Win! Gets punch!ed


This goes to zach too.

Surely you guys aren't so dumb that you're unable to understand the difference between the players that went to RAW and to PUNCH? We hit a rough patch there... some major turbulence in which it wasn't even obvious that the tribe was going to stand. A few of our players moved to RAW. There were some hard feelings at first, but those players that made the switch wound up proving to be invaluable in creating a strong alliance between our two tribes, never launched a single hostile nuke against us, and have been fighting alongside us ever since.

Jumping ship to join an allied tribe is hardly traitorous.. jumping ship and working to create an alliance that is highly beneficial to everyone involved (more beneficial than the continued presence of those players in our own tribe) is downright heroic.

If you put blinders on and just say: left tribe, joined other tribe... then yes, the situations are identical... but if you OPEN YOUR EYES and look at the circumstances before and after the switch... it's pretty obvious that they were entirely different situations.

As far as you not having hard feelings about ACT1 goes... well, again it's an entirely different situation. If RAW fell apart, and half of their players joined us and half joined PUNCH! (not like you guys would even have room for them after your continued desperate recruitment attempts to keep yourselves on top), I wouldn't hate the players that joined PUNCH! any more than I do any other PUNCH! player... I think you'd feel a little differently if say Andrew, KC, or Shadow jumped ship.

I know that's not exactly the same as Josheb and Hiba (as they were only with us for a month), but it's a closer parallel than the ACT1 guys.

funny thing is alliances don't work ever because you end up killing them in the end ;P only one tribe can win this world... tensions rise and you can bet your life that they will attack you without hesitation when you used up you usefulness. maybe you shouldn't look to your enemies as the villein in all this but yet your allies. look at their background and all the pieces to your end lay there. food for your mind.


^^ not true. There have been worlds that ended with 2 allies. The rank 2 tribe got nothing of course which makes no sense to me why they wouldnt have fought their ally but still, its happened before.
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I have been playing with andrew and KC since i started this world (and we've been in PUNCH for 7 months), it is not even close to being parallel to josh and hiba leaving WIN.

from what I gather from your post, there are 2 things that could have happened:

1. your tribe mates left for RAW with the intentions of creating an alliance. in which case it worked, and is understandable why you guys hold them in high esteem (heroic might be a bit of a stretch, but whatever).

2. your friends left your tribe, to move to an enemy, and then things happened to cool off and now they're friends again. If this is the case, while i can understand you guys wanting to forgive and forget, it does not make these players any more trustworthy than josheb or hiba. not only did they leave you for an enemy tribe, but they then refused to attack WIN (a tribe that their new friends were at WAR with). that would be similar to me, andrew, and kc, moving over to win and then just sitting there, it would do more harm (by stopping your eastern progress) to your tribe than good. almost all of K37 and 38 would become useless to WIN, making 47 and 48 far less useful in the process.... but josh and hiba moving to a different tribe, bringing 0 intel (other than what was in their heads) is somehow the underhanded move?

i'm not trying to get the RAW players in trouble. i said it before and ill say it again, i think they made a smart move. i'm merely pointing out that the void players are not nearly the villains some of your tribe makes them out to be.

I've tried stating our case as well as I possibly can, but it's fairly obvious we won't see eye to eye. Your response is good... and there's nothing wrong with your logic. I don't see anything wrong with mine though either.

I will admit this much though: it IS largely a case of us wanting to forgive and forget. I never once spoke to Josheb or Hiba while they were with us... they never did anything for us, and when I mailed Josheb after he jumped ship, he was an arrogant jerk.

Wolf and SWJ (the two that I had sustained contact with... I know there were others) were both incredibly helpful to WIN! as a tribe while they were with us and were never condescending or showed any kind of ill will towards our tribe. I can't say that they left the tribe to try and make an alliance, but the end of the RAW-WIN war and subsequent NAP came in QUICKLY after the jump, and they were consistently kind and apologetic throughout the process.

I particularly remember writing SWJ an email asking what the hell was going on (much like the one I wrote to Josheb), and SWJ responded with encouraging words for both me and the tribe.

They were nice to us... they helped us while they were with us.. they never attacked us when they made the jump.. how can they NOT be more trustworthy than the arrogant, irritating, TRAITOROUS Josheb/Hiba.

Okay, I guess I'm not dropping it after all haha :).

I still don't see a ton of reason to debate it though.. because like I said, it's a personal/gut thing. We don't, didn't, never have liked Josheb/Hiba, and it's not just because they are members of PUNCH! (both you and Serb, among others, are well liked by our tribe... even if we're more motivated than ever to wipe you out ;D).
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funny thing is alliances don't work ever because you end up killing them in the end ;P only one tribe can win this world... tensions rise and you can bet your life that they will attack you without hesitation when you used up you usefulness. maybe you shouldn't look to your enemies as the villein in all this but yet your allies. look at their background and all the pieces to your end lay there. food for your mind.

I'm struuuuuuuuugling to keep myself from pulling a "Serious First" and throwing insults at you.

Seriously? That's your effort to get between us and RAW?

You guys need to spend less time on the crappy PnP, and more time trying to clean up the catastrophic deathzone of inactivity and incompetence that is your front line.


I'm struuuuuuuuugling to keep myself from pulling a "Serious First" and throwing insults at you.

Seriously? That's your effort to get between us and RAW?

You guys need to spend less time on the crappy PnP, and more time trying to clean up the catastrophic deathzone of inactivity and incompetence that is your front line.

lol raw and win! are too closely allied, a move to destroy the alliance would be impossible at this time, good try though

how about |RAW| and WIN! gives me a bday prezzie by kickin PUNCH's a**? :icon_biggrin:


lol raw and win! are too closely allied, a move to destroy the alliance would be impossible at this time, good try though

how about |RAW| and WIN! gives me a bday prezzie by kickin PUNCH's a**? :icon_biggrin:

funny you both had to team up against us. once again close alliance is complete bull because only one of you can win the world. "If" you beat punch then what? you have to think this through before you sound like a complete idiot.:icon_neutral: but who am i to tell you how to talk as you will probably ignore me or try at an attempt to flame me with no knowledge of me or my game play. so just sit back and quit talking because you hold no leverage to talk at all.:icon_wink:

I'm struuuuuuuuugling to keep myself from pulling a "Serious First" and throwing insults at you.

Seriously? That's your effort to get between us and RAW?

You guys need to spend less time on the crappy PnP, and more time trying to clean up the catastrophic deathzone of inactivity and incompetence that is your front line.

wasn't trying to wedge a stake between you two. i was merely stating the obvious of what is to come when and if you beat punch. if you see that as a wedge then you sir are bias as hell and think its all about trying to hurt one an other. i could care less about your pitiful alliance. if it takes you both to beat us then well more power to you because well that just shows that we are pound for pound better then you even with our... how did you say it again? oh thats right " catastrophic deathzone of inactivity and incompetence that is your front line." so cut the crap.
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funny you both had to team up against us. once again close alliance is complete bull because only one of you can win the world. "If" you beat punch then what? you have to think this through before you sound like a complete idiot.:icon_neutral: but who am i to tell you how to talk as you will probably ignore me or try at an attempt to flame me with no knowledge of me or my game play. so just sit back and quit talking because you hold no leverage to talk at all.:icon_wink:

common sense will tell we merge and eradicate all then time end world and way we getting internals we will fit the 2 in nicely


common sense will tell we merge and eradicate all then time end world and way we getting internals we will fit the 2 in nicely

oh yes the panzy way. go figure. lol shows you cant stand the fight... well its well worth it. you didn't even earn the win if you just merge the last tribe remaining. sad way to win.:icon_rolleyes: but once again what do i know huh? it just goes to show that you and your tribe cant handle end stage.

oh btw common sense is very thin of a statement as most of the people on the planet have none. also the name of the game is tribal wars not tribal hug or tribal merge or whatever floats your boat.


i think we have a few up merges left up our sleeve just because u are running out tribe to recruit does not mean we do :)


Now now it not your fault that 2 groups of friends would like to gather for a common goal.

since punch has recruited *sigh* everything around them ,don't be hater since we have plenty of recruits left to salvage


Now now it not your fault that 2 groups of friends would like to gather for a common goal.

since punch has recruited *sigh* everything around them ,don't be hater since we have plenty of recruits left to salvage

two friends? friends don't allow friends to "transfer" in order to get an alliance. also if your friends well... lets just say all friends always have hidden mistrust.. take Russia and Germany WW2 era lol thats just speaks for itself. :icon_wink: however even friends fight so who will break their bonds and throw the first punch!:icon_smile: i have a good idea about who. win will lose ground raw will doubt them and raw will gain little ground. depends on our focus huh? maybe raw will get pushed on maybe win. talk crap when you have won the war not during it. the Germans were beating Russia but the Russians turned the tides at Stalingrad so well don't count your villages until they are captured and secured with support.

your close minded views will be the end of you sir.


and i guess punch is poland and just got all kinds of messed up rofl


nobody cares about statistics we care about punch going bye bye on the map


nobody cares about statistics we care about punch going bye bye on the map

you obviously dont know your history. piety because you are repeating it. you just liek big bad RAM from W30 talking all this good crap about phonex. lol your day will come.


you obviously dont know your history. piety because you are repeating it. you just liek big bad RAM from W30 talking all this good crap about phonex. lol your day will come.

i think you should take your own advice as when the war with win and punch first started punch was saying win is a walk over .
Few months latter win is turning the tide and now it is win pushing punches fronts back :icon_eek: