yes please 
I don't understand that last message.Ali Shah today at 17:09
I give an opportunity to join my tribe.
we shall rule the world!
hope u accept.
Colonel.Roy.Mustang today at 17:11
Ali Shah today at 17:11
Colonel.Roy.Mustang today at 17:14
Why so hurried?
Ali Shah today at 17:15
So we become strong soon as later it will be though
One more? today at 17:29
I suggest you to start over.
I am one of the best Portuguese players of tribalwars. Worldwide 20 (the last world where I played) was a top with just a village when four players had 2 villages and I with 6500 points, with only one isolate was going ahead.
If it is necessary to prove with TW STATS. My nick there was Why Sweet?
Pointwhore?I read pointwhore all over that message
I read pointwhore all over that message
I read "inexperienced"... is that as far as he's gotten with good rank? :/ Perhaps those people with 2 villages, whooped his ass before he could get any further lol
The Why Sweet? is here in NET55 and he isn't the One more?
Over time they will see if it has quality or not![]()
Same tribe, sharing printcreens :icon_razz:I don't understand how you figured out his former troop-count, unless he said so or you just assumed by farm-space? :icon_surprised:
Unfortunately i am not why sweet? :icon_confused:
But certainly in the future you will recognize him. :icon_rolleyes:
One more? today at 17:29
I suggest you to start over.
I am one of the best Portuguese players of tribalwars. Worldwide 20 (the last world where I played) was a top with just a village when four players had 2 villages and I with 6500 points, with only one isolate was going ahead.
If it is necessary to prove with TW STATS. My nick there was Why Sweet?
:icon_eek: WHAT!?!?!
Then why did you say you were in this mail?...
/facepalm :icon_neutral:
Please tell me where to buy a 5 carat diamond for US$42? (5 carats = 1 gram)
[/spoil]Commander Rebel today at 00:17
May I join your tribe. I am a very good tribal wars player have been playing for 2.5 years and now the ups and downs of the game. I will not let you down and will try my best.
Thanks Rebel
PaCman on DRuGz today at 00:18
did you bring the muffins?
Commander Rebel today at 00:19
Yes I did
PaCman on DRuGz today at 00:19
very good, how many did you bring?
Commander Rebel today at 00:20
Lots for the tribelol
I will do the best I can to help out your tribe and become the best.
PaCman on DRuGz today at 00:21
what is your plan in the next 3 days of BP
Commander Rebel today at 00:22
get my resources high prob over 100 each and work on troops troops trooopsThen after bp farm farm farm
PaCman on DRuGz today at 00:25
really? great, but we are spacing well out, and the rest of our premade is heading in NE so we can get a close yet well spaced line across this half. restart over there please?
Commander Rebel today at 00:26
North east but im beside linwood hes my friend and hes in your tribe I would like to stay then invite over there. i will do good here lots of good players and will winSo please man
You will find other players
Commander Rebel today at 00:26
Good start and everything
PaCman on DRuGz today at 00:27
sorry, we have players that will be over there shortly, restart there, and i can invite you there. we need to dominate NE as well.
Commander Rebel today at 00:30
Commander Rebel today at 00:31
PaCman on DRuGz today at 00:32
your not high enough :O you were supposed to go to NE, now i cant invite you because your too close to our players
Commander Rebel today at 00:47
I went north east... U told me to what the heck. Are u kidding me please.
Commander Rebel today at 00:55
I did what u said, u made me restart, for nothing why cant u just invite me ???
PaCman on DRuGz today at 00:56
sorry, i was fighting off a crocodile, you know, those things are crazy. anyway what were we talking about
Commander Rebel today at 00:57
I joined ne like u said. now your not inviting me cause I am closer to the tribe, I did what u said, Im very loyal,
PaCman on DRuGz today at 00:58
would you cut your finger off to be with us?
Commander Rebel today at 00:59
PaCman on DRuGz today at 00:59
prove it, do it and post it on a website.
Commander Rebel today at 01:00
No. Dude come on.
PaCman on DRuGz today at 01:01
then you arent loyal enough! will you make a new account and join NE? are you that loyal?
Commander Rebel today at 01:13
No, Well thanks bro, Would you like to be personal allies.
PaCman on DRuGz today at 01:13
could i haz MOAR muffinz!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Commander Rebel today at 01:14
PaCman on DRuGz today at 01:15
how many more i need a amount
Commander Rebel today at 01:15
As many as u want.
PaCman on DRuGz today at 01:18
thats not an amount i cant be pals with a guy who doesnt no what an amount is.sorry. how many muffins can you make right now.
Commander Rebel today at 01:20
nvm Bye
PaCman on DRuGz today at 01:21
but i needz my frendz
Commander Rebel today at 01:27
4 batches of muffins
PaCman on DRuGz today at 01:28
would you be a loyal PA?
Commander Rebel today at 01:29
Yes. Very much
PaCman on DRuGz today at 01:33
can you cut your finger off recording it to prove it too me?
Commander Rebel today at 01:34
dude no.
PaCman on DRuGz today at 01:35
but why!?!?!? i need to see if your loyal it doesnt hurt THAT bad. just need to make sure you stop the bleeding fast or youll bleed out then its not too good.
Commander Rebel today at 01:36
Dude, No nvm and GL bye