HOT Diplomacy


I find this announcement quite on contradictory to all what the spineless HOT diplomats/aristo's have been telling the CEG people.
I cant say we didnt see it coming, but when you have HOT diplomats/aristo's approaching us about attacking TW and ATEN i find this frankly laughable.

im sure the big honest CEG will prevail then.


Well, you have ESL battle skills, I can see that... so if you are so proud of ESL why are you not ESL anymore?

And I was not talking to you, I was talking to Mr. "CEG does not exist". :icon_wink:

I can respect a tribe without being in it. :icon_biggrin:

I know you weren't talking to me, I was correcting the things in your statement that were wrong though. You did not comment on the corrections, so I'll assume I was right. Unless you rebuttle, which is ok either way. Not here to flame anyone just make corrections when possible.



Have we forgotten the intent of this game? all other issues aside, imagine what the course of events would have been had HOT sided with CEG against ATEN as Ry-Fi suggests:

1) HOT declares on ATEN
2) TW sides with HOT
3) ATEN is wiped out in a very short and violent war
4) CEG treats HOT like a second ESL so no future war between them is possible
5) HOT refuses to fight with TW so no war is possible there either
6) Wide spread peace breaks out and a sever case of boredom sets in
7) We all quite with no real reason to play and ROFL wins

Overall i would say that this plans has a great number of flaws in it

Well said.


I can respect a tribe without being in it. :icon_biggrin:

I know you weren't talking to me, I was correcting the things in your statement that were wrong though. You did not comment on the corrections, so I'll assume I was right. Unless you rebuttle, which is ok either way. Not here to flame anyone just make corrections when possible.


So can I. :icon_wink: And the good folks at ESL know that pretty well. They also know that our long alliance with ESL played a huge role in us not joining the last war, which XiG players now suddenly criticize us for, after previously praising us for that stance...

This time we obviously only have allies in one direction, as CEG leadership has shown themselves to be too dishonest to be a good ally, so we had no problems pushing at CEG when you were trying to push TW around.

Yah, XiG took hits, but ESL was much smaller than XiG and was worse off in terms of tactical positioning. They thrived, I honor them for it.

I'm to busy to make a rebuttal of your rebuttal of my statements that were aimed at another. :icon_razz:

Anyway, happy hunting to all.
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I believe and hope that this one is the end of -CEG-
They do not pass this war
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Glad to see HOT never changed it ways, I would be disappointed if HOT grew a spine. Honestly I can't recall a war in world 2 where one side was not complete and utterly outnumbered, a shame really.

Bringing me to the question - when will the joint war declaration be? I'm guessing tomorrow at 12:00. :icon_razz:

Hey, how ya doing? Nice to see you are still a hypocrite. CEG formed to bully the world with its new size. From the very beginning I have told them this was a bad idea because it wouldnt go over well.

Kind of sucks when the bully gets bullied doesnt it? Especially when they make such hypocritical posts. Congrats.


I believe and hope that this one is the end of -CEG-
They do not spend this war

Your first sentence made sense. Your second sentence makes no sense at all, please clarify so I can comment on your post that makes no sense.


Hey, how ya doing? Nice to see you are still a hypocrite. CEG formed to bully the world with its new size. From the very beginning I have told them this was a bad idea because it wouldnt go over well.

Kind of sucks when the bully gets bullied doesnt it? Especially when they make such hypocritical posts. Congrats.

Took the words out of my mouth.


Hey, how ya doing? Nice to see you are still a hypocrite. CEG formed to bully the world with its new size. From the very beginning I have told them this was a bad idea because it wouldnt go over well.

Kind of sucks when the bully gets bullied doesnt it? Especially when they make such hypocritical posts. Congrats.

Its fine Jerran, he did make a point though, Aten and CEG are pretty much the same size. What is there a 2% difference I believe?

Its ok if 1 side gets bullied( if Hot/TW declare tommorow), and you did call it, as did alot of people that the world would come to this. Its going to happen, whether its CEG who survives this or not is yet to be seen. Regardless the world will be more entertaining then an all peaceful world. I believe everyone could agree on that.



Its fine Jerran, he did make a point though, Aten and CEG are pretty much the same size. What is there a 2% difference I believe?

Its ok if 1 side gets bullied( if Hot/TW declare tommorow), and you did call it, as did alot of people that the world would come to this. Its going to happen, whether its CEG who survives this or not is yet to be seen. Regardless the world will be more entertaining then an all peaceful world. I believe everyone could agree on that.


Well who says I am not personally upset with how merge happy aten has become? But is it not xig and stw that are proven in the last war? If you guys grew with this war with us on your side you would probably be unstoppable. :lol:

So instead of everyone thinking this is a choice of disrespect, why not think of it as a choice of respect?


Never found it as disrespect myself.

I'd possibly make the same decision.

I look forward to the war, If I go down, it will be a good retirement and a good excuse to quit. I'd rather go down fighting then just get nobled because of inactivity or quitting.


Hey, how ya doing? Nice to see you are still a hypocrite. CEG formed to bully the world with its new size. From the very beginning I have told them this was a bad idea because it wouldnt go over well.

Kind of sucks when the bully gets bullied doesnt it? Especially when they make such hypocritical posts. Congrats.

