
Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Quickbar Entry

This script can be run from the incomings overview screen. If you are not on that screen, the script will redirect you there.

The script collects all the incomings you have and for each of them it calculates the return time and it adds all these data in a table with some actions you can do.

The main idea behind the script is to allow a player to easily backtime an incoming attack, or to crowdsource the backtime of these incomings with other tribe mates by exporting and sharing the incomings.

This is how the script looks like in practice:

Other info:

The script works in coordination with the Single Village Snipe script too. When you click on Plan Backtimes button, it will redirect to a info_village screen and it will pass a parameter called "landingTime". Then you can run the single village snipe script and the script will see that this landingTime parameter is set, so will automatically update the landing time to the time found on this parameter.

The script takes into account the current group you are in to fetch troop amounts. So if you are on a group, the script will only fetch villages and troop amounts for the current group, not for all villages.

For any bugs, suggestions or if you need help with the script, let me know by replying on the thread.
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Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
Reaction score
Script has been updated to v1.1.0


Added a functionality for incoming commands to be renamed with correct return time which includes seconds.
Added a functionality to calculate and show return time of commands on reports.
Added a functionality to tag incomings directly from this script (the incomings tagger utilizes the game's built-in tagger).
Added a functionality for the script to check if there are untagged incomings and if there are, the script will notify so you can tag them.


Active Member
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Ngl I've been doing this manually using your single snipe village script (which I use as a shortcut to get to the village info screen at least 70% of the time that I click the quickbar entry and not to actually snipe) this entire time, by just entering the backtime there. Is it worth it to have this as an extra quickbar entry anyways...? yes.. yes it is. Hehehe