Do so, Your showing everyone how foolish you are, And as everyone can see. You screw people over if you can't win an argument. :icon_rolleyes:
yah i cant win an argument since everyone seems to believe your lies without showing the proof of your lies, that just proves my point
Originally Posted by Sixpointer

nick, you are the kid, i am just stupid for responding to you, LOL and i find it hard to stop as what you say is hilarious and invalid and biased and childish
You can't see he's owning you?
who cares, maybe i should go on your level," sticks and stones may break my bones but your childish words will never hurt me" LOL
I have learned one thing about the externals, it turns out to be a place for popularity where facts mean much less then the perception people try to portray, basically a joke from beginning to end