Yes, Jerran "With big bad evil CEG bully out of the way there will be no more backstabbing or any of those nasty wars and all tribes will live in peace and happily dance around in a field of flowers." :icon_rolleyes:

After CEG which one your long-standing allies do you plan to gang up next? My guess is Aten...

The alliance will always find a black sheep to single out one at a time and try to swallow them whole. Except this time they may have found their match and are about to choke :icon_wink:

The HOT/TW and friends vs. singular tribe scenario isn't new.

The concurrently diplomatic drops, the simultaneous and identical war declarations, we have all we seen them before….

But I doubt you got my point.


I get your point and as for the future I have no idea. That totally depends upon this war. A lesson learned from the last war right?

I dont think CEG will be a pushover. I know they wont. Thus any further plans past this war are pointless. CEG could win the world right here and now. We know that is a possibility, but the possibility would only have been greater in the future if we worked with you now. I am not saying you guys diplomatically are evil and would do so. Its just the "possibility" is there. Can you understand that paranoid?

I have told certain CEG leaders from the beginning that they stepped too far ahead of the rest of the world with this. We saw how CEG talks of ESL as if they are their little protectorate that they could take out if they wanted to. Well HOT will not be that. We will not be your little ally that you feel you keep alive or kill at your own whim.

Thus why we stand up to the greatest power in the game right now. The Balance of Power demands such be done.


The world Balanced back out though, people seem to miss that, Aten and CEG are the same size.

So whats the unbalance everyone talks of, does Aten lack skils or something?

I am just trying to get an answer, on the unbalance of a fight between ATEN and CEG(not saying i'm opposed to HOT/TW joining in or scared of the fact)... what is the Unbalance though, they are the same size, 2% difference.


Im probably going to get flamed for this but I do believe STW and Xig are more tested then Aten. Im not saying aten sucks and doesnt know what they are doing. I dont believe that at all. But Aten growing has been part of the balance righting itself as that has been happening ever since the CEG merger happened.

To aten I would point out though what is happening to CEG with their heavy sized merge. Dont go overboard with the easy growth stuff.

As to these moves balancing the entire world out, you are wrong. Its not balanced and the first move to correct that is being made. We shall see if it is balanced or if the scales tip to one side permanently. That is what is up for grabs in this war. The last one decided the fate of the Overlords of W2. This one is possibly for the world itself. It all depends on the battles pepper. Its that simple, the game of diplomacy we have played up until this point is pretty much over. Now is the time this game was meant to be. Pure carnage, everywhere.


Well regardless what CEG people might think we think, I do not believe that this is going to be an easy thing. I believe it will be hard, and I know that I am going to loose villages, maybe a few, maybe many. However I am prepared to do this since I see this as the right thing to do for the best of Aten.

Also when you have the moral right on your side you get a extra boost in your attacks :icon_wink:
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also, note that quite a lot of players left ceg, one tribe to aten, don't know if that should be used at this point as before that ceg was 8-10% bigger than next family, was it hot or aten at that time, can't remember, check hamartia's "world in numbers" maybe for that.

as of battle experience, you can figure it out yourself.


I find this announcement quite on contradictory to all what the spineless HOT diplomats/aristo's have been telling the CEG people.
I cant say we didnt see it coming, but when you have HOT diplomats/aristo's approaching us about attacking TW and ATEN i find this frankly laughable.

Attacks on CEG? No, there are no attacks on CEG, just like there was no merger of StW and Xig into CEG, as stated by all their "high muckety mucks? :icon_rolleyes:

Frankish even you are embarrassing yourself.

(BTW, if you ask nicely I may pass on your request for an invite to the Aten aristos)


also, note that quite a lot of players left ceg, one tribe to aten, don't know if that should be used at this point as before that ceg was 8-10% bigger than next family, was it hot or aten at that time, can't remember, check hamartia's "world in numbers" maybe for that.

as of battle experience, you can figure it out yourself.

Hope your not taking pride in gaining a tribe of cowards.

I also hope you're not thinking the more tribes the better. Would only sound like another RUM. Will take a while for Aten to get 42 tribes....but I'm sure it will happen in the future.


What war, CEG said it was not going to declare war on any tribe and followed suit. You can speculate whether or not they had the right to attack CMFAM/CE but considering XiG is a part of CEG I believe they did.

We will have to agree to disagree on that one.

On the other part, it's obvious Aten wanted to declare war on CEG from the start not just drop diplomacy. The reason they stalled declaring war is because they where waiting for TW/HOT to join them, simple. But for the sake of soldier's post I'll let the propaganda rest.

Actually you are way off the mark...again.

CMFAM had secured a NAP with XiG in the days leading up to the merge with TW. The NAP was given, and the mail still exists, by Warhawg. Hawg was still your leader at that time. Deny it all you want, the proof exists, and scarus will back me up.

Once the merge was taking place the new XiG leadership decided they didn't want a NAP. Too late, the merge was going ahead. You tried the samecrap with CE, even though your team cried a million times that CEG was a new tribe with new diplomacy. You tried to then say you could still attack CMFAM and CE because XiG didn't want to NAP them.

You have backed yourselves into this corner by trying to treat all the other major tribes with contempt. You have installed the worlds worst diplomat, employed bully boy tactics with the other majors and now I guess ATEN have had enough.

Keep up your arrogance and you just might find the other majors joining too.

Reap what you sow.