Ideas for making this world more exciting


Lol it wouldn't surprise me. On the crazy scale he is about a 9.99 out of 10


Do you even try and look for proof of what you say before you post it. The only fighting ZOMBY has been doing is in the externals. Look at the last 30 pages of their caps and what do you see? Not sure why that would qualify as fighting FOOLS.

wouldn't say that I'm sure Sdz will be talking later. Or not? lol

As for K41 your not counting on me staying queit are you? lol


Still Going Strong
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Statistically speaking if you take one barb for X amount of player owned villages you can indeed increase dominance percentage faster. I think its at about 1 barb for every 3 player owned villages. Could be 4. I haven't done the maths behind it yet. WHY?

Because dominance is based on VILLAGES and not points. A 300 point village is as good as a 9K point village in the end.

I will always noble a barb or a bonus if I think it will benefit me strategically, as for internals, I'm all for those! As long as you are contributing more to the tribe you should be rewarded with easy villages. A player should not only internal though. Those who say internals and barbs are bad. Let me see your stats. Lets see if you had any internals or barbs. There is only one excuse for nobling a barb that can pass. That is if you already launched a train and the player went barb. Otherwise there are no BUTs! You criticized something and then you yourself have done it. That's being a hypocrite.

As for cheaper or half priced coins! ARE YOU OFF YOUR HEAD!! SERIOUSLY?! HOW DUMB CAN YOU PEOPLE BE! I suggested it once here as a joke and I once campaigned for it because a good number of the top 20 players said if they got cheaper coins they would return.

Have a look at the fastest noblers in the world: [SPOIL]


14 out of 15 fastest noblers are in fools. I haven't nobled a village in over 2 weeks and I'm still on that list. WHY? Because I have been the world's fastest nobler for the longest time when I actively played this world. Same as my previous world. I was the fastest nobler for the longest time until I quit.

Cheaper coins does not give you an advantage. Cheaper coins would be a common factor among all players. Who benefits from cheaper coins? Players who FARM, ALOT! MCM and Evilsizer are rank 1 and rank 2 and they both have over 100 nobles that they can educate:O Half that and it becomes 200 instantly. Can you match that amount of nobles or even speed of the fastest noblers?

All you will be doing is widening the gap between how fast they accumulate points and how slow you can. Its simple math. Forget how you think it can help you. Look at the previous established patterns and consider the future implications.

HOWEVER there is a setting you can change that will indeed make this world entertaining. I've spoken to morthy about this and it is a very viable option indeed:D.

Btw no one really took my riddle seriously :(
Would you want the key or would you want the lock? You cannot have both and you can only want one thing.

Those that picked the lock have moderate intelligence. Ordinarily a lock would be better because you then know the location of the information/treasure it is safe guarding.

Those that picked the key either have low intellignece or HIGH intelligence. You would have to look at their reason as to why they would choose it. If you have the key someone who wants their treasure/information to remain hidden would worry about the other opening the lock with that key and so you could blackmail them:p The same could be said for the lock in some way.

I said you "can only want one thing" the answer is the location of both the key and lock. If you know the location, you can acquire both assuming you have the ability (~^,) Such a simple riddle with such massive implications.

Btw Ciranore did you even get my last circular? Its been sent over 2 days ago now:D I sense a huge failure on your part.
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Nah I'm not even bothering Max lol turns out my mom having a knee replacement is more important than finding your mails.



regarding 1/2 price coins....I see where you are coming from and your logic makes sense, however I disagree. The proportions are equal. 1/2 price coins for MCM and 1/2 price coins for the person with two villas. You cannot even the playing field when you compare people that actively farm to those that do not. The farmer in a barb or internal frenzy will win almost 100% of the time. But what does help is the increase price per noble to compensate for size. MCM could be paying 800 coins per noble, other players may be paying 300 per noble. There is more to the equation than simply farmers and larger accounts compared to midsize and small accounts. CO's, placement of account, current wars, the list can get as in-depth as you wish.

I know players from other worlds that would send support but hold some troops back so they could still farm. To sum it up, do i think 1/2 price coins are good? Yes. Do I think highly active motivated farmers have an advantage? Yes, but they always have and increasing prices per nobleman helps to reduce that advantage. Am I saying that increasing noble cost levels the field? No...


