Wrong No1.
hmmm, you seem to conveniently forget I was in Axe well before you were (on my original account).
dannz Joined 11th June 2008 - 04:34 282,180
jaffe25 Joined 04th August 2008 - 19:28 1,925,126
wow, thats actually about 8 whole weeks :icon_eek:
And actually, no thats not why he split 2ez. It was more so to do with the mess with EZ and the sudden depature of totti10 and Niiice. CK factored into it, but not really.
In case you missed the hint, I was very much there for the event you refer to.
Wrong No 2. Boozie did a lot without you. Funny looking back through the council archives and I struggle to find any productive threads started by you. It was like Batman and Robin. With you being Robin :lol:
Wrong No.3 the Oldest player is Coolbreeze, who has outlasted us all. Ali is not Ali, and Ali is not Sueco.
Wrong No .4 You have no idea why he left. The whole transfer of account (AncientHoard) things was purposely done behind your back just to get Tsoh back on side with Axe. We had quite a good chuckle about it actually. Those who were there (and actually there, not just making dates up like you do, such as WM could attest to this), knew the reasons why.
The legacy of your leadership lies in the doldrums and incompetence that you lead Axe to after the TATS war. Going from a top tribe, to the laughing stock of W15 that no one cared about until DAD were fortunate enough to bail you out. You completely misread the whole situation and failed to capitalise on it in every way possible.
The proof? The fact you got demoted and im now higher ranked that you in Axe :lol::lol::lol:
P.s, try keeping on track on not going off on a massive tangent when responding.
FOR THE LAST TIME MYSELF AND BOOZIE CREATED AXE. It was an idea just the two of us discussed while agreeing to merge our tribes. You were not part of the creation and were nothing more than a semi active player(who obviously can't keep an account going-on your 4th account now). So many great players got this tribe to the end of this world as #1 and your biggest contribution was trying to destory it, which you failed. You cannot rewrite W15's history at the last minute. Sorry you never did anything in this world that mattered but it is what it is. You took a chance with TATS to have a go on your own and you failed miserable. However, at least at that stage in your W15 career you did something on your own and weren't suckling off my teet.
For the record, you would not have even had the Ancienthoarde account had it not been for me. I gave boozie the password for it you freaking ding dong. That account belonged to one of my oldest friends in CK. You did not even know the origin of your own account b/c like Boozie you disappeared while playing the Dannz account. You knew/know so little of what went into running that tribe behind the scenes. Most of the communication between Boozie and myself was on IM or skype.
Now, go back to saying how bad of a DUKE I was while YOU WERE UNDER ME FOR OVER 2 YEARS. Sorry I didn't feel you deserved a larger role in the tribe. It has obviously scarred you.
One last thing, if I am Robin then you are the butler who washes and irons my tights. Which, by the way, when you iron them please use extra starch.
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