FINAL was the same as XIII in all but name, any reason you need to be so technical?
They bailed you out in the D3TH war. Public knowledge.
They bailed you out in the D3TH war. Public knowledge.
FINAL was the same as XIII in all but name, any reason you need to be so technical?
They bailed you out in the D3TH war. Public knowledge.
FINAL was the same as XIII in all but name, any reason you need to be so technical?
1st: you either don't know a thing about the above mentioned tribes or you pretend not toBDeath, BRKDA, -3-, SHTONU, -TBP-, MRH, SLW, CC, PHNX, AYE, CORL, DEATH, XIV, ??????, WTF!!!, EXP-E, Me, CHAOS, JJ, =WOLF=, WOZ, OG SiN, WHO, NINIF, SOLO, Tactic, $TCC$, ~ST~, ~CBS~ and all other players, groups, or any classification a tribe can fall under who is still active in any way should prevent XXXX from taking the world while the time to do so still exists. If this happens, any above tribe stands a chance of winning the world. I realize why many tribes are not attacking, and I commend you on intelligent diplomacy, but is winning a world through sheer diplomacy worth it at the expense of an exciting end of the world?
1st:Would you now? It's a very interesting selextion of tribes there, but you haven't told us why? Have you by any chance had any association with any of those tribes?I would personally like to see BDeath, SLW, BRKDA, or -TBP- to win the world at this point. Or a newly organized and reformed version of $CoD$. XXXX has used too many allies to get to this point and once was a great war tribe, now seems like a hugger or family tribe. My reasoning is the lack of challenge from $CoD$ at this point.
Want more challenge? Make a few more enemies and prove yourselves to be the powerful tribe many believe you to be. This can't be a fun way to win the world Jonedcap, I'm sure you want a multi-front war at some point just to test your tribe...
That's exactly what you implied!!!!I understand what you thought I meant. I did not mean to imply your war with [D3TH] and all the players/land you gained from it were not earned. I meant to say why not add some challenge and fight some more people? Considering the world will end in a lame way if you do not. After all, you had no problem screwing XIII. The ally that is the reason you are even in the position to be ruling the world in the first place.
No XIII they are not the reason they have some of the best players.They are the reason you have some of the best players in the world both from [D3TH]'s collapse and when you threatened to attack XIII to get to $CoD$. You still put the nail in the coffin to their tribe yourself along with sir colbey. Don't act like you took all of the XIII players Kontinents through combat.
(Are you Ywevis by any chance)
The wrong enemy = Emperor B.H. just to let you know whos hiding
FINAL was our last ditch attempt to keep the monolith going, unfortunately inactivity proved too great for us.
Come on JC, it has been a while now, admit it. Not just inactivity but what else?
Say it, you can do it now... you can finally admit it...
Whatever you mean, we all found out that Monolith size does not matter anyway..
I'm too irrelevant to have to hide and too hated to care to respond because it will be mutilated even if it consists of 100% facts.
No tribe should take the world with such an easy war being labeled 'the final battle'. I respect XXXX more than any tribe here besides BDeath or -TBP-. I just don't wanna see such a respected tribe take such a lame win. In short, that's where I'm coming from in all this. Feel free to disagree.
I'm too irrelevant to have to hide and too hated to care to respond because it will be mutilated even if it consists of 100% facts.
No tribe should take the world with such an easy war being labeled 'the final battle'. I respect XXXX more than any tribe here besides BDeath or -TBP-. I just don't wanna see such a respected tribe take such a lame win. In short, that's where I'm coming from in all this. Feel free to disagree.
I don't use the Emperor B.H. tag anymore. I just used it once to confirm that I am not hiding (1). I was stating my views on what should happen(2). If I actually wanted it to happen I think I would return to W22 and gain some influence to make it happen(3)? I don't care enough to try and make anything happen, I just cared enough to get some opinions from looking at the map off my chest is all. (4)
If I was trying to hide, I would not have put in my other post on the W52 section at the end of the PnP that I am also known as Emperor B.H (5)., I just use this now so I can come here after posting on W52. Assumptions, they run so rampant in the TW forums community. (6)
I respect what SLW was too much to care whether they fight BDeath under the $CoD$ or SLW tag. They're still fighting the same war in which I was a diplomat speaking with little jac in LEGIT for some time during the BDeath war when no one else would as LEGIT was on the verge of collapse. (7)
They aren't traitors to me personally.(8)
I did what I wanted in W52, created a tribe that went on to take ALL the surrounding K's except for one or two maybe. Not my fault the people running the tribe have war on 4 fronts now after my co-player and I were conveniently offline for an enemy tribe leader to take us out. Therefore maybe to you it was a fail, but my time on that world was just as successful at the time as the leaders of the other 2 top tribes there NiNi and -MM-. Please leave W52 out of this since you obviously don't know the matter very well. :icon_rolleyes:(9)
Come on JC, it has been a while now, admit it. Not just inactivity but what else?
Say it, you can do it now... you can finally admit it...
Not by inexplicably upset and stroppy people ....or by those trying to wear a mask either I think.You know I'm never going to. No matter what some inexplicably rather upset and stroppy people post.
What have I got to lose by sticking to my guns now anyways?
On a separate note is it being suggested that the current SLW is a direct reincarnation of the old one?