Luck does play a part in this game. You start off randomly, the tribe you are in is determined by location, your attacks are luck based, your nobles are given a random loyalty drop ect. If you can agree that there is a limited number of elite players on any given world there is a chance the majority could end up in the same tribe all by luck and location. But obviously you can make sure you give yourself the best chance and essentially make your own luck.
It is not outside the realm of possibility that one tribe could have more players with RL issues with members then other tribes. That being said I have no idea what rl issues other tribes have had and I know NP has lost players just like we have. No excuses
I never really focused on BA, I know you were/are beasts but I can not really say one way or the other if you guys were/are the best or not. The BH was a good tribe but as we look at the stats there is no way anyone can say we are the best. Maybe at one time we were in the discussion as the top but it would be hard position to defend
All the back in the day talk really does not matter, dodong, kfollmer, arlington, and the rest are not walking through that door.
When the brotherhood family consisted of BoS, BoK and a small time when BoT was there, they were classed as a highly rated family due to their ability to keep communications. They were also classed as agressive for continuously fighting, although they were fighting
Rim tribes who were much
smaller than them. They were taught how to fight smaller oponents but never ones bigger or their size.
They tried to test themselves on CHE but that tribe was almost half gone itself at the time. The BoT left and war was declared on you by an oponent of roughly equal size.
the big mistake that you did was that you focused on titans soo much that you left the 1 and a half continents of frontline with np. np then launched tens and hundreds of nukes just for a
few villages and from there you started to lose front and the front with np widened while you had a small progression with titans front.
The other big mistake was that you never made BIG ops to counter-attack np when they took the lead, you just stayed and started defending and many of your backline nukes were siting there looking at the front which was being drained of Defensive troops that were barely being replaced. a same example of mainly defending and nobling your barbs and inactives is the Wisdom war.
As seen over the past year or more, the team that relies
on defending more than attacking WILL eventually fall. Sad to say but very TRUE.