

i have 5, Def, Nuke, Noble, Scout and Cat

Used to have a sixth, slowdef but i stopped using that.

And that brings me to a point i would like to share opinions. 90% of my time in World 50 i was under attack by someone so i needed quick defense, i mean, quickly recruiting so i focused more on spears and less on archers (still recruit both)

But, if i had no threats or no attacks the wiser thing would have been to recruit more archers than spears as they r better defenders and i dont care that they take longer to build cause i am not under attack now.

So i was thinking: in times of war or in frontline villages: 70% spears and 30% archers

In times of peace and in backline villages (safe areas) 10% spears, 30% swords and 60% archers or sth like that

I am too lazy to set (again) two different types of defense groups and also too lazy to change the mass recruiting figures but probaby i should.

what do u guys do about this?


i like nukes with 1000 cats, not many but when escorted properly and used at the right time, it will make a villa useless for a little while. i only had 10 on world 50 but each one did what i needed them to do and more, but Im the kinda of player that has several different kind of nukes (5 kinds)

I find having one kind of nuke limits me in my attacking abilities, but you do need a common nuke to build in 75% of your of O villas

10 only... that's only 10 villages useless. That's not even 1% of any of the top 20 players accounts. Having 1 kind of nuke in no way limits your attacking abilities, you just need to make a versatile nuke.

As for builds... I have 2, defense and offense. If it's a pop bonus, I either add 2400 axes, or 400 spears and 2000 archers.

what do u guys do about this?

It's all personal preference really... I disagree with the 30% sword thing... just due to the slow movement factor. Also I do think that you need more spears, as generally you want an even split of GD/CD. Assuming 20,000 pop, your build of 10% spears/30% swords/60% archers... that gives you 930,000 GD, 660,000 CD and 340,000 AD.

If you look at a quick building nuke such as 6000 axes, 3000 LC, 220 rams and 200 cats, you get 260,440 general offense and 390,000 cavalry offense. So defending against nukes such as that, you would want more spears and less swords most likely, but then you become vulnerable to large amounts of MA... so maybe less archers and more spears.

Even if hit by an axe heavy nuke, lets say 8000 axes/2500 LC/220 rams/200 cats... general offense is 340,440, and cavalry offense is 325,000. So even with an axe heavy nuke, you should still try to balance GD/CD.


10 only... that's only 10 villages useless. That's not even 1% of any of the top 20 players accounts. Having 1 kind of nuke in no way limits your attacking abilities, you just need to make a versatile nuke.

As for builds... I have 2, defense and offense. If it's a pop bonus, I either add 2400 axes, or 400 spears and 2000 archers.

It's all personal preference really... I disagree with the 30% sword thing... just due to the slow movement factor. Also I do think that you need more spears, as generally you want an even split of GD/CD. Assuming 20,000 pop, your build of 10% spears/30% swords/60% archers... that gives you 930,000 GD, 660,000 CD and 340,000 AD.

If you look at a quick building nuke such as 6000 axes, 3000 LC, 220 rams and 200 cats, you get 260,440 general offense and 390,000 cavalry offense. So defending against nukes such as that, you would want more spears and less swords most likely, but then you become vulnerable to large amounts of MA... so maybe less archers and more spears.

Even if hit by an axe heavy nuke, lets say 8000 axes/2500 LC/220 rams/200 cats... general offense is 340,440, and cavalry offense is 325,000. So even with an axe heavy nuke, you should still try to balance GD/CD.

and the thing is, most people use quick build nukes, so technically... you should try to make it so your CD is higher than your GD and MD... thus meaning you should have more spears :D


Mehhh you only ever really need 2 or 3 types. Regular, heavy cat, and wall busters. and 90% of them should be regular nukes

agreed but i never made wall busters, since my common nukes all have 250-300 cats and rams I just click on hit wall from time to time and it works as well as a wall buster.


10 only... that's only 10 villages useless. That's not even 1% of any of the top 20 players accounts. Having 1 kind of nuke in no way limits your attacking abilities, you just need to make a versatile nuke.

I only had 220 or so villas on world 50
150 O villas,

also there where 4+ nukes escorting each of them all with 250-300 cats.

honestly catting was the best part of TW


Do you men have to whip out the ruler over every single thing? Sheesh...

