BGeorge3 on 29.12. at 16:25
Nevermind.I was going to talk about the account but apparently khite wants to keep with the internal.
If you want, you can set me as sitter and I can help with the internal if you have to leave? However, to do that, i'd need you to email me the following statement below:
"I, the waffler man player give BGeorge3/Fork permission to do whatever they see fit with my account, including internal."
I just thought i'd offer to help since I know you wanted to leave.
^There is the email I had sent you in-game. I am Fork Leadership, so somebody DID email you about what we were going to do with your account and who to set as sitter.
After that email you said:
Waffler Man on 30.12. at 00:05
I will tell you now you are making a big mistake gifting villas to accounts that will never take it to Honor
It wasn't supposed to end quite like this but the arresting officer didn't give me the courtesy of being able to play tw I'm afraid
Then you never gave me the sit or gave me permission for the internal.
Look at the forum post Khite so thoughtfully pasted, you may see a thirteen day gap ... :icon_wink: I could log back in and post all the delightful mails I received but unlike yourself I have principles, good try though
Post the proof Chump oops I mean Chan, good luck with that