This convo took place after this TTD player sent me 20 nukes that looked like this :0
Attacker: Legend Blue
Origin: ... (736|233) K27
Quantity: 0 0 0 309 4532 0 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 0 39 4532 0 0 0 0
This guy seems to be under the impression that I am in Deus and should be scouting barbs in K45 to help him get on the frontline despite sending attacks at me (then again, there is always the possibility that I am being "played" but judging by the "Is an LC nuke not good" question, I have my doubts)
Added to this, he has since given me a list of the villages he is planning on taking on K45
Attacker: Legend Blue
Origin: ... (736|233) K27
Quantity: 0 0 0 309 4532 0 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 0 39 4532 0 0 0 0
Glynjack today at 00:25
Trying axe nukes now the LC nuke ones died painfully...interesting
Legend Blue today at 00:26
not axe. they're spear
Glynjack today at 00:27
Even betterererererer
Legend Blue today at 00:28
I want to change some my villages grups.
pls kill them..
Glynjack today at 00:29
It'll be my pleasure
Legend Blue today at 00:31
I think, 20 LC nukes enough.. I have extra 8..
What do you think of it? Should I change them?
Glynjack today at 00:31
*not sure if serious*
Legend Blue today at 00:33
7633 Axemen
55 Scouts
847 Light cavalry
605 Heavy cavalry
3 Rams
723 Catapults
My account sitter is really crazy :S
I hate cat nukes.
Glynjack today at 00:39
Well its a better mix tbh....pure LC and pure axe nukes, weeeellllllllll...just post in your forums or Deus' what their opinions are (Im not helping you)
Legend Blue today at 00:42
I dont use forums.. and you can be sure that I dont send you any axe nukes..
I have extra ram/LC nukes. I need defence troops in my center.
Legend Blue today at 00:55
[coord]506|446[/coord] Can you scout this villa for me.
I should move in K45..
I suppose you'll see, If I send noblemen from here.
Glynjack today at 10:38
Just did, its an ex- [player]ThePieti[/player] vill and is stacked, cant you speak to Rukoh and take a vill off a sat account
Legend Blue today at 10:57
I dont know Rukoh.
Glynjack today at 11:02
KK/Mathedras? Who do you know? You need to start getting more involved if we are to take S2orm down!
This guy seems to be under the impression that I am in Deus and should be scouting barbs in K45 to help him get on the frontline despite sending attacks at me (then again, there is always the possibility that I am being "played" but judging by the "Is an LC nuke not good" question, I have my doubts)
Added to this, he has since given me a list of the villages he is planning on taking on K45
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