There are so many different ways to play this game successfully. There are so many different factors to consider and so many variables that even what worked in one case may not at all work in another situation and vice versa.

For every action there is more than one appropriate response. There is more than one way to build a village. There is more than one way to set tech. There is more than one way stage your attack and there is more than one way to defend your villages.

Aside from the actual mechanics of the game there are also other factors to consider. Silva brings up an excellent point...he is rarely attacked. Some point this out as arrogance when it is simply a fact. He would brain dead not to factor this into his game play. I would never set my techs as Silva has but I see why he does.

How about you all stop thumping your chests and keep an open mind and let the conversation continue? :)

Keeping an open mind doesn't mean immediately agreeing with someone :p. The best way to see if an alternate method is viable is to scrutinize it heavily. But yes, I agree with you. This game has many different options, there is not only one thing that works.

However, as with all games, some options are just better than others. And who you are will change around- to some degree- which one is better. Different in game situations will change around those options a bit. But there are still some options that are always just flat out better than others, and it's important to keep this in mind while you make certain decisions in game.

But I absolutely refuse to stop thumping my chest. And I also refuse to stop measuring things. Now you'll have to excuse me while I grab some beer, go stand in my yard, and grunt at people passing by.
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But I absolutely refuse to stop thumping my chest. And I also refuse to stop measuring things. Now you'll have to excuse me while I grab some beer, go stand in my yard, and grunt at people passing by.



or... not. too freaking big to fit... srsly... 150 characters is rediculous
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It's all personal preference really... I disagree with the 30% sword thing... just due to the slow movement factor. Also I do think that you need more spears, as generally you want an even split of GD/CD. Assuming 20,000 pop, your build of 10% spears/30% swords/60% archers... that gives you 930,000 GD, 660,000 CD and 340,000 AD.

If you look at a quick building nuke such as 6000 axes, 3000 LC, 220 rams and 200 cats, you get 260,440 general offense and 390,000 cavalry offense. So defending against nukes such as that, you would want more spears and less swords most likely, but then you become vulnerable to large amounts of MA... so maybe less archers and more spears.

Even if hit by an axe heavy nuke, lets say 8000 axes/2500 LC/220 rams/200 cats... general offense is 340,440, and cavalry offense is 325,000. So even with an axe heavy nuke, you should still try to balance GD/CD.

I see your point.

But u do agree on the 70/30 (spear/archers) for frontline villages right?

If i ever decide to redo my backline/slow defense recruiting then i will take your advice and do a 30-20-50 (sp-sw-arch) i think.

But maybe the main advantage of the backline, slower recruiting villages would be not recruiting HC at all (or less than 800/1000) and use all that farm space for infantry. When u are so far away from your front line, 80 hours or 160 hours does not make a big change imho, cause u will never use that far away defense to quickly support your self.


Keeping an open mind doesn't mean immediately agreeing with someone :p. The best way to see if an alternate method is viable is to scrutinize it heavily. But yes, I agree with you. This game has many different options, there is not only one thing that works.

However, as with all games, some options are just better than others. And who you are will change around- to some degree- which one is better. Different in game situations will change around those options a bit. But there are still some options that are always just flat out better than others, and it's important to keep this in mind while you make certain decisions in game.

I cannot disagree but knowing how we are around here I was afraid that the entire conversation was about to disintegrate into nothingness. I hate when that happens. :)

But I absolutely refuse to stop thumping my chest. And I also refuse to stop measuring things. Now you'll have to excuse me while I grab some beer, go stand in my yard, and grunt at people passing by.

In all honesty, for reasons that are probably primeval, I don't think I want this to change. I apologize for trying to interfere with this age old practice. Carry on!

10 only... that's only 10 villages useless. That's not even 1% of any of the top 20 players accounts. Having 1 kind of nuke in no way limits your attacking abilities, you just need to make a versatile nuke.

As for builds... I have 2, defense and offense. If it's a pop bonus, I either add 2400 axes, or 400 spears and 2000 archers.

It's all personal preference really... I disagree with the 30% sword thing... just due to the slow movement factor. Also I do think that you need more spears, as generally you want an even split of GD/CD. Assuming 20,000 pop, your build of 10% spears/30% swords/60% archers... that gives you 930,000 GD, 660,000 CD and 340,000 AD.

If you look at a quick building nuke such as 6000 axes, 3000 LC, 220 rams and 200 cats, you get 260,440 general offense and 390,000 cavalry offense. So defending against nukes such as that, you would want more spears and less swords most likely, but then you become vulnerable to large amounts of MA... so maybe less archers and more spears.

Even if hit by an axe heavy nuke, lets say 8000 axes/2500 LC/220 rams/200 cats... general offense is 340,440, and cavalry offense is 325,000. So even with an axe heavy nuke, you should still try to balance GD/CD.

This one post has got me thinking about my defense build. Originally my def build was more of a remnant from playing W12, there were no archers at all and I built the sp/sw/hc build I was very used to. Then those lonely archers got to me and I just started to build a more balanced def village with a small amount of HC. That build is rock solid and having some experience with the nukes being built and sent at has defended quite nicely. However, the build time is VERY long and I may actually be a grandma by the time the village is full. :icon_razz:

I have never been a fan, especially in the early game, of the Sp/HC build. It just isn't as strong though I love the faster build. I have learned through coplaying that as the account grows quantity can easily compensate for any inherent weaknesses I see in that build but if an entire tribe turns on you it isn't the best way to go imo as the lack of swords was/is very apparent to me.

Also, am I the only one that feels building cats as part of a def village is a total waste of building time and resources? I have never got this and I see it all the time in villages I would have have classified as "quick defense". Cats aren't quick (in travel or build time) and they are costly. There have been times when I am hanging on by threads that I have built them but it was only because I was trying to get max def ability in a short time. Am I missing something here?

With all that rambling said....does anyone have thoughts on a def build that has a good balance of build time/travel time/def ability? I am getting the impression that swords should not be present at all? Maybe because I started out on an earlier world but the idea of no swords at all causes me a bit of concern.


With all that rambling said....does anyone have thoughts on a def build that has a good balance of build time/travel time/def ability? I am getting the impression that swords should not be present at all? Maybe because I started out on an earlier world but the idea of no swords at all causes me a bit of concern.

7000 spears, 3000 archers
200 scouts, 1800 HC
15 cats or rams (for faking purposes)

Very quick recruiting, although not very strong but still ok imho

If time is not an issue then
7000 spears 1500 sw 5000 archers
200 scouts 1000 HC

aprox figures


With all that rambling said....does anyone have thoughts on a def build that has a good balance of build time/travel time/def ability? I am getting the impression that swords should not be present at all? Maybe because I started out on an earlier world but the idea of no swords at all causes me a bit of concern.

when you think about your D build, it all depends on your play style. Even when i am not under attack, i like to have a quick build D, because changing round the builds on my MR is just more time i need to spend sitting around at my laptop for.

As for the lack of swords... i dont like them, so i dont use them. I dont like them for 2 reasons.

1) the slow movement. when i send support, i want it there sooner rather than later.
2) swords have practically the same properties as HC. High general/Archer defense, low cavalry defense. Excpet HC are faster. Both in movement, and building. Swords just take more time on your barracks where you could be building spears/archers, and hc travel faster.

My current D build is 3509 sp, 3500 archers, 100 scouts, 2150 hc and 100 cats.

General defence 667835
Cavalry Defence 475005
Defence Archer 484880

it all finnishes around the same time, and my longest queue is actually my stable, which is 225 hours long.

on a 15 tech world, i would normally just go straight for sp/hc, because of research levels. 8809 sp, 1850 HC, 100 scouts, and 100 cats. this is only 194 hours.

General defence 512335
Cavalry Defence 549505
Defence Archer 519380

at 1 point i considered going for straight HC/Archers. But again, i like as fast a build as possible so i would balance the queues out. its 6151 archers, 100 scouts, 2293 hc, and 100 cats. this is just under 240 hours

General defence 776350
Cavalry Defence 434580
Defence Archer 453695

when i first started playing, which was an old unit world, i made sp/sw. 10k of each + 250 scouts and 50 cats... but its a 543 hour build queue

General defence 655950
Cavalry Defence 602885
Defence Archer 605860

An arguably very strong build is 6650 sp, 6650 sw, and 6609 archers + 100 scouts and 100 cats. but the barracks queue is 618 hours long. even though you are vulnerable to MA, you just dont see them in large quantities, so if you have lots of time on your hands... this is probably the strongest build you could make... or there abouts.

General defence 772900
Cavalry Defence 668460
Defence Archer 442245

As for the catapults, they are there for 2 reasons.

1) fakes. everyone loves fakes
2) for a bonfire stack. everyone has 1 or 2 cat villages, but the extra cats pulled in from local D villages just makes it so much more effective. An extra 80 cats from another 30 local D villages = a lot more nukes that need to be fired to break down the bonfire wall.


Also, am I the only one that feels building cats as part of a def village is a total waste of building time and resources? I have never got this and I see it all the time in villages I would have have classified as "quick defense". Cats aren't quick (in travel or build time) and they are costly. There have been times when I am hanging on by threads that I have built them but it was only because I was trying to get max def ability in a short time. Am I missing something here?

With all that rambling said....does anyone have thoughts on a def build that has a good balance of build time/travel time/def ability? I am getting the impression that swords should not be present at all? Maybe because I started out on an earlier world but the idea of no swords at all causes me a bit of concern.

I agree with your thoughts about cats, assuming you have time. I make 50 per defense village, just for timing snipes if needed, faking, and farm shaping.

The defense build I use has a decent build time, just under 2 weeks, and has a decent strength.

It's a lot stronger then 8k sp/2k hc, and in comparison to a 10k sp/10k sw, has 21k more CD, but 50k less GD.

7711 spears, 10 swords, (for adjusting speeds if needed) 4000 archers, 100 scouts, 1400 HC, 50 cats.


i really don't understand what all you people have with these shitloads of HC.


An arguably very strong build is 6650 sp, 6650 sw, and 6609 archers + 100 scouts and 100 cats. but the barracks queue is 618 hours long. even though you are vulnerable to MA, you just dont see them in large quantities, so if you have lots of time on your hands... this is probably the strongest build you could make... or there abouts.

General defence 772900
Cavalry Defence 668460
Defence Archer 442245

As for the catapults, they are there for 2 reasons.

1) fakes. everyone loves fakes
2) for a bonfire stack. everyone has 1 or 2 cat villages, but the extra cats pulled in from local D villages just makes it so much more effective. An extra 80 cats from another 30 local D villages = a lot more nukes that need to be fired to break down the bonfire wall.

That is pretty much my def build though I have a nominal amount of HC in it as well. The build time is so long and so impractical that I have a quick def build that I revert to in time of war.

While I love its def ability, I have a few tribe mates that are nowhere near the majority of my defense and as this world is progressing I am starting to feel that I need to get something going that is faster but still packs some solid protection. I guess it boils down to the fact that unless I can get there in is useless.

I totally agree that for fakes and for bonfire (love my bonfire) cats are of good use. Other than that, I usually giggle when I clear a def village that has 400 cats in it.

i really don't understand what all you people have with these shitloads of HC.

I have to say that up until recently I was thinking the same thing but we are the odd man out on this from the tons of accounts that have crossed through my hands over the years. Reoan would argue that a higher amount of HC was important but I felt that it weakened the overall strength and since I am the one that does most of the grunt work I won. About three months ago we added a quick def build that has a ton of HC in it and I cannot tell you how nice it is to be able to quickly get 20K HC somewhere in a hurry. Really is priceless.


i agree there, when u r under attack, 80% of the time only my HC gets on time, ofc i were online 24x7 i wouldnt need HC at all but during my year with no CO they saved me A LOT of villages


i agree there, when u r under attack, 80% of the time only my HC gets on time, ofc i were online 24x7 i wouldnt need HC at all but during my year with no CO they saved me A LOT of villages

if you are a cluster player like me 500 hc is more than enough. 5k hc is always close by. if you look at the loss of total D strength you have when you have that much hc per villa.... with 500 hc you also have a nice snipe train in the area to buy you time to stack if needed with sp / sw / arc


if you are a cluster player like me 500 hc is more than enough. 5k hc is always close by. if you look at the loss of total D strength you have when you have that much hc per villa.... with 500 hc you also have a nice snipe train in the area to buy you time to stack if needed with sp / sw / arc

I'm at as clustered as you are and I have at least 1500 HC per vill usually 2k. It makes the individual D weaker but means I can move stacks around far faster and can add 15-20k HC extra to a stack from just a couple of hours away, opposed to a couple of thousand swords.

Although I've never been particualry far from where I am nobling and have no real safe area iwhere building a slower moving but strong defence would have helped stack a distant front line.