Funny Mails Thread


Just me being daft :) Am also a forum nooob ;) Bear with me..

sheild-of-war today at 17:15
He is scouting you, he wants you village i guess ^^
789kyle789 today at 17:16
I know but I have got messages from LSTnvp about weird stuff as well and he scouted me like last week?
sheild-of-war today at 17:17
Yer, he lufs you.
789kyle789 today at 17:18
What kind of love is writing a whole weird story about running away etc and saying a coco pops promise?
sheild-of-war today at 17:19
I think He made a promise, do you not know the coco-pops promise?
789kyle789 today at 17:20
Yeah it is about wholegrain and stuff? but the promise was for me not to be nobled?
sheild-of-war today at 17:21
There is no Promise this isnt "Tribal Hugs" Do you realise.
789kyle789 today at 17:23
Yes I realise this isn't tribal hugs (obviously)
sheild-of-war today at 17:25
Well done.
789kyle789 today at 17:27
Ok then nice clap :) but if you are going to noble me do it quickly so I can hurry and restart otherwise Promen might get their first
sheild-of-war today at 17:28
Okay, Thanks....I'll let Lazy to know to noble you. Your welcome for my help.
789kyle789 today at 17:30
Yes promen seem to want our tribe tohandle over the dukes and barons because apprently Bradic is leader
sheild-of-war today at 17:30
789kyle789 today at 17:31
Could you tell me when he is going to noble so I can clear my troops if that would help?
sheild-of-war today at 17:32
Soon, I guess. Ask him ;)
789kyle789 today at 17:33
I tried to ask him and no reply :(
sheild-of-war today at 17:33
Okay soon i guess.
789kyle789 today at 17:33
Actually is the noble inevitable?
sheild-of-war today at 17:34
Yer, WOW thats a big word?
789kyle789 today at 17:35
lol is it better to start over?
sheild-of-war today at 17:35
Yes i guess so, What does that word mean?
789kyle789 today at 17:36
sheild-of-war today at 17:37
789kyle789 today at 17:39
Ok it means well here is a example
Iamwithlazy wants to noble me
I don't want it to happen however even if I put 2000 swords in my village it would still happen.
Here is a meaning certain to happen
sheild-of-war today at 17:39
Ah okay, No need to say already looked it up on my online dictionary.
789kyle789 today at 17:40
Lol ok so is it? :)
sheild-of-war today at 17:41
so it is what?
789kyle789 today at 17:42
Is Iamwithlazy nobling me inevitable
sheild-of-war today at 17:42
Yes i said that before.
789kyle789 today at 17:43
Ok then I was only asking again because of I didn;t think you know what it meant before ok then time for me to restart however could I be spared in the future?
sheild-of-war today at 17:44
You cant be spared my friend, just stay away from SWARM, also dont restart yet ;)
sheild-of-war today at 17:44
And i new what you ment from the start i was being sarcastic. ;)
789kyle789 today at 17:45
Why not? I might as well get a head start against some people nearer the edge and also how can I stay away I never intended to do anything anyways I also asked to be recruited however it started off then no replys before Iamwithlazy and (oh silly me)
sheild-of-war today at 17:46
Well we dont accept noobies, sorry. Keep upgrading for Lazy as it will help him build up :)
789kyle789 today at 17:48
Well after calling me a noob why should I?
sheild-of-war today at 17:49
Sorry Sweetheart.
789kyle789 today at 17:49
Might just have to downgrade if you don't get here quick enough?
sheild-of-war today at 17:50
No No dont do that my lovely.
789kyle789 today at 17:50
Why not?
sheild-of-war today at 17:51
Because your village has a lot to offer.
Need to go make dinner.
789kyle789 today at 17:51
Yeah for your tribe not for me?
789kyle789 today at 17:52
Why should after calling me a noob not start over, upgrade my village for you so I can help you with no benfit to me
789kyle789 today at 17:52
789kyle789 today at 17:53
Any ways I am leaving my village as it is and restarting you are free to noble it

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put a slash in front of the second spoiler if you want it to close


Ok - my turn.
This guy had suicided 10 scouts at me for some strange reason. Much smaller than me and only an hour or 2 travel with my Nobles.
At that stage of the game, his 2.2k village was a nice little target, but I decided to play with him a little bit first..
He didn't answer my mail very quickly, hence the start of the convo....
I've had random peeps mail me saying they laughed their socks off at this and I gotta post on the externals..
Here it is.. :)

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 10:48
Hey matie.
You´ve probably had a laugh at my attacks on you a few hours ago.
It confused the hell outa me too, when I saw the results - AND what I´d sent.
Yeah, yeah - a LOT of beer was to blame.
I can´t believe I left the zeros off my troop numbers... lol
You live to fight another day, bro.
Lucky, lucky, lucky..
I´m a donkey. lol.

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 14:04
aha - you've woken up.
Hope you've managed to stop laughing at me now, bro.. lol

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 16:24
Well - Nice chatting with you. lol.
But I really gotta tear myself away now. Got 4 nobles in the build queue to see to.
Speak soon, matie.
It was a pleasure communicating with such a chatty dude.. lol

007Paul on 27.11. at 16:28
What you want?

007Paul on 27.11. at 16:30
Sorry for mistakes. What do you want?

007Paul on 27.11. at 16:33
:D only now i saw what you done to my army...

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 16:36
lol. Not much, I think. More like a drunken suicide for my Rams.. lol.
I better be more careful next time, eh?
You've got peace for a while to grow. :)

007Paul on 27.11. at 16:42
Why do you put in the end of text this TT

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 16:45
That's what everyone calls me - TT - stands for [player]Trojan Taff[/player].

Why do you put in your player name end 'Paul?'

007Paul on 27.11. at 16:46
Because this is my name...

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 16:48
Ah - that really confused me for a while.
Good thinking. It's like some sort of code, yeah?

Ok - what do your scouts want to eat when they arrive?
I've got some nice cookies and cream for them.
Hope they like cream?

007Paul on 27.11. at 16:49
Why you attacked me?

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 16:52
My apologies, mate. It was a genuine mistake.
What I'd tried to do, when searching for a game online, was look for a war game where we all get on and cuddle. But it turns out that I downloaded instead of
I can't believe that people actually FIGHT in a Wargame.
This world is crazy, no?
I don't know if I like it.
Do you?
Maybe me and you can have a good idea and mail everyone in this world to stop fighting. Do you think that would work?

007Paul on 27.11. at 16:55
I think you are hippy...

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 17:02
Ah. Light Cavalry as well.
I better go get my Hippy Slippers to wear as I open my gates for your horses. :)

007Paul on 27.11. at 17:04
Wrong guess

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 17:06
Ok - how about you guess how many troops are with my 4 nobles coming to get you, my hippy friend.
I hope you had fun on this world.
Nice knowing you, matie-sausage.
Thanks for building up your village for me. :)

007Paul on 27.11. at 17:08
:) You live in Latvija?

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 17:12
How did you know that? I was born in the city of Slapadicktome. Lovely city.
Where are you?

007Paul on 27.11. at 17:14
I from Lithuania :D

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 17:15
Nice place. I heard you've got running water now, bro?
Must be exciting these days.
No more trips to the river?

007Paul on 27.11. at 17:16
I know you not from Latvia. And my city near river and see

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 17:22
Hmm. Ok - you're too clever for me.
I'm from Greenland. I'm an eskimo.
My igloo has full central heating and electricity which is what allows me to play TW on my laptop.
We're off seal bashing later. My mum makes the best seal head soup. You should try it someday. Yum yum.
Ok - my skidoo needs servicing, so I'm off to Diska Bay to get it done. It's about 220 kilometres, so I'll be taking the dogs in case I break down in the snow.
I'll be back in 6 days to chat more, ok?
Nice to meet you, Mr. Hippy

007Paul on 27.11. at 17:25
now i know why you are in pinguin tribe.,

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 17:31
That's quite funny, bro.
You got me there.
Yeah - when I formed this tribe, I didn't know what to call it, but I've got a pet Rockhopper Penguin called Hoppy. He has had 2 fights with wolves since we moved here from Upernavik, and beaten them to death with his beak.
So - Killer Penguins is perfect eh?
It was either that, or Tribe Happy Feet.
I think I made the right choice, yeah?

007Paul on 27.11. at 17:42
I think so. Also for me left only 6 hours to live... You always talking with your victim before him lose?

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 17:48
Well - I do like to chat to polar bears before I shoot them for food, so - why not on TW too?
It's strange, really, as sometimes I've had a glass or 2 of home made Lebertran - made from Whale oil and fermented for 3 months.
THEN - some of the bears actually TALK BACK to me. It's really funny sometimes, and if they ask me nicely enough, I let them go.
I'd love to be able to stop drinking so much, but it's so funny sometimes.

007Paul on 27.11. at 17:54
I think you need stop drinking.

007Paul on 27.11. at 18:06
You think you will kill me?

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 18:19
No, bro.
Not at all.
In fact, I'm going to give you a brand new village.
I like you now.
Wait and see.

007Paul on 27.11. at 18:28
Are you lauthing from me? You are tried to kill me but now you say you will give me a vilage?

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 18:35
Serious. I'm not lauthing at you at all. Are you lauthing at me?
I do like to lauth. In fact, I lauth a lot at lots of fhings.
But. No lauth here - I'll give you a village.
There's a saying here in Greenland.
It goes -
He who laths last, laths longetht.
And, no, I'm not taking the pith.
You'll have your new village soon, bro.

007Paul on 27.11. at 18:52
Now i know everything... My new village be when you noble my vilage...

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 18:55
But only if you're good.

007Paul on 27.11. at 19:05
Hehe i found out what you had in your mind

007Paul on 27.11. at 19:11
I am glad that i helped someone with something

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 20:08
Good guy.
Thanks with your help, bro.
Hope you enjoyed the game.

007Paul on 27.11. at 20:14
Ech. Sometimes i think this game is just waste of time. Good luck but i am not ready to lose.

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 20:15
Good lad. Fight to the end. I like your style.
Good luck.

007Paul on 27.11. at 20:21
I have question. Why you first attacks was so terrible?( when you lost 177 rams)

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 20:23
Read my first mail, bro.
I was drunk. It was 4 o clock in the morning, and I just forgot to put the 0's on the attacks.
It should have been 2200 axes and 1300 LC, but I was too drunk to see, so just sent 22 axes and 13 LC.. lol.
The worst thing was my 170 rams dying. What a bad mistake.
That's why I should stop drinking.. haha

007Paul on 27.11. at 20:25
so i realy dead...

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 20:27
You might be ok - you have your militia there now. They're as tough as my ex wife. I think you might live this time.

007Paul on 27.11. at 20:33
Ok i'm going to sleep :D

Trojan Taff on 27.11. at 20:39
Night, matie. Catch you when you wake up.
Sweet dreams.

007Paul on 27.11. at 21:08
I cant believe this...

007Paul on 28.11. at 09:32
Why you didint conquest my village

Trojan Taff on 28.11. at 18:55
I decided to let you live, Paul.
Hope you're enjoying the game.

007Paul on 28.11. at 20:20
I'm lucky guy :) but i think not for long

Trojan Taff on 28.11. at 20:21
ok - yes - I will take your village, Paul. I'm just not quite ready for it yet.
I might take another one closer first.

007Paul on 28.11. at 20:27
I already know that. So get redy.

Trojan Taff on 28.11. at 20:40
Trying my best. But Nobles are so expensive, bro.

007Paul on 28.11. at 20:44
Who will be your victim.

Trojan Taff on 28.11. at 20:50
(withheld player name) is looking favourite, Paul.
What do you think?

007Paul on 28.11. at 20:55
He is stronger than me

Trojan Taff on 28.11. at 21:09
hmm. I've not scouted him yet. Looks a good village though. You've got 179 scouts - maybe you can scout him for me?

007Paul on 28.11. at 21:19
We are enemys and you ask for help?

Trojan Taff on 28.11. at 21:27
haha. Why not eh?
It's really cold here in my igloo tonight. Might go take the dogs out for a run in a bit. brrr
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Couple months into the world and people still don't know how to use spoilers....


Wow... i must have one or two of these... will check
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Couple months into the world and people still don't know how to use spoilers....
In which case your comment was very helpful and informative.
Thank you for great input.
I've now added the word 'spoiler' for you. lol

Now - I wasn't aware of a size limit for a post. Maybe someone can post the rules here?
Maybe the rules differ for us eskimos?


Tags are [spoil] [/ spoil] (without the space after the /), not spoiler. I myself screwed that up once.


In which case your comment was very helpful and informative.
Thank you for great input.
I've now added the word 'spoiler' for you. lol

Now - I wasn't aware of a size limit for a post. Maybe someone can post the rules here?
Maybe the rules differ for us eskimos?

There's no specific rules... It's just annoying having to scroll for 40 min down a page...


Yeah on some other servers the code is so I know where that mistake comes from. I remember it taking me 2 weeks on the externals before I finally found out how to get the spoiler BB-code :lol:

Anyways, it is indeed
[spoil][/ spoil]


Yeah on some other servers the code is so I know where that mistake comes from. I remember it taking me 2 weeks on the externals before I finally found out how to get the spoiler BB-code :lol:

Anyways, it is indeed

Are u sure with that gap between / and s in the second spoil it doesn't seem to work!



Yeah - genuine lack of knowledge on my part. Just goes to show that after around 6 years play, I still don't know everything. Although to read a post like mine, you've still gotta open it to full size, Finny, eh?
I'll hopefully sort the spoiler out now though. Cheers to fewdesires. :)

WHOOHOO. It worked. No gaps at all in the letters. Just spoil instead of spoiler.
Gotta take my huskies out now for a sound thrashing in the snow to celebrate... :)
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Whoohooo that´s TT how I know him... How it´s going with your Huskies?
Nice that you came around my Iglu for a cup... lol
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Well this guy has been the laughing stock of my tribe long enough. it is now time the whole world could enjoy a laugh over him.

pendragonia today at 10:48
How you like that? FYI none of my troops were in that so you lost all your troops for nothing have fun getting your Kester nobled!

pendragonia today at 11:18
whats that you don't talk to me. or maybe you no understand English well then why don't you tell me what language you understand so i can tell you that you are dead.

DOMIHARD today at 12:42
Dead people, don't talk, but u r talking to much.
But if u want to try an other language to tell me something, try in Hungarian.

pendragonia today at 12:50
Hé fogom élvezni figyel téged meghalni.

DOMIHARD today at 12:51
hehe ... I don't understand !

pendragonia today at 12:54
Is csak hogy tudd, de már több támogatás érkezik a következő 33 órát, és én tettem a matek a fennmaradó a bűncselekmény nem minősül, így akár azt is újra és most kilép

then you won't understand this either.

pendragonia today at 12:54
and FYI both are in Hungarian as you asked

DOMIHARD today at 12:56
I am not Hungarian ...

pendragonia today at 12:59
Stop Pissing me off seriously why the hell did you want me to convert my freaken messages to hungarian if you won't understand a dam thing i say anyway.

DOMIHARD today at 13:00
try in Polish ...

pendragonia today at 13:05
No i will not convert to any more languages unless you speak them first so i know you will understand me. And polish is not one of the 3 you speak. and sorry but they is no translator or dictionary that can ever decipher DOMIHARD speak so your own language doesn't count

pendragonia today at 13:26
Anyway thanks for the ODD and the new village.

DOMIHARD today at 13:29
u don't count. Is a pleasure to piss u off. this can be the nicest part.

ODD ... :)

pendragonia today at 13:32
Maybe i can count but
4088 sp
1500 sw
1314 ax
79 scouts
643 lc
24 HC
57 rams
43 cats

nothing about you villages scare me so whats it matter if i can't count to 3 when i can count every troop in your village :)

pendragonia today at 13:37
ce chat a obtenu votre langue

DOMIHARD today at 13:39
:) scare ? is just a shitty game ...

would u try in Latvian ? 4 fun :)

pendragonia today at 13:43
why don't you speak some Latvian first so i don't waste my time on yet another language you can't understand (not unlike English)

DOMIHARD today at 13:44
de français langue première, si vous comprenez ce que je veux dire

pendragonia today at 13:44
Jūs esat pārāk vēlu i tagad ir pietiekami daudz karavīru, lai noslaucīt jūsu ass ar un sēdēt laughing

pendragonia today at 13:56
You and AWOL are dead from now you won't even be able to see whats inside my village without costing yourself the most of the troops of they war.

DOMIHARD today at 13:59
well, let's see ...

pendragonia today at 14:01
Attack me from that defense village see what i have know that in less than half an our your scout report will be invalid. I am receiving support is such a way you only Wish the New AWOL could support you this way.

makes you kind of regret not accepting my invite to Tank doesn't it?

pendragonia today at 14:02
its okay i didn't need sleep today anyway.

pendragonia today at 14:04
02-33 today at 14:43:59:486 0:41:35
**** today at 15:23:48:172
**** today at 17:39:53:524

by the time you can send a nuke nothing will have mattered anymore.

DOMIHARD today at 14:04
:) u my dear big mouse, don't understand. I will stay here till the end.

pendragonia today at 14:06
Ha Ha you think i'd be foolish to post all 21 supports and the times they landed. i will tell you right now you will not.

DOMIHARD today at 14:09
:) 21 supports ... they must love u very much :))

pendragonia today at 14:09
should i dodge you're obvious scout or not?

DOMIHARD today at 14:09
btw ... u r English is shitty too.

pendragonia today at 14:10
and they love me more than your tribe ever loved you. hell even your tribe would give anything for me to come back and lead them this i know.

pendragonia today at 14:10
no my drunken speak is shit however my english is fine

pendragonia today at 14:12
also "You are English is shitty" sounds like a racist comment FYI. I am in no way British; therefore, I can't be English. I also can't give two shits if you think the British are shitty but you should stop sounding off with these racist remarks.


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
This happened a while back, just never had the time to post it. Some might find it funny but it just goes to show how sometimes you can exploit the stupidity of others:p

markt465 on 07.12. at 05:55
What do I need to do to get in your tribe?

MAX-BURN on 07.12. at 09:33
You’d have to prove that you are active and id have to account sit you

markt465 on 07.12. at 19:06
Why don't you just scout me? I'll send my troops out. And I can forward you all of my reports so you can see farming.

After that comment, i was not going to recruit him but a free look at a nearby village wouldn’t hurt:p

MAX-BURN on 07.12. at 19:16
Scouts on the way

markt465 on 07.12. at 20:27
My apologies, something came up and I wasn't able to get on and get my troops out of your way. I'm sending you some resources to compensate.

He killed my lovely scouts :( All 3 of them

MAX-BURN on 07.12. at 20:29
This time please sure you dodge your scouts.

Scouted him and he had like 500 troops in total for a guy with over 2500 points, no one would let such an easy village go

markt465 on 07.12. at 22:38
I got my scouts out of the way. What are the attacks you are sending now?

It was obviously nobles, so i decided to take this noob for a joy ride:D

MAX-BURN on 07.12. at 22:46
They are special units. I get to find out what level tech you have in your smithy.
I could cancel it if you tell me. Will you?

markt465 on 07.12. at 23:11
Of course. Scout, spear and sword are 2. Axe, light cavalry, ram and catapult are 1. Heavy cavalry is not yet researched.

MAX-BURN on 07.12. at 23:13
Sorry its too late i can’t cancel. But keep all your troops at home.

markt465 on 07.12. at 23:14
What units can discover research levels in a smithy?

MAX-BURN on 07.12. at 23:16
Do you have premium? You buy the unit with 40 premium points

markt465 on 07.12. at 23:26
Why doesn't the help page say anything about it?

MAX-BURN on 07.12. at 23:30
When you get a premium account there is another help page, its exclusively for premium users.

markt465 on 07.12. at 23:47
What are they called? I apologize for all of the questions, you could see how this seems a bit suspicious

MAX-BURN on 07.12. at 23:51
Its cool. They called "tribal elders"

markt465 on 08.12. at 03:08
Don't you think lying was a little unnecessary?

This is where i nobled his village:D and i did get to see his tech levels, i didnt lie about that part, lol

MAX-BURN on 08.12. at 03:17
You killed my lovely scouts

markt465 on 08.12. at 03:20
Haha that's true, I always become more attached to my scouts than any other units

Afterwards he realised how dumb he was and he had a good laugh about it:)


Looks like I annoyed someone :lol:

Brittany87 today at 00:41
i thought they were fakes, wtf i just got home from work and my village is gone

Brittany87 today at 00:43
wish i dident have to work and could wait no i dont wish i was like you 24/7 no graphics game. you need to take a breath and a long look at your life is this what you can what to say you contributed to socity.

Brittany87 today at 00:48
will you b my friend on face book so i can see how much better my life is from your sad welfare disabled pention that keeps your fat ass in cold ac and infront of a pc.

Brittany87 today at 00:49
if your in a wheelchair i understand. but i bet you give nothing to this world except a fat f***ing body they got to cut out of a house and tax payers have to pay to have buried.

Koo-Laid today at 00:52
You're priceless <3


lol, I want to meet Brittany, feisty little thing. Bet she is just as feisty in bed. :icon_twisted: