An Epic Tale Of War and Woe Out Beyond The Core!!!


Whatever your mind can conceive and can believe, it can achieve.

So yes if you believe/have belief in something with some work you can make it a "reality" so that is how they go hand in hand.. Like if someone gives you a lemon, what are you going to do with it?? Probably eat it, me im going to plant a seed and watch it grow because I believe I can make that a reality..

However farfetched it may be, everything goes together you tool..

Fair point, I admit I am wrong, I will phrase it differently, I believe you will lose this war, you would need a miracle to win it.


Fair point, I admit I am wrong, I will phrase it differently, I believe you will lose this war, you would need a miracle to win it.

Congrats you just did something 95% of the tribalwars population cant do and that is admit to a mistake, thank you for that..

Sadly im starting to agree, more tribes jumping in and people arent pulling there weight.. Only so much that I can do as a leader if others arent doing there part..


Congrats you just did something 95% of the tribalwars population cant do and that is admit to a mistake, thank you for that..

Sadly im starting to agree, more tribes jumping in and people arent pulling there weight.. Only so much that I can do as a leader if others arent doing there part..

I know the feeling, best of luck though, I always liked a good fight.


Whatever your mind can conceive and can believe, it can achieve.

So yes if you believe/have belief in something with some work you can make it a "reality" so that is how they go hand in hand.. Like if someone gives you a lemon, what are you going to do with it?? Probably eat it, me im going to plant a seed and watch it grow because I believe I can make that a reality..

However farfetched it may be, everything goes together you tool..

I like the way you finished that with a flame. Keepin it classy. :lol:

On topic:
It'll only take a few more jumping ship for the entire tribe to crumble. You might not think you're dead but... think you're in denial. Unless losing almost 50% of your villages is still alive and thriving. xD


I like the way you finished that with a flame. Keepin it classy. :lol:

On topic:
It'll only take a few more jumping ship for the entire tribe to crumble. You might not think you're dead but... think you're in denial. Unless losing almost 50% of your villages is still alive and thriving. xD

What can I say ive been away from the forums for far to long and forgot how much I missed PnP..

Your right we are in ruins, just asked all who are spineless to kindly remove themselves.. Did so nicer than that but I would have no problem fighting alongside 5 people if it turns out only 5 people are worth my time.. Though I must give most of the credit to those who were in leadership but led us on for some time before moving over to Cruel and left me with a tribe that by then had a hard time trusting its own leadership.. Had I been in control this whole time things would have been ALOT different but im forced to play the cards I was dealt and I will gladly go down swinging than jumping to another tribe as unlike these new school players I have something called a spine.. ;)


Most are leaving for either Nomads/Bacon so its safe to say the way may as well be over.. However I refuse to join either of these tribes and will have a lovely time fighting them until I either am rimmed or somehow do the almost impossible and prevail..

Congrats to Nomads for taking advantage while we were vulnerable, it is no excuse I did have enough time to salvage the tribe since taking over in leadership but it just seemed far to much faith in the tribe was lost with old leadership leaving for Cruel.. This is sadly how alot of wars are fought nowadays, rarely do I see a nice bloodbath but it is my hope to create some while im still here on W72..



It's really sad that within 24 hours, this has really come to such a head.

I am not going to say it is over, but we can all see the writing on the wall.

All I can say is, this war MOSTLY started because all 3 tribes were RESTLESS being surrounded by diplomacy, ALL 3 of them. And now that you have recruited so many players, you ONCE AGAIN, lose your expansion room.

I will post some flaming mails I have to show the morals and THOUGHT PROCESS of these tribes involved, but that will have to wait for later.

I will never leave this tribe, and will fight with every single chicken I have left.


Ummmm... Didn't Cruel pull a Turtle and just recruit their big players and just start eating the rest....?

So you're essentially declaring on a dead tribe? Man... things in this world just keep heating up. :lol:

The eating never began. The few players we added to our tribe after a long time was to replenish lack of inactives and keep up a decent tribe member count. You will notice our member count didn't increase much.

I agree with you that we did recruit top players but we don't expect to win this world if we never recruit and keep up our counts.

Don't know much about the tribe but if they die easily after losing a few of their top members, I can see why they would leave.


The eating never began. The few players we added to our tribe after a long time was to replenish lack of inactives and keep up a decent tribe member count. You will notice our member count didn't increase much.

I agree with you that we did recruit top players but we don't expect to win this world if we never recruit and keep up our counts.

Don't know much about the tribe but if they die easily after losing a few of their top members, I can see why they would leave.

Yep, not sure where the "eating" part came from.

Nomads had started planning their war before either of =) largest players left. The stars aligned and it timed out fairly well, but CRUEL had nothing to do with this.

I love how everything that happens in this world comes back to players yelling over each other about why CRUEL or Turtle suck anus.



We are forced to work with what we have left, its a tough road ahead but it will be fun to see how this progresses over the next couple days.. Are the players that stayed with me, here for long run or will they too bail once things become tougher.. I dont think this is the case, no tribe wants to go through what we are going through but its apart of the game and we will live to see another day.. However small our odds may be, we will work with that and aim to one day be a potential force to reckon with..

