remind me 1 time you voluntered to be part of any project !
1 time . I have started a lot of them and know more that have done also and you were in none of them . Yu never wanted to be part of anything .
As for who fights who and who is targetted ... you really have no idea how much some members have been tartetted . You were playing sim city all this time in the south while we have been defending our borders .
well some people are really weak .
hmmm let me see
sending over 300 nukes at ivinca and witman in k83 when we moved into that continent
sending over 500 nukes into k96 at gagone, cristian fernando and others every couple weeks to move into that continent with trev and shemg
answering jjavnj call to drive drtim out of k85, only to have him dump his account onto me at Christmas and desert the game
fighting dabookman in the north of K85-- and was still nuking each other when i switched :icon_twisted:
sitting dou over Christmas and fighting bearheart
not only that- but i actually listed things in the forum so you should be aware of this-:icon_redface:
recieving over 2000 incoming at Christmas and never receiving one iota of support! from anyone! (minimal damage)
there is a border between k85 and k86 and also between k95 and k96- or did you not notice???? and as long as we all worked together- we protected those borders!