A tale of War, Respect & Viral Diseases


Yet again you happened to omit the part about your alliance with TDREAL and the others who have been stacking your tribe. Also you forgot to mention how you tried to come to us for "relations/hugs". :icon_rolleyes::lol:

[spoil]Aaqib Farhan Hossain: I have a lot of people who will say stack me and few informants in nc
Aaqib Farhan Hossain: Also in the future my tribe will die of inactivity
Aaqib Farhan Hossain: I can see that
Aaqib Farhan Hossain: So I'll prolly be going around looking for a tribe to play in
Aaqib Farhan Hossain: You guys seem to be the only people I recognize
Aaqib Farhan Hossain: And yeah my last world, would love to be on your side once at least[/spoil]

Threw that in there for some fun, thats pervis btw. Seems pretty ironic right.

Thats me telling Garrock I respected him. He also expressed what seemed at the time genuine interest in working together in this world. Those screenshots are also available.

At that time, i had a high estimation of Rabid as a self sufficient tribe. The events outlined in this thread have caused me to rethink that opinion as it may have caused quite a few others to rethink that opinion.

Quite simply put, I used to think y'all were cool and old school. Now, not so much.


Tribalhugs is very much oldschool pervis. If i remember right early worlds had a ginormous amount of hugging. Wasn't uncommon to see not only the Top 1 and 2 tribe on a given K ally like in this case but even top 3 or top 5, especially with family tribes.

Not so much different here, we can just as well consider these guys one big happy animal family with the Squirrels, Pandas and KATs working so closely together.

Oh and by the way, Sjaak Zwart, please do share with us, who are you ingame?

Deleted User - 10017355

There is only two states in which a leader can display themselves in the externals; Fully fledged or Non-existent. Garrock you seem to be trying to take a half-in half-not approach which isn't working.

Not to mention Sjaak Zwart, mate you iz not only spelling like you're high, but you throw logic out the window whenever you open this thread.


There is only two states in which a leader can display themselves in the externals; Fully fledged or Non-existent. Garrock you seem to be trying to take a half-in half-not approach which isn't working.

Not to mention Sjaak Zwart, mate you iz not only spelling like you're high, but you throw logic out the window whenever you open this thread.
Looks to me like Garrock is taking the mature approach. Something that might not be recognized by youngsters like yourself, suffering from a continuously downgraded schooling system.
The mature approach might not be working for you, as you seem to be looking for nothing other than a flame fest or ban collection party, but for an outsider like me, it does work.
Especially since we have established that most assumptions, presented by you as facts, are indeed nothing but false assumptions.


Sjaak, when did I claim you are from RABID? I simply asked you to point out which one of my statement is an assumption, which you failed to do thus far, where as, I managed to provide proof for everysingle statements I have made so far. And so far all garrock has done is make vague denials of the validity of my claims.

As I had told him on skype already, feel free to deny any of the things I have claimed, and I will be more than happy to provide proof against them. I mean that just gives me another chance to drag him out of the closet. :icon_wink:


Do you really write down so much crap you can't even remember what you wrote yourself?
Or do you simply not understand what you wrote and need me to make a drawing for you?
Sjaak, either you are incapable of understanding a series of facts & figures given, or you're just not competent enough hold a sensible conversation. I have given snaps of statements made by your leader
That clearing states that you assume, Garrock is my leader as in duky of the tribe I am in.
I am not in Rabit. = false assumption, presented as the truth. => you haz a constipation issue => the rest of your assumption, including parts of old convos as being proof will be seen as false assumptions too.
Nice try, goodbye, don't waste my time.



@ Devil some key points.

1) You are correct that we have an agreement with AKATS, with that said your timeline is way off course. Our initial agreement came well before either tribe was even close to the top ranks in the k, and we had intel that (right or wrong) SALT was going to OP us. I might also mention that every tribe that approached us always threw out the language of merge, except AKATS. We were constantly pressured on numerous fronts for diplomacy and merges and knew that at some point our refusals would lead to attacks. Finding one trustworthy friend was common sense.

2) I can't help what you were told, and I don't know what you were told. But after you nobled Guns For Hire and AKATS catted you, I personally had nothing to do with it. I was surprised and even thought that perhaps AKATS had diplomacy with MILFS as well.

3) I was actually not interested in conflict with your tribe, but once a couple of our members attacked you guys on their own volition we were in it... in for a penny in for a pound. Was my fault for not making it clear that you guys were off limits, but hey... whether a formal agreement or not that would have just been more diplomacy wouldn't it have? One of your key points seem to be our over abundance of hugging.

