Most Promising Premades...


:icon_rolleyes: They must really suck, being the #1 tribe an all during start up.

That's always the case, but in my experience, once engaged early game they're decidedly underwhelming. We had lots of lulz at their expense in W42 (I think?).


There only is one difference in their playing style on this world.

And that is that River / Smurf the co leader of MANIC on world 24 and 42 is now leading it himself, and has no one to slow him down.
Wich can be a good or bad thing, only time will tell, but indeed if you wait to long they will be verry succesfull.


hey wicker! ;) good to see you here too.. you still plays world 43?

on topic: Yum and Coming looks very promising to me.. ;)

Nah, I don't. I stopped playing there many months ago :)

Hai hai bugcommander, heck ya I hit delete on 51, and Wickerman I think you will find me and my guys very interested and helpful in any endeavor that involves ridding the world of all perves. They be naughty with their binoculars.

Glad to hear that Chase X :) I can't wait to see the Perve's gone :icon_wink:


I think Yum! looks very nice

that tribe for sure is a good one, but I really doubt its a premade, judging by their location. If it is, its well organized, and imo having big threats like Happle, Gods. and COMING in their location. they for surely be playing a mixed offensive-defensive style.


Yum! started out with three accounts. Huggy, Clown and Snuggles. Everyone else was recruited. So no, I don't believe it's a premade.


I don't think any specific number defines a premade. w41 had a premade of 3 players that never recruited anyone else. If they had joined and recruited more people than they started with right away, I wouldn't refer to it as a premade.

EDIT: These are all the tribe changes they had, and look at the dates:

nateyboy04 Left 18th December 2009 - 22:00 642,830
poopPLUSlog Left 18th December 2009 - 19:00 782,748
dwilkes Left 17th December 2009 - 07:00 1,456,196
Stalker1988 Joined 09th December 2009 - 01:00 1,118,467
nateyboy04 Joined 30th November 2009 - 22:00 611,576
poopPLUSlog Joined 30th November 2009 - 16:00 630,946
dwilkes Joined 29th November 2009 - 22:00 1,212,522
raptorfree Left 29th October 2009 - 16:00 0
Living-Legend Left 05th October 2009 - 19:00 0
Incoming Spears Left 04th August 2009 - 13:00 0
crisco Joined 11th July 2009 - 10:00 62
Living-Legend Joined 11th July 2009 - 01:00 51
raptorfree Joined 11th July 2009 - 01:00 60
Incoming Spears Joined 10th July 2009 - 04:00 52
Me love you long time Joined 10th July 2009 - 01:00 26
Mo Points Mo Problems Joined 10th July 2009 - 01:00 32

6 players joined, 3 made it past 1 village. 5 months without recruitment. That's a premade, even though they only had 3 players.
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2 players that join a world and make a tribe with the plan to recruit the the rest of their required members is not a pre made..
DSL was a premade, yes?

Oh look, they're recruiting :|. Stop being ignorant.


DSL was a premade, yes?

Oh look, they're recruiting :|. Stop being ignorant.

No need to be rude.

Of course tribes recruit. The difference is whether they recruit to build a tribe, or they recruit to replace players. Premades replace inactive players as they go along. Two friends joining together recruiting a bunch of players to start a legitimate tribe is not a premade.


No need to be rude.

Of course tribes recruit. The difference is whether they recruit to build a tribe, or they recruit to replace players. Premades replace inactive players as they go along. Two friends joining together recruiting a bunch of players to start a legitimate tribe is not a premade.
But it was planned on, yes? Thus making it a pre-made tribe, thus making it a premade.


But it was planned on, yes? Thus making it a pre-made tribe, thus making it a premade.

Well then, going by that logic, every tribe that is created on the same day as the founder joins the world could be called a premade. Who knows, he could have been planning it (pre making it) for months in advance. :icon_eek:


Nah, I don't. I stopped playing there many months ago :)

Glad to hear that Chase X :) I can't wait to see the Perve's gone :icon_wink:

you guise dont like perves? thats too bad... wish you were closer to me so you can 'rid this world' of me as well ;)

or you could just stop closing your curtains ;)
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you guise dont like perves? thats too bad... wish you were closer to me so you can 'rid this world' of me as well ;)

or you could just stop closing your curtains ;)
We hate perves. We think they're a sad excuse for life. And their socks smell bad.