World War 65


Almost a month since the maps were made!
Looking forward to seeing the difference.

Predictions for next month is that my evil pet pacman eats well.





not to bad really when you think about it, only a few players lost in K45 and someone quit up north? others just switched sides :p


And it seems as we spoke in the other thread, what I said was coming to fruition once more:

Me said:
You're so desperate to get players to give up before the tide finishes flipping to us

Me said:
you've done everything you can (your tribe, anyways) to recruit Wobble players...You've done everything you can to use spies as well, and more...

With the move of n4zghoul, let's see exactly how desperate you really are:

[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: TB!, TB!2
Side 2:
Players: n4zghoul

Timeframe: 13/04/2013 00:00:00 to 17/04/2013 02:59:11

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 24
Side 2: 2
Difference: 22


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 225,236
Side 2: 18,814
Difference: 206,422


And if you tell me he was gifting those away, then you've recruited a liar anyways:

n4zghoul on 16.04. at 14:38
im busy bro own op on my head

What's the excuse this time? You guys aren't trying to recruit players cause you're losing on the frontline, or use spies...he was just unhappy because he stubbed his big toe :icon_rolleyes:?


desperate + but we are out conquering you = your point fails


I know this is difficult because you're so stuck in your current mindset of arrogance, but desperate to stem the recent flow of losses you've had on the frontline (which you make up for by nobling isolated villages, which are quickly running out):

[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: Wobble
Side 2:
Tribes: TB!, TB!2

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 54
Side 2: 51
Difference: 3


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 514,661
Side 2: 468,891
Difference: 45,770


Isolated villages run out, the lead shrinks and reverses. What a surprise, eh? So you recruit players to try and stay afloat, because you can't win on the frontline nearly as easily anymore. We'll see how that continues as it goes on, and if it continues to be true.


I posted a map for people like you who can't see who is actually isolated, and it's only gotten more apparent since (though making another map takes time I don't have):


White = Wobble conquers against TB!
Green = TB! conquers against Wobble

I think it's pretty apparent he's losing villages in your clusters, not isolated.


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Buddy, many of my villas have been isolated for the most time of this war. At some point more mates got some villas in this k34/k35 corner. Check the length of the front line as well that I had - it was running 3/4 of the k34/k35 border and through k34 north/east up in the south middle of k24. That's a lot of front line villas for 1 account, and most of them too spread. It was a mistake from my part to spread that much, but got lucky wobbles didn't see it and act earlier. I don't know strategically if wobbles will gain or loose from their op on my villas, but surely so far TB! has an undisputed lead over Wobble.


It wasn't isolated, simple as that. Whether or not you spread too much is your issue, but I had an op and have a fairly large frontline, Angacam is the same, many accounts are like that...I'm not saying you're bad, I'm saying that you're frontline and we're focusing there, while Se7ensins is an entirely different situation.


It wasn't isolated, simple as that. Whether or not you spread too much is your issue, but I had an op and have a fairly large frontline, Angacam is the same, many accounts are like that...I'm not saying you're bad, I'm saying that you're frontline and we're focusing there, while Se7ensins is an entirely different situation.

different continents, different shaped clusters, different active players around in your tribe, different players around as your enemy.....NO, not different at all, both frontline, both losing villages to many attacks....only ivogb will pull through and se7ensins will be rimmed.,...that's the difference


Ivo had/has a much more defined front line. This can be seen easily through his ODD. He was capable of stacking his front line villages whereas se7ensins is pretty surrounded without a definitive front line. His lack of a frontline is in large part due to players switching sides from TB to Wobble. His villages weren't stacked nearly as much as Ivo's because half of them weren't really front line till players switched sides.


se7ensins also has another world to play and it can be tough finding sitters in Wobble I bet. (I mean you don't even know if they will switch sides overnight!)


Finding sitters is irrelevant because he's just a shit player.

Very nice view you have of him, there again was it not someone in leadership from Wobble who placed him on the account? He seems to have done well on world 58 so he can't really be all that bad. :icon_confused:

Just another call of bad judgment.
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different continents, different shaped clusters, different active players around in your tribe, different players around as your enemy.....NO, not different at all, both frontline, both losing villages to many attacks....only ivogb will pull through and se7ensins will be rimmed.,...that's the difference

They aren't both frontline. How many times do I have to post a map to prove you wrong? It's right there, in plain view. Seriously, you're missing 99% of it.

As for you Guess What?, as much as I like Brandon he knows he's not the best player. He's learning, though, and continues to, and has fun doing it. So what if he's not the best player around? Doesn't mean much. He was faced with isolation of a sort that couldn't last forever.

But don't worry about players turning, cause we're not. If the ex-AAA members who did nothing in their war against Wobble in the past want to leave, so be it. The ones who remain are those we will continue to get to know and enjoy working with, and who wish to prove that they're more than conniving traitors. We're fine with that.