am a noob and you would have beaten me aha
Dwarven King Jul 10, 22:51
You're next little boy, don't think i've forgotten about you.Loved your posts about me on the externals seemed to make a few people laugh solely at your inadequacies.I'll launch in 2 days from now, so get your support ready."
See that? That was your first message. What does this tell me? You're full of shit.
crez1991 Jul 10, 22:53
no it tells me, like i said your attack is scheduled for 3 days from now, i'll even give you a time if you would like so you can get your support together or milita.If you want some pointers on the game feel free to mail me, you seem to be progressing really quickly in this game, you boast a great ODA and have a lot of villages, keep it up dwarven.
In other words wait for it, its coming.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 22:56
You no do math brah? According to your first message, I should already be seeing your attack. xD
If all you're going to do is message me being a whiny little bitch instead of actually attacking me, then go back to circle jerking your tribe mates.
crez1991 Jul 10, 22:57
i have to make sure my nuke is a nice size, not enough to clear you as i have that already, but enough to humiliate and drop your wall and farm to 0 in one swoop.Circle jerking my tribe mates, or nobling your best friend who then left the game and you immediately made out you never even knew..embarrassing.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 22:59
My best friend? Bro, my best friend is the female sitting in front of me. xD
crez1991 Jul 10, 23:01
what your mum? your pet dog?
If you mean your girlfriend then you are truly the biggest sadcase to play this game if you play tribal wars whilst you're girlfriend watches truly you 2 must be electric together, proper thumble under the sheets.Teach me your ways o wise tamer.
Dwarven the backdoor burglar.You can stop messaging me now little boy, i'll message you next when i clear you to, which you will respond with an immature response or delete your account and run off.
Dwarven King Jul 10, 23:04
Best friend =/= girlfriend? Da fuq kind of thought process do you have?
Quick summary for those of you that don't wanna read. Basically, he messaged me saying he was going to clear me. Well...have yet to see this amazing clearing force. The rest is banter. :3 Honestly, I think it was scare tactic in response to me clearing his basher. Speaking of clearing his basher...
Curious as to where this magical clearing force is, I decided to scout his main village (the one I know is his offensive one and used to noble to the other two) to see if I could find it.
From the time he first messaged me to the time I scouted him, he had nearly 48 hours to build his nuke up. He expects me to get stacked? Pfft! I can EASILY hold that off with my troops alone. :3
So here we are, seeing the best and brightest of CHAOS's line up. Err...excuse me. SECOND best. He's only rank 2 in their tribe.
Wait...CHAOS...crez1991...I do believe he was the one that...
[/spoil]crez1991 Jun 16, 19:15
Hello, how are we, i'm writing to know what your position is with [ally]chaos[/ally] they seem to dominate our area at the minute
thsnddrgn4 Jun 16, 19:17
I'm not so sure yet I know I'm going to need a lot more than what I have in order to declare war on them
crez1991 Jun 16, 19:20
me and a few of my tribemates, have already removed 5 of their biggest players one sitting on 700 points seems very clear most are point whores with little to back their claims, we play with troops not points.
thsnddrgn4 Jun 16, 19:40
I kind of had a feeling that they were point whores, well if you'd like any assistance let me know and I'll talk with my council and we could possibly be allies with you for the mission Fall Of Chaos
crez1991 Jun 16, 20:00
Yes, that sounds like it could be very beneficial i will have a word with the duke he will no doubt be looking at such an alliance, i shall let him know and get back to you
thsnddrgn4 Jun 16, 20:02
Okay sounds good give me a couple hours to talk to my council about this as I am currently working
crez1991 Jun 16, 20:03
okay not a problem
Would you look at that. He tried to ban together some people to take out CHAOS. Even bad mouthed them. Where is he now? In CHAOS. Which leads me to wonder about something. If this is one of their best and brightest...what's the rest of them look like?