While I dont feel inclined to comment on the length of VX's stick, I would have to assume he is talking about k52/54/60/64/65/70/74/84/91 as those are the K's that VX has been eliminated or greatly reduced in.
Ben, you might also highlight the K's that AXX has made great progress in to balance things out. Those 2400 caps took place somewhere.
I wouldn't consider continents connected to the core of the tribe (K70), or with tribal majority in 4 out 8 surrounding continents (K52) as isolated. Also I would say K54 was an isolated LIFE cluster, of course it has changed in the second picture you posted.
But of course it is a matter of opinion, so we will consider those continents isolated anyways.
LIFE caps vs. AF/A.X.X/GX/VX-Myr (2010/09/25 - 2011/01/24)
Total caps: 7153
Caps K52/54/60/64/65/70/74/84/91: 4074 ~ 57%
Caps rest: 3079 ~ 43%
Note: These numbers are not the same as Waterdrinker's, but I double checked. Also there seems to be a "bug" with the war stats tool, as there seems to be no way to add the "old" AF. Adding AF to the stats with current time frame, changes nothing.
I think it will be hard to justify that 90% of caps are isolated targets.
A.X.X caps vs. LIFE (2010/09/25 - 2011/01/24)
Total caps: 770
K21: 21
K30: 1
K31: 5
K33: 1
K41: 2
K42: 142
K43: 312
K44: 25
K45: 41
K47: 40
K48: 12
K49: 26
K50: 18
K51: 2
K52: 5
K54: 3
K55: 17
K57: 60
K60: 1
K64: 14
K65: 13
K69: 2
K70: 3
K74: 4
Note: Even though the time frame is the same, A.X.X has only existed since December 9.
Not much action in K32, but seems A.X.X is slowly gaining in K42/43.
10 out of 9 is fooled by statistics
I am not really a fan of how people try to "prove" who is going to win a war, by statistics. 4 months of caps, and LIFE's total gain against the opposing tribes can be neutralized by two players quitting. So these numbers should not be taken as an attempt to prove any tribe better than the other, or an attempt to prove the end result of the war. I just couldn't believe that 90% of LIFE caps were isolated easy pickings. Just sharing the numbers I arrived to. I didn't prove it wrong, but I would say it takes some crazy twisting of numbers and defining even more isolated continents to reach 90%.