... I will also say that our diplomacy with AKATS seems to have worked, as we are now ranks 1 & 2 in the continent when before we were something like 5 & 8 or 9. In the process I've chosen to to play TW a certain way. A lot of people who know me from past worlds, who I am friendly with etc... have wanted diplomacy, have wanted invitations to our tribes etc... and have been rejected as I don't see it as in our best interests. For example: want to join us, you need a proper account, not a reputation...
Want diplomacy? There needs to be a mutual need for both tribes that can assure loyalty and respect for that diplomacy... and please don't start off negotiations talking about merges, not even "future" merges.

I am sure I've opened pandora's box here and this will denigrate into something worse.

Pervis, speculating and wishing is one thing, showing love and respect also, and reality are two different things. You know this. When we first spoke in December there was that interest, and until one of my members attacked you guys, it was still a possibility. But I stand by my guys and gals.

/cheers mates
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Looks to me like Garrock is taking the mature approach. Something that might not be recognized by youngsters like yourself, suffering from a continuously downgraded schooling system.
The mature approach might not be working for you, as you seem to be looking for nothing other than a flame fest or ban collection party, but for an outsider like me, it does work.
Especially since we have established that most assumptions, presented by you as facts, are indeed nothing but false assumptions.

Ops ... You just hit the roof or that is just assumptions ... Yeah, it might be false too ... You don't care, but I'm hypnotize ...



And sjaak still hasn't responded to my kind request of revealing who he is ingame.

He sure likes to talk big, I was hoping he at least had the decency to not hide behind an alias...


And sjaak still hasn't responded to my kind request of revealing who he is ingame.

He sure likes to talk big, I was hoping he at least had the decency to not hide behind an alias...
Anybody with half a brain could figure that out in 10 minutes. Why not spend 30 minutes to find out if you are so eager to know?
You still have your whole life ahead of you, so 30 minutes ain't that much...


Anybody with half a brain could figure that out in 10 minutes. Why not spend 30 minutes to find out if you are so eager to know?
You still have your whole life ahead of you, so 30 minutes ain't that much...

You have the rest of your life ahead of you so why not just type out your ingame name here instead of a pointless response? Takes not 30, not 10, not even 5 minutes. A minute at most!

And you Sjaak, you are not worth 30 minutes of my life.


Ignore that man, he is a fool :icon_wink:

I know. I insult him twice and he doesn't even understand it. he even confirms it

Anybody with half a brain could figure that out in 10 minutes. Why not spend 30 minutes to find out if you are so eager to know?
You still have your whole life ahead of you, so 30 minutes ain't that much...

And you Sjaak, you are not worth 30 minutes of my life.


He's got a point here you know... sacredfool

Hah! My points are usually on point. I was away from those forums from quite a while so it seems many here forgot that simple fact.

I know. I insult him twice and he doesn't even understand it. he even confirms it

How is that you insulting me by the way?

If you read what you actually wrote, and what I wrote and you so kindly quoted, it'll be perfectly obvious that it's me insulting myself with that statement. Not to mention the same statement also insults you, but that's beside the point. Which means to keep my points on point reputation I'll have to end this sentence here.


@ Devil some key points.

1) You are correct that we have an agreement with AKATS, with that said your timeline is way off course. Our initial agreement came well before either tribe was even close to the top ranks in the k, and we had intel that (right or wrong) SALT was going to OP us. I might also mention that every tribe that approached us always threw out the language of merge, except AKATS. We were constantly pressured on numerous fronts for diplomacy and merges and knew that at some point our refusals would lead to attacks. Finding one trustworthy friend was common sense.

Pretty sure we didn't even bother with you guys until we saw Akats make a thread about joint opping salt with Rabid. ( Hitting After the second attack break posted on the 28th or 29th) Hitting Turtlz and Warrior of hell i think their names where.
1 day before that thread was posted a rabid member asked me who was playing on those two accounts ( basically trying to gather info for the op )
Then on the 31st Garrock mails me saying "Salt is going to hit Rabid before nobles(facepalm)" in response to us stacking the 2 players that where supposed to be opped

Also I am pretty sure Akats have only worked with you cause they want to merge down the line :icon_eek:


Sjaak is well known, asking your friends would be easier than spending your time asking him to write his name down. It's a time saver.