Lol. All we care about are points and numbers?
A good chunk of your tribes early recruits were poached from other tribes, many from SCAR.
In recent days aside from Baldrof you have lost Turkey to us - Turkey is one who had done nothing against us in the war and who already had a very good relationship with many members of my tribe, we chatted frequently, nice guy.
So yeah, we've recruited a couple, but considering how many of your tribemembers once belonged to other tribes, including my own (before it was mine) I find it a bit rich to find that a point you jump on, not to mention that Bane (and don't exagerate as to the length of his inactivity, especially when a fair number of your war caps have been on inactives I didn't want to kick immediately purely so you wouldn't notice, I was chatting to him a lot less than a month ago) has tried in the past to recruit many of our members, all in the higher points bracket, multiple times, including several offers to myself, which included blatant lies that he sent me an invite to your tribe when all the others originally jumped ship and, before the standard recruitment offers, an offer to recruit me on the condition that I disband SCAR. Not to mention the declaration which was basically just a threat and a false promise to encourage people into abandoning ship and the need to call three other tribes to your side immediately despite you being well over twice our size at the start of the war. But hey, I guess that's somehow a case of "it isn't just about winning "at all costs"?
Meanwhile, you send one of your members packin' the minute he lost 1 village -- finger was probably itching midway through waiting for the train that was sent.
And who's this? Again, I haven't kicked anyone who wasn't yellow or red or told me they were quitting, there's no point keeping them there once you've noticed they're inactive and jumped on them, especially when unlike Bane they're not the founder of the tribe. Kicked Bijiq, yellow and close to red, kicked Heartless, yellow and close to red, kicked pasko, for "drama" reasons, kicked ghio1, told me he was quitting the instant he lost a village (also never asked for help in the first place) and if memory serves (and according to TWStats) didn't kick him til after he was completely nobled. Alexjin? One of the first casualties of the war and as you've already pointed out we pre-nobled for him and got him to another spot, as opposed to kicking him. Hennas, lost his main, not kicked. AwYeah, lost his main, pre-nobled into our core.
These are people to me; not just a bunch of numbers.
You can ask just about any member of my tribe what I'm like with them and they'll tell you it's not all about the "stats" with me; to reiterate, I haven't kicked anyone that wasn't red or yellow, or quitting and/or nobled already with the exception of pasko who I had other reasons for.
Any time we kick someone, you pick them up - you recruit them, no matter what they'd done to get kicked.
Once again to prove that this is entirely inaccurate - bearing in mind I obviously don't know who you've "kicked", who has just left and who has left because of somebody you've kicked - aside from the two I've recruited you've lost, aside from Baldrof and Turkey, Drunk Monkey, Halikai, Skys Are Red, arrwins, kevurmo, AlwaysAl0ne, King Koolio, Etynyvz, Minecraft Mania, Walmart Security, Lord Bloodylife, -HJ-, funforton and volicom (last two rejoined you guys but had a gap) and of course more if you go even further back into the war.
I didn't recruit or even attempt to recruit any of the (many) aforementioned players (beside T and B) at any point, and the only one I have even talked to is Halikai; without once mentioning recruitment, just to chat out of boredom.
Finally, I fail to see where I've been complaining about spies - they're a part of the game, and you guys had a spy here long before I recruited any of your guys (judging by Bane's enjoyment at forwarding my circs to me on occasion) - it's not as if you guys haven't had your own spy problem in the past and, no, I'm not talking about Heartless.