I didnt expect to see so many people leave but its contagious, and though I dont support there decision I have come to respect it as they must play this game however it pleases them..


Ummmm... Didn't Cruel pull a Turtle and just recruit their big players and just start eating the rest....?

So you're essentially declaring on a dead tribe? Man... things in this world just keep heating up. :lol:
Most of us (Pretty much the forum spastics from our side) have decided you are clinically butthurt about Turtle. As such, anything you post regardless of truth or lie that in sense insinuates any malice towards us in any way, shape or form, is now decided upon as a compliment. This is due to you going out of your way constantly trying to poke for attention like the angry teenager you and your tribe is.

As such, I'd also like to inform you of how happy it makes me feel to have a group of angry teenagers with raging hard ons for the people they hate. I'll be sure to stroke twice for you tonight.

As for the on topic:

If this was a move decided by us (Turtle), then it probably would of been done a while ago. Some mails that have flown passed us since fakes and attacks have been launched on Respect, turns out that Respect have been pleading with plenty of other tribes for help to retaliate, so we're not surprised by this at all. Respect ignore rules they set themselves for their own diplomacy with other tribes, so it's really nothing new to see people jump in the bandwagon.


Don't worry, sooner or later we will own the entire northeast.

Problem solved! :D


Most of us (Pretty much the forum spastics from our side) have decided you are clinically butthurt about Turtle. As such, anything you post regardless of truth or lie that in sense insinuates any malice towards us in any way, shape or form, is now decided upon as a compliment. This is due to you going out of your way constantly trying to poke for attention like the angry teenager you and your tribe is.

As such, I'd also like to inform you of how happy it makes me feel to have a group of angry teenagers with raging hard ons for the people they hate. I'll be sure to stroke twice for you tonight.

As for the on topic:

If this was a move decided by us (Turtle), then it probably would of been done a while ago. Some mails that have flown passed us since fakes and attacks have been launched on Respect, turns out that Respect have been pleading with plenty of other tribes for help to retaliate, so we're not surprised by this at all. Respect ignore rules they set themselves for their own diplomacy with other tribes, so it's really nothing new to see people jump in the bandwagon.

I like your use of the word 'pleading'. Once again you mention 'mails', how about this time you actually produce them?


Just to keep everyone informed this war is not over, we have regrouped and are working with what we got and are looking to make a comeback..

Just recently lost my first village, missed snipe due to lag but should have been better prepared so thats on me.. Am interested in seeing how many more nukes they got ready as I have seen a good amount go splat.. Not to mention they need to learn how to not leave nobles at home because you think its a fake.. ;)

Side 1:
Tribes: =)
Side 2:
Tribes: BACON, BACON., Nomads, Matrix

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers:

Side 1: 12
Side 2: 81
Difference: 69


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2
Side 2: 10
Difference: 8


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 74,665
Side 2: 389,364
Difference: 314,699


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 7,676
Side 2: 74,919
Difference: 67,243


Last edited by a moderator:


I like your use of the word 'pleading'. Once again you mention 'mails', how about this time you actually produce them?
Not allowed. Would incriminate some people and for now we want them to remain un-named.

Although, you're free to deny what you want. We like a good laugh every now and then.


Seriously? Apologies for moving this topic even more of the topic but come on...

The first mails you guys in the 'Turtle family' mentioned concerning RESPCT were that my members were 'mailing' NINJA about being recruited in to their tribe as they were scared about fighting Turtle and Ninja and Kaboom. However, you were called out several times to produce these mails and we would all eat our words. However, you denied this and would not produce them as you did not want to releasee that information. On top of this you guys say you have mails of RESPCT members running to the player Why me? to try and "save" us as you guys put it. Again you guys were asked to produce mails....and oh wait again you refused. Once again you mention mails of RESPCT members messaging other tribes 'Pleading" for help fighting the big bad turtle family. AND surprise surprise you do not produce them. I see not reasonable reason that disadvantages you by showing the whole world these mails and proving you guys are not just full of BS.

I will openly admit i have opened up communications with other tribes to see their position concerning their diplomacy with the turtle family, course, i would be happy for others to join in... because if you guys havent noticed you are roughly 10 times our size. However, i never begged or pleaded or what ever haha maybe just ran in to one of your puppet tribes and they ran running to you :)


Can you guys please just take this to your own war thread and have this pointless debate there??


That would have been a better place for my post, again apologies for that.

However, unfortunately i think =) future is pretty much over. You guys have lost over half your members and have dropped from 4.6 million points to 1.6 million points. Yeah you can put up a decent last stand but you are being hit by Nomads and BACON from either side.


That would have been a better place for my post, again apologies for that.

However, unfortunately i think =) future is pretty much over. You guys have lost over half your members and have dropped from 4.6 million points to 1.6 million points. Yeah you can put up a decent last stand but you are being hit by Nomads and BACON from either side.

Very understandable but I am very optimistic about our future.. Will be a tough road but it will show if Bacon/Nomads are able to be even thought of as a force to reckon with in the long run..


Nomads and BACON are vultures feeding off a carcass, they will never have the balls to attack live prey