Dou was fighting Chaos in K84- my comment concerned that i was not sitting on my nukes but actively blitzing them continuously- :icon_eek: and members of FOE knew this and took this into account! Reading your own forum will tell you how active i was- but i did not see many postings concerning other FOE members who were advancing in K85- or k95 for that matter!
Easy there old man - I wasn't stating to you were not being attacked - more that Dou was receiving his own gangbang from FOE and had been for several that you wasnt the only one.
And I know how active you was - at no point did I say I agreed with Sylb's post regarding your activity - as I knew you had your own motly crew and assisted me whenever called upon.....I just chose not to get into the argument on here....but hey-ho, like a bad penny here I am