Yea, we'll take the word of a quitter. For someone not invested in this world, you sure have a mighty large opinion of it. To blanket statement and even say your opinion is "objective" shows how full of shit you really are. 800813 could barely even be considered a top tribe after Callum and them ran off, and Mayhem has never been a top anything except for top-performing internal/barb nobling tribe. They make ORC look like a war machine.
So unless you were in Turtle or Cruel, everything you say is moot. There hasn't been a single world I played on that tribes didn't recruit just to keep live players in the tribe. I'd say 75% or more never work out because they weren't good enough or just didn't have the drive to keep going after their original tribe was destroyed. This world has been no different. It's as if you have some sort of issue with the fact that Turtle or Cruel is going to win this world. Don't try and hide behind fake words, just come out and say it.
I'll leave you with this little tidbit: If Turtle were such shameless recruiters, why on Earth are we dismantling Mayhem 1 leader at a time? It's been documented on these forums multiple times where they've tried many times, the latest attempt being today, to throw members under the bus to keep going. We'll end W72 on our terms, the rest of you whiners and haters stop being so salty that you've failed to measure up to those standards.