Sorry for keeping you so busy trying to keep up with us on w57, now you have no time to blog
I think our blogger's monkey crashed and burned...
His story of the drama was patchy in the extreme.
Doubt anyone cares tbf
Some of us like to know all the details and events of the world.
wamo blamo! tom is my hero!
maybe interview the dukes of involved tribes for next time?
I did one with Sergei a few blogs back and I did actually try to get one with BMF leadership but Raven never got back to me :icon_sad:
If you'd like, I'll interview on behalf of Raven and completely make things up.
Apologies for that Tom, I dropped you a message on skype about it :icon_wink:
I think I can guess, but what account do you play on this world?
Interview meh! I'll pretend to be merchant and bhawb - and have an internal argument :icon_eek: