i'm roonie lol.
Who? Wayne? :lol:
i'm roonie lol.
Lol for the record i am not in love with silva, i just know he is a beast and wont be beat anytime soon. You also forgot to mention silva won the fight :icon_biggrin:. Which is Sf will do. We have been on the losing end for a good amount of time but now we are starting to pick up steam and you never know what could happen.
And just to contribute to the thread i was hoping that ende maybe slapped some sense into you so that started to fight c2. I'll be the first to admit when you first announced this i wanted to strangle you. But this is a game meant for fun which is why you attacked him in the first place. But you just said you arent having with ende i say go back to doing damage to c2, its certainly fun for me so i'm sure you would find it fun. Just to be clear about it gammy, i'm roonie lol.
Anyone in C² have any fairly recent reports of Ende attacking you? Anyone in SF...has Ende participated in any recent ops with you?
For those that don't follow MMA, Chael basically took the champ down the entire fight and made Silva his b*tch. :icon_razz:
I could be wrong, but I doubt Ende sent any attacks at anyone in C² recently.
For those of you who follow MMA results, Silva won :icon_wink:
Seriously Ende, WoW? WoW dude, just WoW :lol:
I actually do care about the fight with Ende vs Gammy very much so, and would like to see updates when possible. Although, I had hoped Ende would grow a pair and start attacking, but it doesn't really surprise me that much tbh, however, maybe he has an agenda behind this, stranger things have happened :icon_rolleyes:
Of course Gammy, you could still always end the fight if it doesn't pose, challenging enough, and start fighting c2 again. I'm sure MK would honourably let you re-arrange your troops in an agreed apon time frame so you could fight them once more. Wouldn't you MK, like we discussed? :icon_wink:
P.S. Gammy bro, waited like all night for you to sign on skype. Like I know the fight with Ende is keeping you busy and all :lol::lol: but c'mon man! Stop oggling the men in the Sears Men's Catolog and get on there! :lol:
Of the 23 reports where no info could be collected, a little less than half showed the wall dropping several levels, which would indicate a decent amount of troops killed.
Of course Gammy, you could still always end the fight if it doesn't pose, challenging enough, and start fighting c2 again. I'm sure MK would honourably let you re-arrange your troops in an agreed apon time frame so you could fight them once more. Wouldn't you MK, like we discussed? :icon_wink:
actually I was catching up on the harry potter series, havent actually watched any of them, so why not start UFC 117 was on, great card of fights...and have you seen the way those mens briefs hug the hips of those sears catalog guys...bless!
What are you, his agent? :icon_wink:
Nice stats Gammy, very informative. I like the strategy of softening things up a bit to make it tougher to rebuild and to force Ende to pay attention to incomings, though IMO it really needs local action to be effective. Did you attempt to noble any of the villages you cleared, or were they too far away?
I'm surprised by the lack of attacks though. While hoping Gammy wears himself out is not a bad tactic, I'm also not sure if gambling on him getting bored is the best approach. While I realise Ende may be busy with MV, I expected at least some attacks in Gammy's direction.
It's actually not that difficult to determine a rough estimate of how much you killed if the wall dropped. If you give me a list of just the wall drops (e.g. "four times 20 to 18, three times 20 to 15"), I can give you a pretty decent estimate. I'll aggregate the numbers so you cannot get any information out of it that'll help you, and I obviously don't want to know any specifics (so don't forward me the reports, or tell me which villages you attacked), but it would provide a decent addition to the stats you posted.
What are you, his agent? :icon_wink:
Nukes consisted of 5850/3250/225
Didn't know if the luck factor mattered, as Im sure it does a bit, but:
20 to 18
12 to 9
18 to 16
20 to 18 four times
20 to 19 twice
Thirdly, i was also fighting MV who tbh actually threw more real attacks at me than Gammy did, and actually did more damage to my villages than Gammy did. MV actually almost nobled 2 of my villages but i fortunately managed to retal in time (you can see by his handful of noblings against SF that others were not so fortunate). The fact that i had most of my D positioned to deal with Gammy, meant i hardly had any troops to deal with MV but with 21 noblings in 48hrs against him (an active player) i think i did pretty good![]()
Ok I guess its time for me to add some more facts to this encounter, seeing as people seem to think Gammy was 'up' in this incident...
Firstly i grew over half a millions points while he was attacking me and he didnt grow at all. Therefore whatever his strategy was clearly wasnt working.
Secondly, i didnt throw any attacks at him cos my strategy was that the first 4 weeks or so would be the opening exchanges and the next couple of months would be where the real fight was. Gammy failed to show my comments in our mailchat where i told him i was playing longball.
Thirdly, i was also fighting MV who tbh actually threw more real attacks at me than Gammy did, and actually did more damage to my villages than Gammy did. MV actually almost nobled 2 of my villages but i fortunately managed to retal in time (you can see by his handful of noblings against SF that others were not so fortunate). The fact that i had most of my D positioned to deal with Gammy, meant i hardly had any troops to deal with MV but with 21 noblings in 48hrs against him (an active player) i think i did pretty good
Fourthly, after nobling 21 villages in 2 days with some very close to Gammy in K88, Im surprised Gammy didnt try to noble any of my newly aquired villages. I was offering him targets to go for hoping he would start sending nobles but sadly either he didnt have the courage or he didnt see them
Lastly, as we all know the only stat to brag about is taking villages off the enemy, and as none changed hands that must mean no one can boast victory. This all went the way i expected it tbh, you wont get a victory out of 2 active players going at it on such a slow world.
Coincidentally, I did over 1.4mill ODA in 1 day during all this. I dont remember seeing anyone having hit that before and i check the war stats daily although i might just have a bad memory :icon_confused:
Hmmm, thats funny because my 712th vill was a barb vill sitting almost right beside one of your vills...I took that way before you started taking any MV00MV vills, still no response.
And I have grown since the attacks started, but I wouldn't expect you to pay any attention to that sort of thing when you didn't even know you had a barb sitting a few fields away from you.
And I may be wrong, but didn't you start nobling him once everyone in SF started while he wasn't logged on?
2 active players on a slow world? That statement is half right. :lol:
Some players probably have, considering that in the past 7 days two players in c2 got more than 1mil ODA in a day.
Endemonadia said:Also bear in mind this... as someone else reminded u of recently (MK i think) anyone with over a 10k average village point score is considered a pointwhore..