Implemented Improving the built-in incoming label tool


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
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Currently the game built-in label tool by default labels attacks like this:

With the use of scripts can label attacks like this:
"Ram | May 06, 21:48"
or even more advanced labeling like this:
"Ram 001 (396|514) K53 redalert S:May 06, 21:50 R:May 06, 22:57"

This is current view of the tool:
Just that button :(

and there is no built-in way on the game to change the tagging format.

To achieve the more advanced tagging formats which I showed above a player has to use scripts ... for things which are basic, tagging an incoming.

So my suggestion would be to change that.

First of all, by adding a way to change the format of the incoming tagger as the player wants.

Here you can see all the values that the tagger can have as input:

My suggestion first of all would be to have a UI where the player can chose the format on it's own like this:

(actually this screenshot is taken from a script from cheesasaurus that is used as an mass incoming tagger)

So something like this ... but built-in into the game.

The other suggestion would be to change the output of the variables:
(or any other time based variable) to include also seconds.

"Ram 001 (396|514) K53 redalert S:May 06, 21:50 R:May 06, 22:57"

So the attack will return home at May 6, 22:57 ... but at which second?

The game built-in tagger, does not show that.


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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How I see this being worked is that 1 more field needs to be added on database (if it does not exist yet), to save there the format the player has chosen.
This setting can be shown on the Settings page also (but probably without the UI to edit it) ... if the player wants to edit it manually he can do so (or if this presents difficulties make this field a readonly field so the player can just see his tagging format easily.

The UI where the tagging format is generated can be integrated into the Incomings screen and when Save button is pressed it saves the chosen format on this new settings field on the db.

Then when the player clicks on "Label" the backend reads this format from the db and formats the incoming label accordingly.

I don't see this requiring that much work technically since it is not a new feature completely.

The backend part of accepting custom formats is already working (just it needs to be improved to show seconds) and to read data from the tag format field (from db) and the rest is UI part which should be easy also.


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Speed Admin
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I love the idea and will nod along to you saying it won't require much work.

I have long thought that something like the attack tagger should be built-in to the game with more than just the super stripped-down version that is nearly useless when it comes to gathering information.


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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I think it must have been a business decision not show the seconds when an attack was sent and when an attack returns home since technically the time is calculated already just on backend the seconds are stripped away from the time sent.

I don't know the thinking involved on making this decision but IMO it is a wrong decision.

It is a wrong decision because for a long time there have been legal scripts which allowed to tag incomings on and show the exact time when an attack was sent and when an attack returns home ... precise up to second level.

What this means is that the people using these scripts get kind of an unfair advantage compared to probably most of the players who don't use scripts and simply use the built-in label tool which is not that precise.

So by having all of this built-in in the game this unfair advantage is removed and all the players have the same capabilities to "fight" each other.

Ofcurse there will still be players who might chose to not show return and sent times on their labeling format ... but it is their own choice as it is their own choice to not label the incoming at all (it still happens).

So these suggestions should help to make the game more fun and fair fair for all players.


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100% yes with 31 yes votes before poll got accidentally wiped. Counts recovered from cache.
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