1111 aka The Final Countdown!



Looks silly?

But in fact - it isn't :) .

Today, Monday 6th of February ... anno Domini 2012 - is the 1111th day of this World ([post=2839005]World 32 starting announcement[/post])!

And as its number is #32 - therefore to the official end of it (at March 9th), since NOW ... there are exactly 32 days yet!

Is it MAGIC??? No!
That's the proof ... (if ... before this short reasoning above :p , anyone still had some doubts), that it is/was really amazing world, with pretty cool history and the most important thing ... all the "greatest" people involved into TW ever - here, now and of course in the whole past as well :) !!!

So, enjoy YOUR own w32 time ... no matter at what stage have you been here ;) .


The Final Countdown
^^^ ... because of thread title :| !

32 - February 6th
31 - February 7th
30 - February 8th
29 - February 9th
28 - February 10th

27 - February 11th
26 - February 12th
25 - February 13th

24 - February 14th
23 - February 16th
22 - February 16th
21 - February 17th
20 - February 18th
19 - February 19th
18 - February 20th

17 - February 21st
16 - February 22nd
15 - February 23rd

14 - February 24th
13 - February 25th
12 - February 26th

11 - February 27th
10 - February 28th

09 - February 29th
08 - March 1st

07 - March 2nd
06 - March 3rd
05 - March 4th

04 - March 5th
03 - March 6th
02 - March 7th
01 - March 8th
.0. - March 9th!!!1143!

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Ooh, my work blocks youtube, so that better be Europe - The Final Countdown in the linky I can't see!

I've known you for a long time now Niko, and I'm starting to think your somewhat of a modern day, Nostradamus, I recall sometime about 3 years ago, you predicted the end of world 32 in the near future, and now you seem to be able to predict it to the day! Magic? I think not, just a perverse sense of the future!

Granted, Nostradamus had some 454 years on your predictions, but I believe somewhere in his prophecies, that he predicted the end of the world in 2012, and the number 32 came up several times.
Could he truly have meant the end of world 32 in 2012? Now there's a philosophical debate for the ages, but I believe it to be true!

Kudos to all of Time out there, who I've had the privilege of battling this world beside.



[...] Nostradamus had some 454 years on your predictions, but I believe somewhere in his prophecies, that he predicted the end of the world in 2012 [...]

Well, he was saying about year: 1999 :icon_razz: .
As you can see now, AYK, he knows/knew nothing!

The same story with all these Aztecs or Mayas ...
... they are taking whole the glory of me nowadays!

Epic phew :icon_twisted: !
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Well, he was saying about year: 1999 :icon_razz: .
As you can see now, AYK, he knows/knew nothing!

Oh I was well aware that he knew nothing when I compared him to you mate! :icon_wink:

The same story with all these Aztecs or Mayas ...
... they are taking whole the glory of me nowadays!

Epic phew :icon_twisted: !



Seriously tho, it was really nice MESS (with different issues at random times too) ...
But definitely, this world had its 'moments'

All hail to You, w32ers!



Still love my first world and miss it occaisionally.

i still wonder how i managed to last as long as i did with my noobyness (and really really bad pc/laptop xD)

just a little bit of random info. its funny how my first world ends 1 day after my 18th birthday :p

so weird to think when i first started playing tw i was 15 :S

try and wangle round some numbers to predict that niko :p
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You always had stellar hair, so I never had it in me to take you out of the game early, it's the only way you survived, I swear it. :icon_redface:



just a little bit of random info. its funny how my first world ends 1 day after my 18th birthday :p

so weird to think when i first started playing tw i was 15 :S

try and wangle round some numbers to predict that niko :p

Pfffft ... that's mega-SIMPLE :icon_razz: !

Yes, almost whole 15 years fully ended, but in reality it was only 14 when you started w32 (as this world was launched on 22nd January - and 22.I < 8.III :icon_wink: ) ... + 18 just finished up when it ends = yeah, obviously ... 32!

Nuff said :p ?


Pfffft ... that's mega-SIMPLE :icon_razz: !

Yes, almost whole 15 years fully ended, but in reality it was only 14 when you started w32 (as this world was launched on 22nd January - and 22.I < 8.III :icon_wink: ) ... + 18 just finished up when it ends = yeah, obviously ... 32!

Nuff said :p ?

Yeah but i dont think i statrted playing w32 right from the start. i started in k24. So i may have been 15. it may not have been long after my 15th birthday.


as for my hair... im fabulous darling *does hair flick*

I think were all in need of an updated photo. heres me, about 2 months ago at my m8's. i dont quite recall why i was on top of his bed with my arm around him though lol

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Ah ha!
I do believe that Niko extrapolated wrong, however, I do believe that 24 (k24) +15 (years) -7 (days in a week) = 32, and once again that magic number occurs.
It's all in the math.


^^^ ... and now ... everything becomes even more logical :icon_idea: !

Because, Bobby, you should know, that every prediction in this topic, is really strongly supported by facts!

... that you have been spotted by TW STATS for the first time here exactly at February 20th (20.II is still < than 8.III :p ) & for example (one of many, but completely random example) ... even your first, oh so yummmy barbarian ever = 1.032 p., where completely accidentally, its coords: (477|286), after proper extrapolation: (47 + 7 - 28 + 6) - gives us what it only can return. 32!

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Actually, original Europe (the band) was this, what I wanted to avoid really badly :icon_razz: ! But thanks. Nice to see you here mate :icon_wink: .

Your posting time :icon_eek: :



... 32!

You see this people?
That's what am I talking about :icon_twisted: !



It's hard to believe that the end of this world is finally coming. Congrats to everyone in Time. I hope you all enjoy the victory. You've earned it.


If its been going for what seems like 5 years....my age - the 5 yr length of the world = 32!

Gosh I feel old now...

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