Religious Debate


No doubt God smited Jesus becaues he slept with Mary, his mother. Tsk tsk, but Jesus cam back because he was very in a tomb filled with Element 115 that most likely came from an ancient meteor. It has cell reanimating/regenerating abilities so it is nt very unlikely.


There is no proof god excists.

In the sky, i see clouds. If you have ever been in a plane you see there is no heaven in the clouds. Above the clouds there is space. No proof of heaven or god..
Below my feet there is ground, i dont see hell. People have dug very deep holes in the ground. No sign of hell. In the middle of the planit, it is burning hot that if you go near it, you burn and die.

A massive ship that had to carry all the animals in the world would have had to be very big. So if it was real, there would still be proof today.

There were people before adam and eve. Before that monkeys. There are skeletons dug up to prove the evolution of man. Adam and eve could not have started the planits population or we would all be dead because of incest and disease..

Christianity is just supporting a man who stood against the romans and was killed for it. The only reason is spread to be a massive religion is because he had a few followers that didnt like romans and so they went around telling lies about jesus. Then when the dark ages hit, people in europe needed something to believe cause their old believes wernt helping them and people were dying everywhere. If i was there in the dark ages i could have went around europe telling everyone lies about worshiping me cause it will stop the disease spreading and there is a better place when you die to look forward to. People would believe anything at that time..

Believing in things has happened all the way through humanity because if we see something that doesnt make sence, we can believe in god or something else because its the easy thing to do instead of trying to figure it out. Now we have scientists and heaps of educated smart people that can actually think for themselves and can go out and find out why something does something instead of just putting it aside and starting a religion.

I dont know alot of religions, but i believe Budhism is the best ive seen so far aswel.

I do respect people that are christian and let them believe what they want even though i find most of it lies.
If people want to believe in things then go ahead but i dont believe in god and never will (unless someone finds proof of god or somthing big that will change my mind).
Religions are the cause of quite a few wars so i dont choose to follow one.

I dont mind if people choose to follow a religion though. This is just me.


So much to add where to start?

The history, the Philosophy the Science?
Before I get into this thing I think it's important to note I was raised in a Protestant Lutheran family with ancestry well engraved into the History of the church.

First off as is the case with a lot of the forum prattle people seem to think the use of an strong verb and an uncommon predicate will ad logic to their statement. I agree with a lot of the statements made, and a lot I don't. Some of its plain garbage on all accounts. Some people need to look further than the first page of Google and actually fact check themselves before posting but I'm not here to flame.

Religion itself from a literal standpoint is nothing more than a set of beliefs or guidelines to help a society function. It doesn't necessarily have to be related to the the presence, acknowledgment, belief or worship of a supernatural force. Religion is one answer to the question of how we should act? I only read replies on pages 4-6 but I didn't see the polytheistic vs monotheistic can of worms kicked--its not the direction I want this thought to head but I don't think you can talk religion without at least mentioning it.

While the other major belief sets throughout history have spent time trying to discredit the others the people of the Hindu religion continue to literally take the leap[spoil]
[/spoil] and accept many different "paths to God or the afterlife" while worshiping several deities. It has always fascinated me how some of them can bathe in this filth day in and day out without contracting an infection--I am sure the answer to some extent lies with the biological evolution of genetics but still--it's kind of like radically handling venomous snakes in the Christian religion, if any have seen that maybe its just the camera angles and other factors but both certainly have a kind of "mysterious" or "super natural" aire to them.

If you are curious as to an accurate time line of the biblical redaction process here is one from an credible source.

From what I know the canonization was very carefully documented. Let me remind you the bible was not originally written on paper, key stroked on your lab top at 80 wpm or any of the above better options--rather the mere process of producing the scrolls was painstaking long. The delete key consisted of scraping the whole thing. The fact it took most of the "prophets" tasked with authoring the synoptic gospels(Matthew, Mark, Luke) more or less the better part of their life to transfer their eyewitness accounts to rawhide over fifty years should contest to that. Could "Q" be Yahweh? I do know at least some the existing illustrations depicting the marathon events show the author with a direct link to arch angels feeding them verbatim.

