I agree with this but I DO HAVE THE PROOF OF EVERYTHING IV BEEN SAYING!Budda, we were also losing accounts of beloved retired members to "hostile agents" a few times, such as MOJO-affiliated multis or even past Storm members. These agents always came as the friend of someone, still we never thought we should kick or rim the tricked ones, or call them traitors. Virtuality gives way too much opportunities for practically anyone with the appropriate mindset to trick others and act as a "virtual friend", and some people are easier to be tricked. It doesn't have to be part of a great conspiracy to make mistakes like trusting someone who doesn't worth it, and having it backfired on the ones you never wanted to hurt.
maybe you could't find the proof you needed to oust the traitors .. but I do have the proof!
and cane just because you wine and cry to everyone that your REALY loyal :icon_cry:
dosn't mean that everyone believe's you :icon_rolleyes::icon_redface:
and frod your not saddened.your worried and you should be :icon_biggrin:
you and mike both should be :icon_biggrin: because you've got to be thinking what proof I have and if you could just see it to muck it up .....:lol: