good reasons as i just mentioned, oh yeah, forgot your still in grade 1, you haven't got to reading yet :lol:
what happened? you "backstabbed" your tribe in war by leaving,which i dont consider that bad IF that was it, you also spied on your own tribe,helped to make them collapse, you destroyed your own tribe to save your self, and you dare say anything about them leaving because there friends were in punch? lol,this is a game, tbh i would prob do what they did if i was them, i rather play a GAME with friends then people i dont know/dont like etc.
and what bong did was not bad at all and i wouldnt consider cheating, sometimes it is needed to be done, i've done it, but w/e its like talking to a brick wall with you, except the wall can come back with better arguments.
im not a shitty player, in fact im better then you, but im not gonna get into that, i rather save both of us from that pointless convo lol
what i did was wrong zach. that was my first world though and i was given a baptism of fire in TW. i didnt want to lose any account due to inactivity so i did something which violated TW rules to keep them alive. im sure others were doing the same in other tribes, but they were doing it through proxies and stuff whereas i didnt know that shit at the time. anyway, i have gained a healthy respect for TW since then and do not intend to having myself subjected to such things again.