From an historical standpoint the stories of Jesus, his teachings, even his "miracles" were such common place in verbal circles and in action that the fact their are so many different concurring accounts of the same event leads to the creditability of what is held between the bindings of your New Testament NIV bible today. Over 200 people report seeing him resurrected in the flesh.

Perhaps the fulfilled prophecy, or therein, to be completely impartial the "perceived fulfillment" is what really gets me. Another little FYI tidbit--Isaac Newton spent many a sleepless night trying to decode revelations his prophesy isn't a far stretch from what the Mayans came up with--especially considering the new published opinion they could have had an error margin of 50-100 years.

I'll address the physics and cosmos with my last thought here. Newtons first law of motion will be referenced--and it could be wrong. [spoil]Every body remains in a state of rest or uniform motion (constant velocity) unless it is acted upon by an external unbalanced force. This means that in the absence of a non-zero net force, the center of mass of a body either remains at rest, or moves at a constant speed in a straight line.[/spoil]. The favored current astronomy(last 10 yrs) theory says the universe is in fact expanding which alone doesn't mean anything but it has been determined things are expanding at an increasingly rapid rate which would go against everything we know. The only explanation is something is acting upon it with force and this they call "Dark Energy" in Astronomy. Dark matter is a something else too, bit of an older topic in the field but if you didn't know 90% of mass in outer space is completely undetectable.

Interpret it as you will but to me that information could certainly be used to strengthen the case of the creationist--and most defiantly should get your wheels spinning about the parallel universe angles. Both arguments have a strong suit but for those of you wanting to continue to try and debate on the other side of the street hang onto the evolution theory it's your trump card relative to the rest of the junk in your hand.

Just don't forget what you're claiming :p

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Its not where we came from that Matters, Its not how we got here that is relevent, Its what we are going to do with our lives now we are here that counts. Good or Evil, Heaven or Hell or God or no God, at the end of the day it is ourselves that make the choices and how we define ourselves to others.


Prototype. said:
Islam - Civil Unrest in Central Asian countries(Constant war between different fractions).

I'd like to know which wars you're on about here. While there has been friction between Muslim factions (mainly Shia-Sunni) in the past, the only war between these factions since the Middle Ages was fought in the 1980s between Iraq and Iran. That war was politically motivated where the USA backed Iraq to take out Iran after the Islamic revolution in Iran as America had lost a key ally there in Raza Shah Pehlavi.

The only other example which I can think of would be Shia and Sunni militias backed by different governments fighting eachother for supremacy in Iraq right now, although thats more of guerrila skirmishes than a full fledged war. What is a clear trend in both of these wars is that the USA seems to be right at the center of every internal skirmish in the Muslim world, causing divisions between the various sectarian groups-note that Iraq was a peaceful country before the allied invasion, was well respected in the Arab world and the reason for the invasion: searching for Weapons of Mass Destruction was a load of crap.

Apart from these two clashes, I cant think of a single one since 1500 AD based on religious reasons, so please enlighten me.
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While you do bring up some good points Bulbasaur, you are neglecting to mention a few things.

You claim the only war was Iraq - Iran war since the Middle ages.

Israel have since its creation been warring various factions, Lebanese civil war for 15 years (christians lost this bigtime), Iraq finally invading Kuwait, Turkey and Iraq massacring kurds.

This is only since WWII, and i could alot more. While some of thse are not wars, he only mentioned civil unrest, and all of these apply for that.

But you bring a valid point, USA needs to leave the middleast, and South America also!


On what grounds do you stand on to say that the U.S. needs to leave the middle east? What knowledge and facts do you have that constitutes the righteousness of saying such a bold statement?

