This is my point out of one persons mouth. He uses terms that are subtle to say what he really means, and how he really feels, just trying to get a rise. I bit sadistic, and childish, really..
Thing's like:
Don't know how to play, and never will.
Join tribalhugs.
If you don't like getting nobled learn to defend.
Jeeze, that really has no place in the game man. If the tables were turned you'd probablly freak out, and cus me up one side, and down the other.
If you know how to defend, and someone with 255 villages sends a wave from just fifty of them, and all you have is 5 villages to your name? Don't be surprised if you get rimmed, and the butthole that did that.. Well, big friggin whoop! Why didn't he try the guy with 45o villages if he's so awesome.. Your all the same, chum.. I thank you for responding to the call. You have proven my assessment to be 100% accurate..:icon_biggrin:
Thing's like:
Don't know how to play, and never will.
Join tribalhugs.
If you don't like getting nobled learn to defend.
Jeeze, that really has no place in the game man. If the tables were turned you'd probablly freak out, and cus me up one side, and down the other.
If you know how to defend, and someone with 255 villages sends a wave from just fifty of them, and all you have is 5 villages to your name? Don't be surprised if you get rimmed, and the butthole that did that.. Well, big friggin whoop! Why didn't he try the guy with 45o villages if he's so awesome.. Your all the same, chum.. I thank you for responding to the call. You have proven my assessment to be 100% accurate..:icon_biggrin: