Almost time for another on topic post?
Here is my dream team:
#1 Tudadar - No idea what his skills are like when it comes to attacking or defending, but he has deep pockets and has no problem reaching the top on any world he joins. That means lots of villages, and lots of potential damage being dealt to the enemy

#2/#3 - Diane Kruger/Gran Torino - Both solid solid accounts with excellent coplayers that work very well together. Almost impossible to break either account, not sure which I would rank higher.
#4 - War Peace - Solid account, solid all around players, solid in all areas, nothing else needs to be said.
#5 - TruffleShuffleorRiot - Not afraid to use their troops. Long history of always being agressive and wanting to fight.
#6 - Superdog - One of the most overlooked accounts in my opinion. Strong, well rounded players. Helps with sits and very strong sniping skills from what I have heard. I also believe they were one of the few if not the only account to get Op'ed by the enemy tribe and not lose a single village.
#7 - Messenger of Peace - My kind of player, this guy likes to fight. Unlike many other players on this world, half his villages are not barb nobles, but nobles from the enemy. He even started out the world nobling decent villages, most of which he had to fight for. Not afraid to use his troops and be on the frontline and just go hard.
#8 - TagTeamed - Player started the world late on the rim rim, grew fast (as one usually has the ability to do on the rim) and has shown to be an account that is aggressive, skilled, and willing to help.
#9 - Mezonis - Heard nothing but good about this account. That is the extent of my knowledge. Seems like a good choice.
#10 - God of 420 - Another rim account with extremely fast growth that has shown he can both attack and defend with great skill and agression.
Hmm, seems like a sort of OBEY oriented team... Oh well, just calling it how I see it.