Or else? You're scaring me, bro.
Nah bro, I'll just own you here for the world to see ^^
Don't need self respect. You will find it is rather entertaining to play chaotically and immaturely. Haven't taken TW serious for a very long time and I don't plan to for a very long time.
Took me off W40? More like you took a puny k11 cluster whilst I was gone as were my troops as one of your players wasted a hundred nukes on a single village. Taking me off W40 goes to the members of my official haters (<3) "HTKA" (gave me a good laugh on that one, hawkballer). Didn't have near the time to rebuild my losses so I quit and plagued another world.
Sending a couple of fakes? What'd you expect? I'd have nukes in an isolated cluster? Tut tut
And I think that even a couple of fakes sent at you would be quite "tough" seen as just for laughs I attacked one of your villages with a nuke from one of my own, rebuilt it and targetted the same village 6 times, and you messaged me saying that apparently I said I'd stop. Made my day!
And why did you capitilize 'took'? Please stop it with the grammatical errors, it hurts my feelings. And when my feelings are hurt, I cry. And when I cry, I have a habit of rapidly eating chips. So every time you make a grammatical error I gain weight. Do you want me to gain weight pootleroot? DO YOU?! D:
Twird it seems give most of his away to Kata