lol 9/11..........911 :icon_razz: Typical yanks
lol 9/11..........911 :icon_razz: Typical yanks
i think these cheep shots should not be made on other country's. this is a public forum.
if you knew what happened on that date, you would not be saying that. many people have died on that date. that remark to me is an insult. i had family there, when it happened.
Umm, he didn't say anything to offend anyone. He is referring to the date format. No need to try and twist his comment around.
On the same note us as Americans are notorious for being insensitive for the loss of life, why should others care about what happens to us?
Green monster is right...
A lot of people die, and have died on a lot of dates through out history, all over the world. So media induced 9/11, or any other date doesn't get any special notoriety in my book, no matter who died on those dates; even if it was the queen of England.
It's just another day to die, and for some people to go to a better place.
Seriously, the best thing to do if you are so opposed to every nit picky thing then hit the power button.
Watch the maps... today on TW (and on earth) people will die.
So please don't freak out, but Life will be busy killing some of these people.
After all this is a WAR game....geesh (why can't people understand that).
Although I would like to celebrate, I will not commemorate any date of any players death, because it's just another day, and no death is any greater than any other. No matter who died, somebody mattered to someone, and some mattered to none.
Just so you all know... on the day of my death, call the press because I too would like to be immortalized; in every state, in every village, in every country, on every world! I would also like statues; and they better be good looking.
Oh, and one more thing...
Since I die a little every day, I would like EVERY day to be 'Jinzee Day'... thanks.
Yep.... watch the maps, that's what counts here.
Green monster is right...
A lot of people die, and have died on a lot of dates through out history, all over the world. So media induced 9/11, or any other date doesn't get any special notoriety in my book, no matter who died on those dates; even if it was the queen of England.
It's just another day to die, and for some people to go to a better place.
Seriously, the best thing to do if you are so opposed to every nit picky thing then hit the power button.
Watch the maps... today on TW (and on earth) people will die.
So please don't freak out, but Life will be busy killing some of these people.
After all this is a WAR game....geesh (why can't people understand that).
Although I would like to celebrate, I will not commemorate any date of any players death, because it's just another day, and no death is any greater than any other. No matter who died, somebody mattered to someone, and some mattered to none.
Just so you all know... on the day of my death, call the press because I too would like to be immortalized; in every state, in every village, in every country, on every world! I would also like statues; and they better be good looking.
Oh, and one more thing...
Since I die a little every day, I would like EVERY day to be 'Jinzee Day'... thanks.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki shat all over 9/11 in terms of damage and lives lost. BUT OH KNOES IT'S OKAYS BECAUSE LIKE... IT WAS US BOMBS SO IT OKAZZZZ.
Also, Hiroshima and Nagasaki = Much cooler to watch.
Maps are looking good, it's too bad we can't get all of the maps made for world four over the past two years and make them into one gif?