All ways a good way to organize the forum before the starting day .
Kind of early for this, and its not organizing the forums its purely spamming as no one can really post anything in this thread yet at least not anything related to the topic.
World hoper ?
iv played on three worlds sense world 24....
38,42, 51, oh yeah and 54... 54 i joined for the new settings so i dont count that one..
But good come back bud ^_^
Its not out of hand nor did it get to my head as i know who that player is and that comment is a joke coming from his mouth
Thanks tho Fallen and trust me i will not comment no more
Kind of early for this, and its not organizing the forums its purely spamming as no one can really post anything in this thread yet at least not anything related to the topic.
i already got 10 invites and the world hasn't even started
Can we get these postes deleted and this thread locked for the day the world starts up
wanna be speed player
zomg did you see my thread? Wanna join my epic tribe? We haz spearz. I want your babiez.
Best mail. Ever. Coming soon to your world. :icon_rolleyes: