Ha yes,
I thought now would be the best time to set the record straight on this imbecille who is trying to wreck my good name on TW.Having completed 3 gameworlds over 3 accounts i feel my reputation will forever stand up amongst the best, that being said you will always get short sighted noobs who mis-read the situation and clowns like DK who simply pester and annoy players despite boasting a 1k villa and a 4k OD, which we all know is nothing shy of humiliating.So lets put to rest the myths and lies and perversion of information stated above in his tales:
1)Crez is that really your troop count in your main villa WOW?!?! - As Ayok stated unless your a half brained fool like 'roman01' who believes that this was my troop count or Dreamsweeper flying the flags of 'noob' you would see my ODA rose 30k just a few hours before his scouts landed.
DK failed to mention his long standing good friend who was a decent player Thsnddrgn4 who stacked 2400 spears and swords behind a level 20 wall to which i cleared and subsequently nobled was also DKs duke.Clearly taking significant losses anyone who can work a simulator may be able to work out from what i have left just how big my army sat in clearing DKs buddy.Feel free DK to post the report of my clearing and nobling of your friend if you like, my ODA and troops speak for themselves.
2)DK cleared Crez's basher-Lets face it the person with 4K OD couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag, his 'clearing' of my OD was in fact clearing her remaining left over D as she is an offensive player and dodged the attack, shame he couldn't see units outside the villa wasn't it DK.
In summary this fool who i will not be attacking as morale is at 75% due to the embarrassing size of his villa, is simply here on tribal wars as nothing more than a pantomime clown you get them in every world.Those players who send funny mails that entertain for a short while, who then try and bash your reputation and name and then are removed from the world, leaving behind a village thats smaller than most barbs.Sadly DK is stupid enough to post 'threatening and abusive' language and i could have him reported and removed but then who would be left to provide the entertainment, you can't kid a kidder and he brings so many people so much joy in his stupidity.
I had thought about simply responding with a report of his clearing with his farms and walls at 0 as well as his morale and humour, but i will leave that to players similar to his size and skill set.My nuke following my big clearing is back to full size but won't be heading in his direction, i send them at villas that are suitable for nobling not players who send Defensive troops in attack.
Continue being the class clown and entertaining everyone for a very short period, like usual you won't last much longer.