My hats off to Agreen, he has stood toe to toe with alot of us in the north when the rest of his tribe did nothing, at one point in time he was a prime target for recruitment, we anticipated he was vital to swing the battle, alas Dos have yet again proven less sturdy than we would have dared believe, we would still welcome him amongst our ranks however the time will come when you will be removed from k46 and k36 my friend.
As we bypass you and really start to open up the carcass of this fallen beast I anticipate less tribal support for you as those 'elite core' members of Dos rearrange their defense, It must be tough for Dos members knowing your demise is coming, all the merging, hugging, over exaggerated belief of self importance, 'the most interesting tribe in w42' nobling every 2k barb in sight just to keep their heads above water and all this at the hands of 'crying rim baby noobs' I think cliff called us. :icon_rolleyes: