yeah sound like nobodys if they have no name xD
yeah sound like nobodys if they have no name xD
we was nobodys but we had fun and we all worked together to get our self to rank 21 just a shame we did not get noticed as a good team :icon_sad:
Nice thread.
Fighting ARIA is definitely my most prevalent memory (and likely the most fun I'll ever have, if regards to TW), I didn't ever have one massive assault at once. Wanted and NL never had much 'excitement' in fighting them, partly because they were so far away.
Good thoughts:
-watching -?- and tH fight. As well as the world war of sorts going on at the same time.
-2ez breaking away and rising through the ranks.
-Tsoh following in 2ez's rise to power.
-Defeat of NL (just because I dont like large families and I think their bad for the general game play of any world, it was never really anything directly about NL)
-some of the fantastic arguments between Boozie, Jmon and Mark in the southern chat room. Still brings a smile to me when I think of them.
-Me stalking Jaffe
Bad thoughts:
-Like any world I guess, there were so many tribes that didnt live up to expectations and fell before their time was due. Ninjas and Evil kinda spring to mind. The member base of Evil was awesome, and I still regard the remaining members as the best in W15.
-This world seemed particuarly bad for families. Is the member count to blame?
-The number of barb/cluster whores. I hate em.
-The way people can be so quick to jump on a hate/love bandwagon. And instead of thinking for themselves, and looking at a situation ratioanlly they instead do what everybody else is doing, because thats what everybody else is doing :icon_confused:
-people who hold no loaylty to their tribe, and jump at the first sign of incomings or trouble. There are a few alive today purely because of this. I plan on catching up with a few of them soon :icon_wink:
-Niiice and Totti10 ditching Ez and supposedly going to jail. Dont really believe the story myself. (on a side note Niiice is top 20 in W47)
edit: also interesting to think, that this world never really had any long last alliances that, being truthful here, acted 100% like allies. True allies should go to war for each other, support each other and have each others back till the end. There really wasnt much of this at all on W15, mainly just a bunch of convenient alliances.
Edit.....i have to say, there is one experience i have had recently while playing on w15, i know i will now always look back on this world and smile![]()
for me was when i finally persuaded Pasyden to let me into *?*hahahh it took me a lot of time, literally a month i believe, but then when i went to -?-, that was nice as well
Yeah thats all well and good Willow but who do i kill now...lost again in a sea of barbs...this game sux and we all know it and we will all be damned to hell for playing it too much...