First, the web of politics and power involving all the countries that make up the middle east is far too complex for ordinary citizens from any country to really give an educated comment on what they think all the leaders need to do, and to do so only proves the shortsightedness of the commenter. It is near impossible for you to know the balance of things and the consequences of such huge actions by world powers.

What we do know: So yes the U.S. invaded Iraq, and the reasons for it were controversial and misleading, but once the invasion happened and the Iraqi government toppled, you can't just say "oops we shouldn't have gone in, lets get out now." The U.S. made a mess and the U.S. is responsible for cleaning it up. I'm sure you would prefer anarchy and chaos in a country with no security as opposed to US security forces at least trying to keep order. That's your opinion, but when it comes down to human rights and death tolls, it is far better for the U.S. to remain in Iraq, keep security, and build up its government than to let everyone run wild, regardless if you agree with them being there in the first place.

The U.S. invaded Afghanistan, fighting the group the was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks and who are constantly plotting and planning against the U.S. and other western countries. I don't know what kind of person you are, but to say that a person or country cannot fight back against it's aggressors has lost his/her mind. Perhaps you would prefer the U.S. to turn the other cheek, or in this case city? Again your opinion but it definitely shows the either cruel or naive person you are. The U.S. is trying to defeat the Taliban and its supporters while trying to improve conditions for the citizens who were oppressed by the Taliban and prevent the conditions that gave the Taliban strength in the first place.

I do not claim to support any reasons for going into Iraq or any other causes for the conditions the middle east is in, but the U.S.' current involvement is necessary for protection of human life and liberties.


With regards to God, I can prove he exists using one little picture. Prepared to be amazed!!!!!


I do not claim to support any reasons for going into Iraq or any other causes for the conditions the middle east is in, but the U.S.' current involvement is necessary for protection of human life and liberties.


Y'all can argue against the USA, UK, Canada, etc. and say, pull out, pull out! bring our troops home!

When you do that, you're being an idiot and you're being selfish. The countries mentioned above (not exclusively) need to stay in the war zones that they have created and clean up the mess. Coming home would be selfish.



Obama is waging a secret war on Al-Qaeda in Yemen...civilians being kill just the same as every where else American missiles are flying just the casualties of war :/. The Yemeni government was caught covering up for the USA.

Just read the wikileaks.

Bush's war on terror has continued past Iraq and Afghanistan and oil is not the motive.

If you say George Bush invaded Iraq for oil I will tell you that you are ignorant.
Sure--it's just that much more oil for us. We already puppet the Saudi reserves(worlds largest), the ones in Canada(2nd),Kuwait(5th) the UAE(7th)... not to mention our vastly under reported offshore reserves we fail to tap which could easily bring gasoline back to the am/pm 99 cent gallon some of you might remember in the 1990s especially if tax's were dealt with appropriately.

It must suck to lose the cold war. :icon_biggrin:

A country must tap its natural resources to survive. Iraq's comparative advantage in the global economy is oil. Much like Brazil and their coffee. If you want to talk about a robbery the middle man in the coffee trade is as crooked as they come and every morning you rich suburban Americans drive-thru the star bucks you support the thievery!

If you want to make a difference inquire into whether you are being served free trade coffee not boycott petroleum for the day!

The people whom call Bush a greedy oil bandit amaze me. Sure thats how he made part of a family fortune but they're all rich. The pharmaceutical companies are worse. So what if big tobacco put you in office. Or how about the Christian right-wing?

Bush is genuine.

As for this other guy..


This is my opinion and I've bought the shirt!

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never saw this..... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

well im a MUSLIM.
and we believe in god. Becuase.... there r many reasons and i am not a religious expert..

1. How else would the universe sustain so much control, why dont all the galxies just hit each other all of a sudden.

2. the things the prophets have done. i will use examples wrom our prophet: Prophet Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad was a shepherd, didnt know how to write n neither had any kind of teaching. But then he told the Quran from what god had told him. The quran is perfectly synchronized, it is like a poem.
But a person without knowing how to write or knowing about poems couldnt have made it, who made it then???