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Yes, but they always have and increasing prices per nobleman helps to reduce that advantage.
True enough but it reduces that advantage it does not negate that advantage, diminishing returns come to mind. At the end of the day the more villages you have the higher your farming will be. The more villages you have the more you can dedicate to farming and keep a good amount of villages just for war efforts.

There is more to the equation than simply farmers and larger accounts compared to midsize and small accounts. CO's, placement of account, current wars, the list can get as in-depth as you wish.

Hence why I refered to the fastest noblers list. Consider what ever factors you will but such factors are largely temporary or insignificant when you look at who can utilize their nobles the fastest. Go back to previous worlds and look at what happens when coin/package prices are halved. All nobling shoots up drastically and the gap between high point accounts and lower ones increases substantially. The top accounts still largely remain the same top accounts and the bottom ones end up being in a worse off condition.

I know players from other worlds that would send support but hold some troops back so they could still farm.

That is so true. I even utilize a similar method. But look at the number of villages not the percentage of their villages when considering the benefit from half price coins. A larger player can utilize 100 villages worth of troops just for war efforts and use the other 100 or 200 or 300 villages or even 400 villages just for farming. He can contribute the same effort to the war as do other players because wars come to down to actual contribution based on how many villages you nuked or how many you nobled off the enemy and that is not looked at proportionately to the size of an account.

A player with 10 villages who takes 3 villages will be viewed as a player who faired better over a player who has only one village and took 1 village. The player who took 3 villages used only 3 nukes while using 7 for farming while the player with one village used his only nuke to take the one village. So who is at a far better advantage despite increasing cost of coins?


The end of this world is long overdue. Only thing that could make things more interesting is actually bringing it closer to its end.

Half-priced coins is the way to go!

Michael Wittman

The end of this world is long overdue. Only thing that could make things more interesting is actually bringing it closer to its end.

Half-priced coins is the way to go!

lol yea i bet you want it to end quick lol


I say Half priced coins for SOLO and allies, and 1.5X priced coins for FOOLS :p


First they need to "Close" this restarts/no new players joining.
Then maybe just maybe lower the cost of coins.....the larger you are the more coins you can mint, the more you farm the more coins you can mint...either way the deck is stacked in favor of the larger players.

Because dominance is based on VILLAGES and not points. A 300 point village is as good as a 9K point village in the end.

While true just doesn 't seem like as much fun as taking a village from an active player thus eventually eliminating them from the game :) Taking barbs does little to get to the "End Game" phase unless you/your tribe has really declared war on Barbs. :p


the larger you are the more coins you can mint, the more you farm the more coins you can mint...either way the deck is stacked in favor of the larger players.

Larger players? Fast farmers, sure, but large players? Not at all. In fact, it's the opposite. The system is made so that in order to secure a noble slot each of your villages has to produce 1 coin (plus the number of noble slots you have), which is easier for smaller players because the larger you get the more of a chore farming becomes.

Having coins cost less is going to speed up the world in general, not give anyone specific an advantage. Sure, good farmers will prosper, but guess what, it's an advantage THEY HAVE ALWAYS HAD.


Larger players? Fast farmers, sure, but large players? Not at all. In fact, it's the opposite. The system is made so that in order to secure a noble slot each of your villages has to produce 1 coin (plus the number of noble slots you have), which is easier for smaller players because the larger you get the more of a chore farming becomes.

Having coins cost less is going to speed up the world in general, not give anyone specific an advantage. Sure, good farmers will prosper, but guess what, it's an advantage THEY HAVE ALWAYS HAD.

You speak the truth good sir. That is why I like farming worlds, those that don't farm lag, those that farm have the ability to grow at a much quicker pace.


And it's precisely why I dislike the farming worlds, which are in the majority :) I'd much rather concentrate on my strategy than click C button mindlessly for hours.


And it's precisely why I dislike the farming worlds, which are in the majority :) I'd much rather concentrate on my strategy than click C button mindlessly for hours.

you could hire out a farming coplayer :p

send me your sit I'll send a farming run for you :icon_evil: