W14 has seemed dead full stop Pas for sometime.
Think back 6-12 months - would such a demise of a tribe going from top 3 to 7 and falling pass with such a minimal dent???
Humour is not the only thing thats been lacking....hopefully we can change that matey!
However - a Chaos victory??? - I see 23 players still in GOH - and Im not going anywhere - neither is Sylb or Dou and the others who remain in GOH for the right reasons, to succeed or die for a group of people you believe in and care for.
I hold no malice for members who have gone to seek sanctuary in FOE (as I know in time you'll be at the forfront to bring down Chaos when the time is upon you

) A special mention to Orlpup & Sheng - don't be a stranger guys (and keep feeding forum info!!!)
Ive not been active since November 13th - thats all about to change - i'll happily be going over the trenches in due course and Im sure we'll have some fun and remain a thorn in your side for many moons to come....we may not win....but we will have a good laugh in the process. I'd rather be rimmed (not that way!!) than bow out quietly.....
In seriousness I was due to quit for my new commitments RL - but this has been an injection of liberation....to my fellow tribe members - lets have some fun!!!
Yours truely,
A very much de-stressed Stellro
p.s. - as I look at my member list - I only see green lights with 2 sits for genuine reasons - how many of our enemies can say that....we may not be many but we are active