I think that this thread has degenerated well past the point of "making points" I'm just adding a cat to the mix of gibberish because hes a cutie...


and we believe in god. Becuase....

1. How else would the universe sustain so much control, why dont all the galxies just hit each other all of a sudden.
Huh? What makes you think the universe is in control? All matter in the universe is constantly moving. Stars (like our sun) explode all the time, and galaxies DO collide from time to time. Why not every galaxy collide with each other at the same exact time? I don't know, but if anything I would think it would take a much higher power to make everything crash at the same time like that, seems irrational.

2. the things the prophets have done. i will use examples wrom our prophet: Prophet Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad was a shepherd, didnt know how to write n neither had any kind of teaching. But then he told the Quran from what god had told him. The quran is perfectly synchronized, it is like a poem.
But a person without knowing how to write or knowing about poems couldnt have made it, who made it then???

Indeed if everything the prophets have done in all religions were true it would be harder to deny the existence of a God. The problem comes from believing what they say. You are trusting everything that is written in the book to be true, he could have easily learned how to write then wrote it, found someone who knew how to write then wrote it, or someone else entirely could have wrote it. Those all seem to be more probable than an invisible man from the sky told him to write it.


Mohammad isn't really the type of guy I would believe or follow even if everything he said were true.

He married and had sex with a 9 year old and ordered the beheading of over 600 Jews. The birth of the Muslim religion was done in a quest for power and resulted in many battles fought and people dead, hardly the actions of a "peaceful" religion. Ever since it's creation the Muslim religion has been responsible for countless wars fought, thousands and thousands of people executed and it still continues to this day.


I find the entire idea of religion entirely ludicrous, and probably the greatest delusion of man that exists today or has ever existed. In fact to hold religious beliefs about the creation of the world, and in particular the afterlife stops you from admiring the wonder that is evolution and the beauty in some peices of work such as Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion, nothing is more true than that statement seeing as there is a discussion of Islam here at the moment going to give an example of such. The nineteen men of 9/11, having washed, perfumed themselves and shaved their whole bodies in preparation for the martyr’s paradise, believed they were performing the highest religious duty. By the lights of their religion they were as good as it is possible to be. They were not poor, downtrodden, oppressed or psychotic; they were well educated, sane and well balanced, and, as they thought, supremely good. But they were religious, and that provided all the justification they needed to murder and destroy. Their madrassas and their mullahs had given them good reason to think they were on a fast track to paradise.

The fact remains that Religion is not a belief, nor a view which one wishes to express in their chosen way but it is an infection like a virus that is persistent and if infected at a young age almost impossible to get rid off. I personally believe that introducing a child's mind when it is particularly likely to take what it is told at complete face value and believe it without question is paramount to child abuse. Parents have no right I believe to force a religion upon a child and should not do so, but to allow the child to grow within a stable loving environment and when it is at an age to decide for itself it can chose a religious or atheist path of the religion of its choosing. Again I think it is wrong to define a child by their religion as we do, thats a Christian child, thats a Muslim child, a Jewish child we do not define children by their parents political views a Socialist child, a Capitalist child and so on to do so with religion is entirely the same.

Sorry long post!


Mohammad isn't really the type of guy I would believe or follow even if everything he said were true.

He married and had sex with a 9 year old and ordered the beheading of over 600 Jews. The birth of the Muslim religion was done in a quest for power and resulted in many battles fought and people dead, hardly the actions of a "peaceful" religion. Ever since it's creation the Muslim religion has been responsible for countless wars fought, thousands and thousands of people executed and it still continues to this day.

get your facts right! he was 32 and married a 48 year old.

And the 600 Jews were making two tribes fight with each other, and in the end the jews would have taken all their money