Discussion: Winter event 2012


Anyone sent a train at one yet?

i tried. But you can't attack it with noblemen. Nor with cats.

Having cleared quite a few, gained the ODA and lost a load of troops for the gain of 370k furs and only 1 bonus so far I have decided it certainly isn't worth the damn bother lol.

Though I might decide they are again once the attack break starts and i get bored lol


100% agreed - what a lash-up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Total misinformation/lack of information. A vast slippage of standard.


This event is terrible

A new way for tw to cheat money. Damn

yeah its looking like its the sign of the times with tw cant even get the severs to work properly at best of times buggy as hell constantly lagging troops late on returning from a village often lag times in access of 2,000ms

yet still want more money

one thing that has always bugged me you pay for farm assistant why the hell cant we also farm none barb villages as we pay for it anyway its time we had an option that allowed you to farm none barbs by a ticked box seen as we pay for the thing anyway

This feature is completely useless on W66 where most players only have one villa, if your defensive then its a unfair advantage on those players who can clear :(

it also gives point whores the advantage that have academyed up already at under 2,000 points

this is unfair to everyone involved more so too the defensive players sadly we may see alot more leaving tw never to come back after this approach

what a joke if there ever was one more like april fools day comes to mind


I would like to point out this event does not start in the winter as it is not winter yet and a winter event should last until New years at least, preferably until winter ends, in addition this event is only for new worlds would the vikings not be popular on older worlds? Perhaps vikings are being tested out as a new unit for future worlds.


Is the new assignment reduction just assignments you are yet to queue or also those yet to start?


I love that event.. gave me around 3million resources in 8 hours.

But apart of that, can you give information about the cost of the bonus -> when does it cost how much?


Yea, just realized this crap screwed my tribe pretty hard on 66. We finally managed to knock down a few large players a bit and now they'll just easily get their troops back where as most of us have lost our offense and had to build defense to fend them off :/


If you managed to knock them down as well as you claim then this would not make a difference...just means you need to build up and continue knocking them down break has not started...


Yea, just realized this crap screwed my tribe pretty hard on 66. We finally managed to knock down a few large players a bit and now they'll just easily get their troops back where as most of us have lost our offense and had to build defense to fend them off :/

This event is not to blame for you sucking at the game.


I've found the viking camps to be a nice holiday present and am thankful for them. There's probably room for improvement like more varied bonuses and the fur seems to pile up. I guess they might even out the fur surplus by cutting down on respawning camps.


Or create a way to trade a (probably rediculously) large amount of furs for a few days account manager. That would cut down on surplus.


Well I liked the idea but poorly executed, on 66 still at one ville and gone d it's a waste of my time, you loose to many troops clearing just to get one haul of furs that aren't worth the pay off, it'd be ok if they stayed but the fact they respawn and you have to clear it each time for only 11hrs bonus, not worth it, sad because I was looking forward to having something to do over attack break.


It's hardly TW's fault that you can't participate in the event because of your village build, is it?


I am participating, but it just didn't turn out to be worth it for me, i'm not sure if it would be much more worth it even if i was on an older world. Would be interested to know if other people think the pay off is worth the cost who are on bigger accounts.


And so it begins - .net pay-to-win strategies.

being honest, TW is a game and a bussines. If the bussiness is not profitable the game would not improve and slowly die. I really do not see anything wrong is pay-to-win strategy. if they keep a balance it is fine. TW does not run without anything their are so many expenditures that need to be beared. Now if someone is playing for free it means that someone else is paying for him, so people who are paying we should be thankful for them. Not the other way round by calling them that u r payed to win.


Also I wish that loss of troops in clearing the Viking Camps were proportionate (ratio wise). It seems too many LCs are being killed in compared to Axes. MAs are the most resistant so far. So one must include a good number of MAs to minimize losses.

Do you recommend to send only axes to minimize total losses?
How much do you recommend to send to a village of 750 vikings if I have 4000 axes and 1800 LC and 200 MA in a nearby village?

And one more questions:
how many axes and LC did you lose in percent (respectively) when you attacked vikings village?
Can you please send detailed data?
Many thanks in advance!
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Has the amount of resources the viking camps spawn with been changed? I attacked one that appeared right next to me within seconds of its appearance and although like all the previous ones, it had 50 vikings, it did not have 20k of each res... instead I only looted 4k of each. I attacked purely with LC... so no one could have gotten to it before me.


I find out some basic things about Viking.

Wiking troop strength

Viking strength is roughly 1.128 (spear sword combo i.e 6000 viking defend as 3385 spear and 3385 sword).

Fur hauling capacity

land troops have 1 fur haul capacity and cavalry troops have 2 fur haul capacity.

Fur avaialbility.

Fur is always available. the viking village do not run out of Fur.

reapearence of viking

In W61 the village inititaly have 6000 vikings, with 100 apeearing after every 5 minutes. the village initial wall is 10. I require [FONT=Verdana, Arial]273.895 fur to activate bonus for 10 hrs.




Has the amount of resources the viking camps spawn with been changed? I attacked one that appeared right next to me within seconds of its appearance and although like all the previous ones, it had 50 vikings, it did not have 20k of each res... instead I only looted 4k of each. I attacked purely with LC... so no one could have gotten to it before me.
