nice one
nice one
That's exactly how I became friends with him in W29... :lol:This kid is great...full marks for the restart threat...the conversation went on and i found out hes a decent guy really! I enjoyed the conversation...hope you did also
I know who you are. said:dumsh*t today at 05:18
Drunk in The Morning today at 05:24
i never tried to hide who i am it says who i am in my sig noob
dumsh*t today at 05:25
You just hurt ma feelings.
Drunk in The Morning today at 05:27
well you acted as if your revealing some big secret which your not. i have openly said who i m multiple times and usethesame name on forums
dumsh*t today at 05:28
well... aren't you goin' to say sorry!
Drunk in The Morning today at 05:29
no y would i
dumsh*t today at 05:30
Fine! I don't like you anymore! RRRGH!
Drunk in The Morning today at 05:31
i never liked you anyway so i could care less. serioulsy i dont care
dumsh*t today at 05:32
Do you know what?
Drunk in The Morning today at 05:35
i dont care
dumsh*t today at 05:36
Oh... fine I will just... just...
Drunk in The Morning today at 05:41
just.. go away
dumsh*t today at 05:53
You go away.
Drunk in The Morning today at 05:55
but you came to me. but wish granted good bye
incase you didnt know said:Drunk in The Morning on 30.01. at 23:26
hello im writing to inform you that i have choosen you out of everyone in this world to be my first farm. If you wish to try and fight me that is up to you but i assure you wont be happy wiht your outcome. anyways goodluck and remember i picked you out of everyone this world has. now dont you feel special.
soopman today at 01:27
dude cmmooooon dont farm meeee all i got is metal
Drunk in The Morning today at 01:28
oh well i told you to restart and you were stubborn. and your triby blocked me
tell him he is second
soopman today at 01:29
huh how did i block u????????
soopman today at 01:29
and how would i????
soopman today at 01:30
damnit i dont even have 50 wood but i got like 1k iron xD
Drunk in The Morning today at 01:34
your tribie blocked me as in your tribemate not you.
and i dont care if you have 50 wood i have picked you over everyone else :0
soopman today at 01:35
ok wth is blocking???
soopman today at 01:37
o and how do you geta smithery its not in build menu??
Drunk in The Morning today at 01:37
nothing dont worry about it
arent you just excited. i know i am
Drunk in The Morning today at 01:38
:\ what buildings do you have so far?
soopman today at 01:39
o well i got other ppl commin on who are pros so ill just get there help i might be a farm for a week befor they can help but o well
Drunk in The Morning today at 01:40
lolz they will be 40 plus hours away from you and cant help you until after another week or so and will be come farms themselves if they do. face it your on your own!!
however restart and ill teach you how to play myself and sit your account while your not online for ya
soopman today at 01:41
gaaaaaaaawd i made a stupid new hotmail acc for nuthing xD
soopman today at 01:42
but fiiiiine ill makea ANOTHER acc caz im a newb P
soopman today at 01:42
ima atk u just for the heck of it befor i leave xDD
Drunk in The Morning today at 01:43
lol ok?
would you like to be taught the game by an experiancrd player??
soopman today at 01:43
ya and stupid beginnger protect T_T
Drunk in The Morning today at 01:44
:\ lol ok but you should just restart and go fresh from the start lol
here like this settings>>>startover>>>typepassword>>>enjoy
making a new account will get you banned
soopman today at 01:45
k ty
Drunk in The Morning today at 01:45
Your Profile said:SkippyTKangaroo today at 03:33
It hurts my eyes.
Drunk in The Morning today at 03:34
im sry i r legend :\
if you wish to revise it a bit for me you may but i havent got the time right now lol..
btw i should be rank one oda when it updates again lol
made a guy restart and killed his 22 spears :0
SkippyTKangaroo today at 03:36
How my alias? :O
Drunk in The Morning today at 03:37
cuz i pay attention to the forums lmao. and saw your last posts was actually gona write you for my tribe cuz i remember ytou from w30 but we never spoke that i know of ..i was pinkpanther?? there
Join Date: 2008,November 11th
#14 Today, 03:27 Top
Here's an idea for you.
I R LEGEND W30 (Retired) | =Paramore= W31 (Retired) | Cwuddly Panda W32 RAMS! | SkippyTKangaroo W33 Evolve
SkippyTKangaroo today at 03:38
O noes,
I dunno.
I'm still open for bribary....Or whoever gets to me first.
Drunk in The Morning today at 03:40
haha bribery
lol yea i quit that world weeks agothough haha
this tribe im thinkingwill be for w36-w39 not sure which one yet though
SkippyTKangaroo today at 03:40
Great. Not for W40.
W40 I'll be making my own prefail.
Your Profile said:Drunk in The Morning today at 03:42
haha it could be this one if you wish to join forces lol. i dont want to be the duke so we could work togethor of course we need to get to know eachother a lil more haha.
i do have a few recruuits lined up though
SkippyTKangaroo today at 03:45
Okay.. You want my life story? Here goes.
I'm obsessed with donkeys and the word "Skippy" & I lurrve the band Paramore...
I make too many aliases to count..I like to pointwhore.. And I'm at highschool!
Now you <3
SkippyTKangaroo today at 03:46
Oh wow..That seemed like a lot more letters in the text box..
SkippyTKangaroo today at 03:47
We is on teh epic awesomeness forums.
SkippyTKangaroo today at 03:47
/facepalm for quadruple post.
Drunk in The Morning today at 03:48
haha well now that we know eachother lmao.
paramore are guessing your a girl though?? not to many guys like paramore haha. my gf loves em
SkippyTKangaroo today at 03:49
Wow that's the first time somebody thought I was a girl..
Well, if you say so.
Drunk in The Morning today at 03:50
hahha i never did b4 until i saw the paramore all over
than i was hmm maybe lol
SkippyTKangaroo today at 03:50
Paramore all over?
pshh what does he mean guys dont like paramore. i'm listening to them right now
hahh i meant most guys dont..not guys i know anyway lol. my girl loves them and her friends do aswell so i thought of they had more of a female fan base lol.
i like them aswell but wont go looking for their cd or anything. ima classics kind of guy
pink floyd
led zeppelin
the doors
jimi hendrix
and of course you cant go without your good ol metal to get the adrinaline pumpin
Nice avatar wall. Wondering what Jas thinks of it
invite said:Razortain today at 18:27
androgynousanonymous today at 18:43
My apologies, but "..." is not an acceptable invitation request. However, had you managed to write an acceptable invitation request, I would still have to turn you down. You are currently nowhere near our memberbase.
Razortain today at 21:47
yes or no come on !!can i join your tribe????????????
androgynousanonymous today at 21:55
My apologies, I thought that was very clearly a no.
Razortain today at 21:55
shut up
Razortain today at 21:55
why?? m8
Razortain today at 21:56
iM a good player
androgynousanonymous today at 21:56
What the hell? Are you stupid? I said no and explained why in the first one. Then you ask if I said yes or no, at which point I re-explained that the answer was no. Then you insult me, and then ask me to re-explain why I said no, calling me your mate. There is no way in hell you are getting into this tribe now. Good day and good luck.
Razortain today at 21:57